Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 180 Deduction of \"Stunts\"\r

"Mr. Qin Ran?"

"Mr. Qin Ran?"

Hearing someone whispering to him, Qin Ran turned his head subconsciously.

It turned out that the person who called him~ was Kami Ryoko.

"It's Ryoko, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter with calling me?"

Sakaki Ryoko looked at the book in Qin Ran's hand, and said in a small voice:

"How could Jun Qin Ran read books at such a time - ah.

"Encyclopedia of spices, isn't this a book that the school will distribute when you are in junior high school?"

"Kin Ran-kun... You shouldn't have started now, trying to make up for the information about spices.""

Qin Ran smiled awkwardly:

"It's not like it's just starting to make up for it now.

"I'm just, thinking about something. 35

"Ryoko, don't worry about me."

“I bring it back to cook in time. 55

Hearing Qin Ran's answer, Sakaki Ryoko nodded helplessly.

Soon, she threw herself into the making of her own cooking.

Qin Ran took a look around, he quickly calmed down, and continued to read the book,

In fact, the reason why he is reading "The Encyclopedia of Spices" is to confirm one thing through thinking.

I remember when I was reading the original book, Ryo Hayama said something to Yukihira Sōma,

“In a dish, it is the aroma that impresses customers more than the appearance and taste.

The point of this sentence is to emphasize that aroma is the vanguard of a dish to attract diners.

In this world, it can be said that 100% of chefs believe that in a dish, aroma, appearance and taste are independent of each other.

Some chefs like to highlight the aroma of the dishes,

Some chefs like to highlight the appearance of dishes,

Some chefs like to highlight the taste of dishes,

However, in the world of "China One", there are many chefs who believe that in a dish, these three are not independent.

Before the fairy Abe passed away, she left a manual about the "dark cooking world" in her hometown.

In this handbook, many unique skills mastered by chefs in the dark cooking world are recorded.

Among the many unique skills that are active in the dark cooking world, there is a trick called "Spice Inequality"!

When it comes to spice inequality, Qin Ran subconsciously thinks of a person.

Blue Eyed Tiger, Mira!

One of the five masters in the dark cooking world,

Nicknamed "Mirror"!

Possesses Ability: Super Vision!

No matter who is fighting, Mira with super vision can instantly copy the opponent's movements and reproduce the opponent's stunt exactly!

Compared to Mira's perfect copy, the so-called imitation of Mizuo-an in the world of Shokugeki no Soma is fundamentally paediatric.

Of course, what Qin Ran cares about at the moment is not Mira's "replication ability"!

But another stunt she mastered, "Spice Inequality"!

Mila, known as the Queen of Spice, can even reorganize and match aromas in already-completed dishes.

In addition, there are more exaggerated places,

The dishes she made have even affected the taste of the dishes through the carving of fragrance.

Why do so many chefs in modern society think that aroma and taste are separate existences in a dish?

This is because the taste and olfactory nerves in the human body are also independent of each other.

Taste nerves perceive taste.

The olfactory nerve perceives odors.

And what kind of realm has Mira's dishes made by using the "spice inequality"?

To describe it specifically, the smell of the dishes has not only shaken people's olfactory nerves.

Even the taste nerves respond to this.

The specific point to be described again is that the fragrance is completely transformed into a substantial substance.

This kind of breakthrough in the realm,

It's a dimensional difference.

If Mira can achieve this state, can he do the same thing himself?

Qin Ran does not "spice inequality!

But he also has his own areas of expertise.

Molecular cuisine!

Any smell and taste can be interpreted as elemental units.

Why is Qin Ran reading the book "The Encyclopedia of Spices"?

It's because when he didn't see a spice recorded in the book, his brain was calculating fast.

That's right!

The state of Qin Ran's brain at this time is like a high-performance supercomputer.

What he is trying now is to deduce the principle of incense "spice inequality"!

Find ways to make scent materialize.

Let the smell blend in with the taste completely.

Shake the taste nerves with aroma,

Thus creating a "different" food world.

...for flowers

It's hard!

It's really hard to do this!

Wouldn't it be great if you could taste the dishes made by the blue-eyed tiger Mila?

No way, in the handbook left by the fairy Abe, she only took this "spice inequality" in an understatement!

And Qin Ran can only continue to calculate and deduce through this "understatement".

The scent of cinnamon comes from volatile oils!

The scent of star anise comes from anisaldehyde!

The aroma of pepper comes from amides!

The aroma of curry leaves is similar to cinnamon, but also comes from volatile oils!

How to combine these elements?

How can we use the scent to shake the palate?

Use molecular formulas to calculate in your head!

Use super taste to deduce in your mind!

It's hard though!

However, there must be a way.

Since it is a real thing, there must be traces to follow.

Before that, let's clarify the principles and functions of spices.

It seems to be quietly "reading a book",

In fact, Qin Ran thought about it for a whole hour.

Other people's cooking has almost reached the climax, Qin Ran closed the book in his hand and walked to the ingredients area.

Decided, let's make that dish.

I don't know if my thinking is right or not, but I should give it a try.

Qin Ran decided to make this dish, the production process is quite complicated,

2 hours left,

You have to speed up a bit.

After choosing the ingredients, Qin Ran took out his mobile phone and called Alice.

"Qin Ran, what are you doing?"

"I'm taking an exam, why are you calling me at this time?"

"Did something happen?"

"What? You need some equipment? Oh, oh, I see, I have the equipment there."5

"I can have it delivered, but what do you want these things for?"

"It's been more than an hour, you haven't just decided what to cook, have you?"

"I'm waiting for a 1v1 duel with you in the official match, don't be eliminated in the preliminaries.

"Okay, I'll let someone deliver the things now, you can get it done as soon as possible!".

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