Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 19 This commission is not easy

Erina finally realized that the most terrifying problem had arisen.

That is the matter of taking a bath, how to solve it.

The matter of the room may be resolved,

But, what's going on with the body...

Seeing that Erina's face was wrong, Qin Ran didn't know what to say at this moment.

"I think, I can't wash my own as before."


Erina's face was a little dark,

But behind the blackness, behind her fair ears, a faint blush appeared quietly,

Damn it, why would something so outrageous as a body swap happen!

Moreover, it also appeared on her.

Is there any way to change the body back!

If it goes on like this, she really doesn't know how long she can last!


In the blink of an eye, the next day came,

When Erina in pajamas walked out of the room, Qin Ran was really pissed off.

This guy really slept on the sofa for one night.

But how can this sleep look like this.

A slender and jade-like beauty faded, very unsightly, on the back of the sofa,

Seeing his body in such an unsightly pose,

Erina immediately rushed over with gritted teeth and slapped Qin Ran awake.

"What time is it, still in bed!"

"Have you forgotten what I said to you yesterday?"

"Today, there is an entrustment that needs to be handled!"

Qin Ran opened his eyes in a daze,

At this point, do you have to get up to handle the entrustment?

Erina, what is this girl doing with such a fire early in the morning?

This commission is not for her to accept.

Or, Erina is also a girl who has the air of getting up?

Yesterday, Erina and Qin Ran discussed the matter to the end, but they didn't think about how to solve the problem of taking a bath.

In the end, Erina also gave up.

Love it, let it drop, my body has been seen by Qin Ran,

What can she do now?

He could only hold back his resentment and open one eye and close the other.

wash, dress,

Soon, Qin Ran after changing clothes became the Erina in the impression of others.

Walking with a trace of Tsundere momentum,

Although some are not used to it, but outsiders should not see anything.

Soon, a driver at home came to pick up Qin Ran.

Hisako and Qin Ran sat in the back, while Erina sat in the co-pilot's seat.

"Miss, today's commission is from the Nakasaka family."

"The Nakasaka family started out as a cafeteria."

"There are nearly 60 chain cafeterias in Japan, and one five-star hotel."

"Today we are going to this five-star hotel run by the Nakasaka family."

"The patriarch of the Nakasaka family, I hope you can give suggestions for improving the dishes in the hotel."

While listening to Hisako's introduction, Qin Ran flipped through the entrusted order information that needed to be processed today.

However, in the next second, he heard Hisako's words change, and hesitantly said:

"But... miss..."

Seeing that Hisako seemed to have something to say, Qin Ran asked:

"Hisako, what's wrong?"

"If you have something to say, just say it."

Hisako bit Bo Feng lightly, then quickly pulled out another document from the document bag and handed it to Qin Ran:

"Miss, today's entrustment may not be so simple."

"It's not that simple? What do you mean?"

Hisako organized the language in his mind and quickly replied:

"It's like this, the day after this commission was issued."

"The person in charge of the Nakasaka family, Mr. Nakasaka Doling called me alone."

"On the phone, he told me something."

"The information I gave you just now is the resume and information of the current chef of Zhongban International Hotel."

"This person's name is Alan Bo Lun!"

"Because it is close to the airport, the main source of revenue for Zhongban International Hotel is mostly foreign tourists visiting Tokyo."

"So Western cuisine is the main business of hotel restaurants."

"In order to better serve customers, Mr. Nakasaka Toryu paid a lot of money to hire Chef Alan from a hotel in Europe."

"But later, as the hours of work here continued to grow, Chef Ellen seemed to have some problems with his work attitude."

Hisako's speech is relatively brief, but he can accurately say the key to the problem.

With her introduction, Qin Ran knew where the trouble was with this commission.

Very simply, in one sentence, this chef named Ai Lan has a hint of arrogance.

Because the hotel's business has been growing, the chef named Ailan believes that his cuisine has brought certain results to the hotel.

So he is very confident in his own cooking, but Nakasaka Doling feels that the new dishes introduced by Chef Ailan every season are somewhat similar in taste.

Tōling Nakasaka had also raised this matter with him vaguely, but the head chef named Ailan felt very confident that the dishes he cooked did not have the problems raised by Tōling Nakasaka.

Taking the opportunity of this commission, Nakasaka Tori hopes that Nakiri Erina, the tongue of God, can make Chef Ailan understand the truth that there are people outside the universe.

If possible, it is best to completely reverse some of the bad habits of Chef Alan! *

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