Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 25 I invite you to drink a bottle of mineral water


Incredibly dumbfounded!

After a long time, Qin Ran completely recovered!

Come on, he knows now.

This girl, Erina, is going to cut her beard!

Sister, my lovely sister Erina,

I'm still counting on that money to eat!

You can't be like this.

If it is said that through venting just now, my mood has improved a little bit,

So now, seeing Qin Ran's expression at this time, Erina suddenly felt that she was really cool like never before!

It's so cool, it's so cool that it takes off!

This Damn it guy has finally been caught by Miss Ben now.

Comfortable, really comfortable,

Erina felt that her mood at this time was really beautiful.

She looked at Qin Ran with a smile, and repeated:

"Erina, you are so rich, you shouldn't care about a mere commission fee."

"After all, today's cooking was independently reviewed by me."


At this time, Qin Ran is really a bit difficult to ride a tiger,

He is Erina now, and it is impossible to care about five million according to normal logic.

Come on, I was trapped by this girl,

Qin Ran had no choice but to nibble at the small Hongfeng, and said with blood dripping in his heart:

"Since it's your comment, I'll give you the commission."

"I... I really don't care about this "small" entrustment."


A wide-eyed smile appeared on Erina's face,

The next second, she put away her smile and looked at the hotel owner:

"Can Mr. Nakasaka give me the check?"

"Ah this..."

Since Erina has no objection, Nakasaka will naturally not say much.

Soon, he had someone bring a check,

Subsequently, Erina received the reward.

Sitting in the car, on the way home, Erina felt in a very good mood.

She really didn't care about the money, but she was very happy with the five million received today.

Taking a look at Qin Ran, this guy really looked a little ugly.

Let you be cheap with Miss Ben, you deserve it!

At this moment, Erina suddenly felt that her waist was lightly poked,

"You guy, what do you want to do?"

Hearing Erina's whispered question, Qin Ran secretly slipped her a note.

"I'm so poor, can you give me some points?"

Because he was in the car, and the driver and Hisako were there, naturally he couldn't speak.

Erina didn't expect Qin Ran to pass a note to herself.

Seeing Qin Ran's grievances and Baba's words written on the note, Erina was almost amused.

She secretly glanced at Qin Ran, Qin Ran was sitting next to him, staring straight ahead, looking like a very quiet lady,

As a result, he secretly passed this kind of thing to himself?

Ever since she was a child, Erina has never done anything like passing notes.

She gave Qin Ran a look and made a silent gesture, wanting to ask him where the pen came from.

Qin Ran secretly took a pen and handed it to Erina.

Erina glanced at Hisako and the driver who were sitting in front, and when the two were not paying attention, she quickly wrote on the note, and then returned the note to Qin Ran.

"The commission was sent to me."

“I am also the person who tasted the reviews.”

"According to normal circumstances, it seems that all the commission money should be mine."


Now Qin Ran doesn't speak anymore.

Erina was right, the commission was her own.

It is she who does the work,

I just brought her here.

Forget it, think of other ways to make money.

Qin Ran crumpled the note into a ball and threw it in the garbage bag in the back seat of the car.

Seeing Qin Ran's move, Erina was slightly startled,

After frowning for a moment, Erina nibbled thinly and secretly took out the note again.

"You guy, are you angry?"

"I'm not angry. I think what you said makes sense. You should really take all the money."


Is this guy very short of money?

Erina looked at Qin Ran and was silent for a long time,

After a while, she wrote on the note:

"If you entrust you to comment on your own in the future, I can consider sharing half of the payment with you."

"As a gift from this lady, if I need you to do anything in the future, you must not refuse."

And such a good thing?

Seeing what Erina wrote on the note, Qin Ran asked suspiciously:

"Really or not, the commissions for these entrusted tasks of yours are not a small sum."

"You guy, do you think I'm going to lie to you?"

"Then I can't agree. Who knows what you will ask me to do in the future. I'm afraid you will set me up."


Erina was so angry that she wanted to grit her teeth.

Damn it this guy.

You don't know how to go down the stairs.

Forget it, do you like it or not, do you think this lady is really rare?

The beautiful big eyes rolled, Erina looked at Qin Ran:

"Erina, thank you so much for the money I made today."

"Otherwise, I'll invite you to drink a bottle of mineral water to express my gratitude."

Qin Ran couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this,

This girl, absolutely forced and intentional! *

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