Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 92 Raising Horses? Ah, Raising Fox Spirits

"Okay, about today's meeting, let's stop here for the time being.

"Please do your part and do your job well.

After the meeting of the Totsuki Elite Ten Council,

Erina stood up and was ready to go back.

The Elite Tens left one after another, but at this moment, someone suddenly stopped Einna.

"Nakiri-san, can I take your time a little bit?"

Looking at Isshiki Satoshi, Eina was slightly taken aback,

The next second, she asked:

"Isshiki-senpai, what's the matter?"

Isshiki Satoshi looked at Eina with a smile and said:

"I want to invite classmate Nakiri to our Polestar House as a guest."

"I want to express my gratitude to Nakiri-san for her kind deeds."

Invite me to be a guest at Polestar House?

Say thanks for my previous act of kindness?

Erina's brow furrowed slightly, what Isshiki Satoshi said was all a mess.

She didn't understand at all.

"Yoshiki-senpai, what are you talking about?"

"04What kindness?"

"Can you explain it more clearly, senior?"

Seeing Erina's confused look, Isshiki Satoshi scratched his head and said with some doubts:

"Has the difficult classmate forgot?"

"It's Xiaozhi!"

"The girl from our Polestar House, Tadokoro Megumi."

"She has always been lacking in self-confidence. It was Nakiri, your kindness and comfort, that made her slowly start to gain confidence."

"Xiaohui, she was embarrassed to come to find you by herself, so she entrusted me to send you an invitation.

"Xiaohui really wants to cook a few dishes by herself, and would like to invite Nakiri-san to taste it."

"As a senior, I'm really embarrassed to refuse her request."

Eina still didn't quite understand Isshiki Satoshi's words,

Tadokoro Megumi?

Who is this guy?

The cautious Erina, through euphemism, rhymes the specific situation from Isshiki Satoshi's mouth.

After learning the "cause and consequence" of the matter!

Erina's face darkened instantly.


Qin Ran, this bastard can do it!

Is Tadokoro Megumi?

When I didn't clean him up, did this guy go out to pick up girls?

A few days ago Hui, Alice got this love novel from nowhere and shared it with Erina.

She now deeply feels that there is a sentence in that novel that is very reasonable.

"If a man doesn't clean up for three days, he can go to the house and uncover the tiles!"

Sure enough, I still have to pay a little bit of money to Qin Ran.

Use her Erina's decency to enlighten a girl who is "the tail of the crane"?

Also the SWAT is gentle, how about Te Zeng kiss?

Erina clenched her fists tightly at this moment.

Even she has never enjoyed this kind of treatment,

Dude, how could Qin Ran do this to police girls?

"Ishishiki-senpai, I'm a little uncomfortable."

"About what you said, let's talk about it when you have time."

"Sorry, I want to go to rest, I'll leave first."

Isshiki Satoshi was stunned when Erina was about to leave.

What I just said should be normal.

Why is Nakiri's face so ugly?

But seeing Nakiri Erina walking towards the dawn, Isshiki Satoshi hurriedly said:

"Nakiri-san, please wait a moment."

"If it's not convenient for you to visit our Jixing House recently, you can make an appointment next time.

"Well, I have another thing, I want to ask Nakiri-san.

Erina stopped to dry, her voice was slightly cold:

"Isoshiki-senpai, is there anything else?"

Isshiki Satoshi shook his head embarrassedly, then whispered:

"I'm actually quite embarrassed to say this rashly."

"But Xiaohui, please let me hang, and I'm too embarrassed to refuse.

"That's right, if Nakiri-san wants land, can you spare the Local Cuisine Research Association?"

"This girl, Xiaohui, was scared to cry today."

"If it's because of her that the local cuisine research will be targeted, I'm afraid she won't even have the courage to stay here."

"If Nakiri really likes raising horses, I can help Nakiri find a piece of land."

Breeding horses?

Erina was stunned and poor?

What breeds horses?

When did she say she wanted to keep a horse late?

What is this?

Why is Isshiki-senpai saying so much nonsense?

"Senior Isshiki, why do you keep horses?

"When did I say such a thing?"

Seeing Evana's appearance as if she didn't know anything, Isshiki explained with more effort:

"It happened this afternoon."

"That's what your subordinate, a classmate named Qin Ran, said to Xiaohui.

"Say you want to annex the land of the Local Cuisine Research Association and get you a place to raise horses."


Evana finally understood everything now.


Qin Ran is really doing a lot of big things behind her back.

Breeding horses?

He wants to raise fox spirits!

After returning to his office,

Eina's voice was very cold:

"Hisako, among the freshmen, there is a person named Tadokoro Megumi, please give me all her information."

Seeing that the young lady seemed to be in a very bad mood, Hisako didn't dare to delay, and soon he was sent all the information of Tadokoro Megumi.

Erina looked at Tadokoro Megumi's profile, and her photo,

His eyes became more and more indifferent.

pure, pure,

With a look of pity I see,

Do men like this type of 143 girls?

Qin Ran is too lazy to be like a pig. Erina has never seen him take the initiative to do anything.

And now, I ran to take the initiative to comfort and enlighten a pure and innocent girl with ponytails,

There is no way here, and she wouldn't believe it if Erina was killed.

After ten seconds of silence,

Erina picked up the phone and dialed Qin Ran's number:

"Where are you now?"

"It's Erina, I'm watching TV at home now, what's wrong?"

"Qin Ran, come to my office, I have something to tell you."

"Can you be late? I just saw the wonderful place.

"Qin Ran, I'm telling you now, you'll be dead if you don't arrive at my office in 5 minutes!"

Although Ehui Na tried her best to suppress her emotions, Qin Ran still felt that the eldest lady was angry.

I don't know why this girl is angry, but Qin Ran still turned off the TV and came to her office.

"Eina, I'm late.

What's the matter, "What's the matter with me?"

Ehui Na put the information in her hand, raised her head, "Looking at Qin Ran calmly:

"Rural Cuisine Research Association, did you know?"

"Rural Cuisine Research Association??"

Qin Ran said curiously:

"I know, Erina, what are you asking about this?",

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