After hearing Yoshino Yuuki's words, Tadokoro Megumi fell silent.

She finally understands Xiao now, why even a girl as good as Erina likes Qin Ran.

Because, Qin Ran is really good too!

And most importantly, he was really gentle and understanding.

At this moment, in Tadokoro Megumi's mind, what he had seen on campus suddenly appeared,

A picture of Qin Ran and Erina walking together.

The boys are handsome and handsome, the girls are noble and beautiful,

The two chatting and laughing were like a prince and a princess on the phone.

They are really a good match.

But why, when I think of this perfect match, I feel a little sad in my heart?

Tadokoro Megumi silently glanced at the plate in front of him.

It's almost halfway to 30.

Well, I still have to continue to make persistent efforts.

In any case, to pass this test,

In this way, you can continue to stay in the school.

a little longer, a little longer!

to the end?

Well, make sure to get to the end!

Time is passing by every second!

Before I knew it, hours passed.

A strong and powerful voice slowly spread through the loudspeakers in various restaurants of the resort:

"time up!

"Please all freshmen stop working in your hands."

"Now it's up to the staff to count all your sales!"

The final statistical results will be released soon.

“First place: Qin Ran. Cooking: Welcome to the sea of ​​flowers in the morning sun!”

"Final Sale Quantity: 1208 copies!"

"Second Place: Nakiri Eyana. Cooking: Eggs Benedict!"

"Final sales quantity: 380 copies!

"Third Place: Nakiri Alice. Cooking: xxxx"

"Final sales quantity: 360 copies!

"fourth place:


A long way ahead, a ride to the top!

The achievement created by Qin Ran really broke the record of the highest sales in the history of Togetsu Academy in the residential training assessment.

Seeing this document in his hand, Mr. Chappelle looked at Dojima Gin and said with a smile:

"Dojima, do you remember how many breakfast dishes you sold during the dorm training activities?"

Dojima Gin nodded:

"Remember well!"

"After all, that journey is also a very unforgettable memory for me."

Teacher Chapelle nodded slightly:

"It's not just you, I remember it very clearly!"

"680 servings!"

"It's the number of sales you create.

"This result has allowed you to occupy the No. 1 position by far."

"Even after so many years, no one can surpass you.

"But now, the myth you created has finally been transcended.

"How about it, do you feel the vigor and vigor before the emergence of young people?"

Hearing Teacher Chapelle's words, Dojima Gin scratched his head late and said a little embarrassedly:

"Mr. Chapelle, it's not like you don't know.

"My first place was simply picked up.

"Strictly speaking, number one is not me at all.

"However, even that guy's achievements were surpassed today.

"This junior is really amazing."

"I finally understand why you praised him so much before, Teacher Chapelle.

Qin Ran's cooking, why is it so fast?

This is related to the convenience of molecular cooking cooking equipment.

You can make a box of "flower petals" made of "egg flowers" in 20 minutes!

With a little modification, it can be made into a dish for fifty people.

In addition, he started cooking ahead of time, so Qin Ran Rao was able to record the miracle of selling 120 dishes in 10 minutes.

Although this whole process seems to have the suspicion of "tricky"!

But anyway, it's done.

It is Qin Ran's skill to use high-tech machines to cook.

More importantly, the taste of Qin Ran's cooking with Yunlai really touched the hearts of the people!

Dojima Gin chatted with Mr. Chapelle for a while, then stood up and walked out of the window,

Looking at the blue sky outside the window, he suddenly had a few words in his heart that he wanted to say to someone.

Seiichiro, I don't know where you are right now.

do you know?

The achievements you once set, which you thought no one could "surpass", have finally been broken today.

The final exam is finally over.

After the celebration feast, Alice immediately ran to find Qin Ran's trace.

"Qin Ran, what the hell are you doing?"

"How do you do multiple dishes with one click?"

"Do you know? When I saw your grades, Miss Ben was stunned."

"~ I never imagined that a dish like a mere waffle could be sold for more than one jar!"

Later, after I saw the name of your dish, I reacted, and you actually changed the recipe temporarily!

"Damn, did you do it on purpose!"

"Deliberately hide from me and Erina, and then secretly do the whole big move, wanting to step on our heads?"

Seeing Alice's "fierce" "questioning" eyes,

Qin Ran instantly shouted "wronged"!

"Alice, I did plan to make waffles today."

"But just half an hour before the review started, Erina suddenly called me!"

"She didn't know what happened yesterday, but suddenly the special police told me seriously, I hope I can take full advantage of my strength today."

"I have promised her a few things before, so I will temporarily change Xiao's recipe at that moment!

After saying this, Qin Ran turned to look at Ehui Na,

I saw that he asked curiously: (Xiao's)

"Eena, it's hard to relax now.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"You know what? It's so sudden, I didn't expect you to make such a request to me."

"Fortunately, you called me half an hour in advance, otherwise it might be too late.

After hearing Qin Ran's words, before Ehui Na could answer, Alice also interjected curiously and asked:

"Erina, did you tell Qin Ran to change the recipe?"

"What happened? Didn't they all agree to leave this guy alone and let him fall?"

"Why do you want him to take all the battle of strength?"

After a moment of silence, Erina slowly opened the mouth and said:

"Actually, I called Qin Ran because I suddenly realized something.

"Do you remember those people in suits and notebooks in the restaurant this morning?"

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