Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 124 Is there another world

Seeing that "grievance" was written in capital letters all over the face of the day,

Dojima Gin is really curious now,

What kind of food is this kid Qin Ran cooking that will make life so miserable?

Looking at the plate, I saw the so-called "love shape",

Dojima Gin is also stunned:

"Is this, a waffle?"

"Qin Ran, are you going to make this dish today?"

As one of the most common dishes in western restaurants, Dojima Gin has already recognized the dishes made by Qin Ran just from the aroma and appearance.

At this time, a feeling of disbelief occurred in his heart.

He never thought that this dish would be found in the restaurant during today's assessment.

Seeing Dojima Gin's shocked eyes, Qin Ran nodded:

"That's it."

"The topic Dojima-senpai gave to the shrew is to make a dish with eggs."

"The main ingredient in waffles is goose eggs.

"I'm making this dish, so it shouldn't be against the rules.

Violations are definitely not illegal,

But what Dojima Gin wants to complain at this moment is,

He clearly said that he hoped that Dajing would present a "new" cuisine.

And the waffle dish, from the head to the 200 feet, where can you see the new ideas.

No, if this kid is really as powerful as Mr. Chapelle described,

It should be impossible for him to cook such a simple dish.

Could it be that this dish is something else?

"Qin Ran, can I taste your cooking?"

"Of course you can!"

Qin Ran is a little excited!

Unexpectedly, at this point, he has the first customer to come to the door.

The first one to open in the audience, this is a very good start.

Soon, Qin Ran made Dojima Gin a waffle,

Dojima Gin didn't hesitate and chose to start it.

He felt that Qin Ran's cooking should not be that simple.

It should be that there are heaven and earth around.

As a result, after eating it, Dojima Gin was completely speechless.

It looks like a waffle!

Smells like waffles!

It tastes like waffles!

Is there a universe in it?

Come on, there is nothing here!

Emotion, this child, is really cooking this dish according to the recipe.

Putting down the plate in his hand, Dojima Gin hesitated for a moment, then rhymed:

"Student Qin Ran, if (aed]) I remember correctly."

"I said last night that I hope you will present new and innovative dishes!"

"At the same time, the dishes you cook should also conform to the restaurant's grade.

"But I think this dish you made is really a bit..."

"It's really a bit.

Dojima Gin actually wanted to say that this dish is a bit "laden"!

But for the sake of not letting the child in front of him be "eccentric", he was too embarrassed to rhyme the word.

In fact, the breakfast menu of their resort hotel cafeteria is a waffle dish.

However, Yunlai's waffles in their restaurant have been improved and have restaurant-specific flavored waffle dishes.

Without a special highlight, Dojima Gin would never allow this dish to rhyme on the hotel table.

And what the hell is Qin Ran thinking?

Could it be that he is not good at cooking with "eggs"?

After hearing those words from Dojima Gin, Qin Ran opened his mouth and said:

"Dojima-senpai, in fact, you just went around tasting the dishes, and you didn't taste them carefully enough!"

"Although I make the most common waffles, it's not without any details."


When Dojima Gin heard Qin Ran's words, he was slightly startled,

His first reaction was, there are details in this dish?


With his level and experience, if there is any secret in this dish, even if it cannot be accurately distinguished, at least he can "detect it.

However, seeing Qin Ran's calm appearance in front of him, he didn't seem to be bluffing himself.

"You give me another waffle and let me taste it!"

Dojima Gin decided to give it another try!

Qin Ran didn't say much, just made him another waffle.

This time, Dojima Gin is really calming down at the tasting night.

He closed his eyes slightly, and his brain was running fast.

However, he still didn't notice anything strange about the taste in his mouth.

"Qin Ran, although your waffles taste impeccable, I still don't notice anything in terms of novelty."

"If you just change the appearance and think it's a manifestation of novelty, then I'm sorry, maybe I won't allow this dish to rhyme on the table of the guests."

Although I quite like Qin Ran, but the assessment is the assessment,

In any case, it can't be so perfunctory!

Indeed, "new idea" is a vague concept that cannot quantify the specific standard of rhyme,

However, as a judge, you can use your own feelings to measure this standard.

This waffle in front of me is indeed "unremarkable"!

Even if the taste is flawless, it still cannot change the fact that it is "ordinary".

Just when Dojima Gin finished his evaluation,

Qin Ran suddenly opened his mouth and said something:


"You should have eaten two dishes that I made lately."

"Tasting twice, did you really notice nothing at all?"

Qin Ran deliberately bit harder on the word "taste" twice.

And Dojima Gin also heard the key points mentioned in Qin Ran's words,

He started to ponder, why Qin Ran deliberately emphasized the words "twice tasting".

With the deepening of deep contemplation,

Dojima Gin's body suddenly stiffened at a certain moment.


He got it!

The dishes made by Qin Ran are indeed different from Mongolia.

The first impression of the waffle dish is that it is delicious and convenient, and it will not be time-consuming to make.

But in fact, this dish belongs to the pastry category, and it is not suitable to eat more!

Because when making this dish, a lot of condensed milk and peanut butter, and vegetable oil will be added,

As a result, the more Xiao eats, the more greasy the tongue can feel.

So ordinary guests will get one!

Even SWAT customers who like to eat waffles will never eat more than three servings!

The only thing that makes Qin Ran's dishes different from Ju is that when Dojima Gin eats the second serving, this dish doesn't give him that kind of "sweet taste".

Thinking of this, Dojima Gin suddenly woke up.

"Qin Ran, how did you do this?"

Don't "You use a little oil and peanut butter?"

"No, without the oil and peanut butter, the flavor of this dish wouldn't have developed at all!"

"However, this taste is telling me that this is a waffle dish with a high degree of completion!

"You, what changes have you made in cooking!"

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