Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 205 Little secretary, am I very good?\r

Alice sat down on the booth of the box, then smiled slightly:

"Mr. Chuan Shouxin, please have a seat too."

"There is no need to say more polite words.

"Mr. Chuan Shouxin, do you know why I came to you today?"

After Chuan Shouxin sat down, he gently shook his head,

"Also ask Miss Alice to make it clear."

Alice didn't say too much nonsense to Chuan Shouxin, and went straight to the topic as soon as she came up:

"Not long ago, did the restaurant run by Mr. Chuan Shouxin have a new food consultant? 35

Hearing Alice's words, Chuan Shouxin~ quickly replied:

"That's what happened!"

"Now our food consultant at Victorian restaurant is Eizan Eiyama-Tsuya, one of the Elite Ten of Tōtsuki Gakuen. 39

Alice nodded:

"Mr. Kawamori, as far as I know, it seems that your restaurant has to pay Eizan 500w as a consultant fee every month, right?

"Since I called Chuan Shouxin to come here, Miss Ben will not hide it.

"Because of something, this guy Eishan offended Miss Ben."

"Now that Miss Ben wants to deal with him, the situation is as simple as that."

"There are two choices in front of you, Mr. Chuan Shouxin,

"One: Choose to continue working with Eizan, but after making this choice, the Nakiri family will treat you as undesirables from now on.

"Two: Interrupt the cooperation with Eisan, and Miss Ben will serve as the food consultant of your restaurant. Miss Ben has won many international awards, and I believe that she will be able to provide better consulting services for your restaurant. At the same time, the most important thing is Yes, you can also reap the friendship of our Nakiri family.

After listening to Alice's words, Chuan Shouxin became petrified,

He never dreamed that Miss Alice summoned him because of this!

Miss Alice wants to deal with Eizan?

It's hard to do now,

Even two choices came out,

It seems that Miss Alice is not joking.

Alice saw that Chuan Shouxin didn't speak, she raised her wrist and looked at the time:

"Miss Ben is very busy, and there are several chain store owners to meet later.

"If Chuan Shouxin still needs to think carefully about such a simple trivial matter, then please go back and think about it."5

"Within 1 day, if Chuan Shouxin doesn't reply, then the cooperation will be over.

Chuan Shouxin thought about it in his heart, and the next second, he raised his head:

"Miss Alice, don't think about it!"

"I choose the second option!

"We can immediately discontinue the cooperation with Eizan!"

Seeing that this guy responded so quickly, a faint smile appeared on Alice's face:

"Oh? Agreed so soon? 55

"Mr. Kawasoo Shinobu really doesn't have to think carefully? 39

Chuan Shouxin shook his head:

"Don't think about it anymore, it's a great honor for us that Miss Alice is willing to work with us."

"If I refuse, it would be too ignorant to praise.

Business people are very smart,

Compared to the friendship between Alice and Nakiri's family, Eizan Ou is nothing.

I don't know how that guy offended Miss Alice,

This is too eye-opening.

A food consultant, it doesn't really matter,

In contrast, Alice is willing to serve as a food consultant, which is what makes Chuan Shouxin excited.

To be able to work directly with Nakiri's family is the dream of many Japanese restaurants?

This sign alone is enough to attract customers to patronize.

Unless you are a fool, you will never reject Alice's proposal.

Seeing that this guy is so funny, Alice gave Hisako a look,

Soon Alice pulled a contract out of her file bag.

Chuan Shouxin read the contract, and without any hesitation, signed it directly.

Then, he looked at the secretary and said:

"Call Eizan-san and tell him that we have decided to unilaterally cancel our cooperation with him.

"The liquidated damages will be called to him by a lot of points."9

The secretary just took out his cell phone,

Alice opened her mouth and said:

"Mr. Chuan Shouxin, don't rush to make this call!"

"Didn't I just say that? I still have some people to meet.

"When I finish the matter, I will let Eizan know about it.

"I think I mean, you should be able to understand.""

After all, I have been in the catering business for ten or twenty years,

This suggests that Chuan Shouxin still understands.

It seems that Miss Alice's digging is not just digging a restaurant,

・Seeking flowers・・

She obviously wanted to wipe out all the merchants that cooperated with Eizan.

Until then, be tight-lipped, okay?

Thinking of this, Chuan Shouxin immediately expressed his thoughts:

"Miss Alice, don't worry!"

"Our victorian restaurant will remain tight-lipped until we get your permission.

"Since you have something to do later, Miss Alice, we won't bother you here any longer.

Soon, Chuan Shouxin left in a hurry with his secretary.

Alice took a sip of coffee with a smile, then looked at Hisako:

"Little secretary, how are you?"

"Is Miss Ben's ability to handle affairs particularly strong? 35


"Dong dong dong, the first customer, so easy to solve. 99

"Am I very good?"

Hisako smiled awkwardly, and she didn't know if she should echo Alice.

She can also understand why Chuan Shouxin and the others are so knowledgeable.

After all, as Qin Ran said, Alice's surname Nakiri is enough to bluff people.

To put it bluntly, food consultants can be found anywhere,

Chefs can be hired anywhere.

However, in Japan, there is only one Nakiri family with a detached status.

Even Tōtsuki Gakuen belongs to the Nakiri family,

A mere Elite Ten in school, compared to Nakiri Alice, it's a fart.

After Hisako received the contract signed by Chuan Shouxin just now, he took out a notebook:

"Miss Alice, the owner of the Aike restaurant chain is coming later.

"Four o'clock is when the owner of the Victoria Hotel needs to meet!

"It's Yunna Bar at half past four..."

"Five o'clock is...

Seeing Hisako announce one name after another, Alice, who is leisurely drinking coffee, really feels her head is getting bigger.

Why so many people?

Is this how Erina used to work?

No wonder she has a bad temper. She meets so many people all day long. Is she in a good mood?

"Hisako, call those people and ask them to come together. Years

"I think it's too tiring to meet one by one, so I shouted together and tried to get it all at once!!"

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