Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 79 The strength of the eldest miss

Hearing Mr. Chapelle's words, Eine didn't have much response from the special police.

She looked at each other and gave her own answer word by word:

"There is no one set recipe that will satisfy all guests.

As "a wise chef, if you can't cook without a recipe, this kind of person can only be an apprentice for the rest of your life!"

Interval cook?

After Mr. Chapelle heard these words, she gave Erina a deep look,

It seems that the "boy" in front of him has deep confidence in his cooking skills.

At this moment, Chapelle did not choose to continue chatting on this topic,

He looked at "Eenai" who was only one person, Ji Sheng asked:

"Where's your partner in the group? Didn't she come up?"

Looking at Chappelle, Erina said calmly:

"I'm used to cooking alone!

"The classmate in my group said that if he did nothing, he would feel bad about it.

"That's why she also chose to dry herself to finish her own cooking."

Ciel understood Akatsuki's words.

It seems that this group of people are quite individual.

The chat was basically over here, and soon, Chappelle put all his attention on the dishes made by Erina.

Exquisite appearance, charming fragrance,

Although I didn't make 107 dishes according to the recipe I gave to Meng, the beef stew in Burgundy red wine in front of me is quite charming.

Pick up a piece of beef in the plate, Chapelle tastes it carefully. Wake up late,

Just the first bite, the taste of the food shocked him.

Burgundy Beef Stew is a very classic French dish.

According to the traditional production method, it takes more than 1 hour just to marinate and taste.

Coupled with frying and stewing, without more than four hours of effort, this dish cannot be completely completed.

And in a restaurant, what kind of customer can wait four or five hours for a dish?

Later, "the method of tender meat processing has greatly shortened the completion time of this dish.

But even so, it will take at least an hour to finish this dish.

Anyone who has been in the kitchen knows that any stewed meat dish will taste better the longer it is stewed.

And this "Burgundy Red Beef Stew" made by Erina obviously took Akatsuki to complete in just one hour, but the taste and texture are not inferior to those dishes that take Akatsuki's time to cook.

This feeling is like feeling a "magic".

It's not just that the taste of the beef has become better, but that the whole dish has been reborn.

How exactly is this done?

Chapelle picked up a piece of beef again and watched carefully.


There is something wrong with the cut of this beef.

Chapelle's brain was spinning rapidly at this moment,

In just over ten seconds, he found some clues.

Beef cuts have many tiny holes.

There must have been something to pierce the beef through Akatsuki before.

What is it that runs through the beef?

How does this step play a role in cooking?

Chapelle thought hard about the answers to all this.

"Are these small holes made of iron hair or something like tying the rhyme?"

"Why do you speed up the marinating speed, or speed up the frying, and speed up the cooking process?"

Hearing Teacher Chapelle's question,

Evana replied calmly:

"Accelerate the frying for the occasion.

"Mr. Chapelle, you're right, the holes on the cut surface of the beef were indeed made by me using iron hair to penetrate the rhyme."

"It's just that after finishing all this, I didn't ask for the iron mirror, but kept it here and baked it together."

"The whole process is somewhat similar to making a barbecue."

When Chapelle heard this, he already understood everything.

In the kitchen, in order to save time, many chefs choose to use tools to poke holes in the meat.

Some are for the convenience of Xiao's cooking, and some are to speed up the marinating of the meat.

What Eina uses, however, is the principle that the iron mirror conducts heat quickly.

(aedi) is pushed into the oven together with the beef that has been pierced by an iron skewer,

The iron money made of iron will have a thermal conductivity reaction due to the overheating temperature in the oven,

Together with the high temperature outside and the high temperature generated, the maturity of the cooking is accelerated.

It can greatly reduce the cooking time of the chef.

However, there is still something wrong with this.

According to this method, it can save time, but it will not improve the taste and taste of this dish so obviously.

Erina's "magic" performing rhythm in this dish should not be the only place!

Raised his head and looked at Eina,

Chappelle pondered for a moment, then slowly said:

"This dish you made tastes very much like the kind of water dripping through stone, and only through continuous accumulation, the heavy feeling of rhythm will emerge."

Pretty "mature flavors, you've probably used some other unique trick I haven't found."

Erina nodded slightly,

"I used hawthorn."


Hearing this word, Chappelle was stunned for a moment.

A few seconds later, a smile appeared on his face as if he had been empowered by Daigo.

"I see."

"The fundamental purpose of iron money perforating beef is not just to speed up heat conduction.

"There is also the idea of ​​using Hawthorn."

There are actually many ways to make beef tender and rotten quickly.

Beer, white vinegar, hawthorn, honey, starch, egg white can all accelerate the change of the molecular structure of meaty ingredients.

Among them, hawthorn, in particular, has the best effect.

Hawthorn is rich in maslinic acid, which can stimulate the "umami" of the original ingredients and make them play a better role.

The so-called principle of accelerating heat conduction through iron hair is just the appearance of this dish,

What really works is the maslinic acid that is easily extracted from hawthorn, which quickly penetrates into the meat quality of beef.

Although the cooking time used is not much, it gives the ingredients a "taste" that would have taken several hours to simmer.

At the same time, the taste of the whole dish has changed like a magnifying glass because of the "freshening effect" of maslinic acid.

There is no doubt that this is a cooking method that only chefs with enough "experience" and insightful imagination in the kitchen can think about.


Indescribably awesome!

The child in front of him has the highest strength.

In an instant, Chapelle felt the "terrifying" level of Ukierina.

Even if he is just entering school, does he possess the same strength as the "Elite Ten"?

In this class of students, it seems that there is a "very powerful" presence again.

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