Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 112: What? ! Does this meat still have such effects?

Chapter 112 What? ! Does this meat still have such effects?

 “Who leaked the news?”

 “Many people came to buy lunch boxes.”

 “Fortunately, I grabbed three copies!”

 “Do you know how difficult it is to eat a lunch box from Chef Jiang?”

By the river, several fishing guys were talking about it.

At this time, I saw a fishing man take out a lunch box from his bag, hold a piece of braised pork with chopsticks, and throw it directly into the lake.

This scene was seen by several people nearby.

 “Hold the grass! What are you doing! I asked you what are you doing?!”

  one person exclaimed.

 “Make a nest!”

The fishing guy responded.

“You use a box lunch to make a nest? I didn’t even buy this box lunch, but you actually use it to make a nest?”

"I bought three portions, ate one portion, kept one portion, and used the remaining portion to make a nest."

 Hearing what he said, the people next to him suddenly lost their temper.

 You can do whatever you like with the lunch boxes you buy.

 But making a nest with a packed lunch is a bit outrageous.

However, there is indeed such a legend in the fishing industry:

 “Making a nest with leftovers, the more you catch, the more you catch”

  It means to make a nest with the leftover rice. The rice is soaked with the aroma of vegetable juice and gravy, which can attract many fish.

This man threw several pieces of braised pork down.

Seeing his wasteful behavior, the old fishing guys around him were filled with resentment.

That is extremely delicious braised pork, made by Chef Jiang himself.

 Actually making a nest?

The guy who makes the nest is very calm. If there is only one box lunch, he will definitely not be willing to part with it.

 But he bought three copies, and one was only 18, which was just right for making a nest.

 He threw seven or eight pieces of braised pork in succession and threw all the meat into the river.

The fishing guys around me all looked towards the river.

Then, an unexpected picture appeared.

I saw a **** fish suddenly emerge from the river, swallowed a piece of braised pork, then flicked its tail on the river surface and submerged into the river again.

 “Hold the grass! It’s snakehead! There is snakehead here!”

“I just said that these few fish couldn’t be caught, it turned out to be black fish!”

 “Catch it!”

 When the fishing friends around saw the snakeheaded fish, they didn’t care about making a nest with lunch boxes, and all their attention was focused on the snakeheaded fish.

 Snakehead fish is a ferocious freshwater fish that can usually be caught using a lure.

This kind of fish has a ferocious temperament and will eat any small fish.

 Fortunately, the ecology of Moon River is relatively good, there are many fish, and the snakehead fish can’t be eaten all.

 Otherwise, there might be no fish left in the river.

 “Is there a black fish? Where is it!”

 “Make a nest with braised pork and catch it!”

 “What kind of nest are we making? Can’t we just use braised pork as bait?”

 “Damn, I almost forgot, put it on the fishhook!”

 The fishing friends are excited.

 For them, nothing is more important than fishing.

 Brother Dawo Na was also confused.

 What a **** fish just now!

And judging from the shadow on the river, there is more than one.

 He looked inside the lunch box and saw that the braised pork was gone.

 But he still had a lunch box left.

Although he was extremely reluctant to part with it, he opened another lunch box, hung a piece of braised pork on the fishhook, and threw the fishing line out.

Jiang Feng’s braised pork is neither woody nor bitter, and the meat is large and fragrant.

The natural spices added in the middle are all natural spices, such as onions, ginger, chili, peppercorns, cinnamon leaves, etc.

  No additives.

 Snakehead fish are carnivorous fish and their sense of taste is not that sensitive.

 But the scent of pork belly can attract it.

 Many people noticed the movement here.

 “What’s the matter? What are they shouting about?”

 “It seems like there is a black fish emerging!”

 “What the hell, is there a black fish? How big is it?”

 “Let’s go and have a look!”

 Many fishing guys came after hearing the news.

There are black fish out of the Moon River?

That’s not easy to catch!

Snakehead fish likes movement rather than silence. Traditional fishing methods are not easy to use. You have to use the lure method, make a fake bait, and then imitate the movement of the fish and pull it back, and the snakehead fish will be hooked.

 “Where did the black fish come from?”

 “Is it really a black fish?”

 As soon as someone came around, he asked.

“It’s nothing like that, it’s just a black fish, there’s more than one, it’s very big!”

 “Using Chef Jiang’s braised pork to make a nest has this effect!”

 “Hold the grass? Make a nest with braised pork? Is this such a luxury?”

“A serving is only 18, which is less expensive than fish feed.”

 “That’s true.”

While everyone was discussing, the man who was the first to make a nest with braised pork felt the fishhook shaking slightly.

 Then, the fish bobber began to shake violently.

 “Hold the grass! Here it comes! Here it comes!”

 “Bit the hook!”

 The old man stood up excitedly and hurriedly pulled the fishing rod.

 People all around looked towards the river.

 But the next second, the fishhook was pulled out by the brother.


Fish now have become smarter, and some fish can eat all the bait on the hook without taking the bait.

 The fisherman noticed that the hook was moving and thought he was hooked, but when he pulled it up, it turned out to be an empty rod.

 So, fishermen hate these smart fish with all their teeth.

 Seeing the snakehead fish unhooked, all the fishing brothers were filled with emotion.

 “What a pity, what a pity!”

 “I’ll go, almost!”


Having said that, the corners of the fishing man’s mouth turned up while watching the excitement. After all, it is more uncomfortable to watch others make money than to lose money yourself, and the same is true to watch others catch big fish.

 “Braised pork really works!”

 “This meat can attract black fish!”

 “Hold the grass! Chef Jiang is really a master of cooking! He also has this skill!”

“Really or not? I’ve finished all this lunch!”

 “Go and ask again!”

As he said that, some old fishing men were impatient and ran towards Jiang Feng’s stall.

Jiang Feng had already sold out all the lunch boxes and planned to go fishing for a while and play with the cat.

 I saw several middle-aged people running towards Jiang Feng in a hurry.

 “Boss Jiang, Boss Jiang!”

 They came running shouting all the way.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Feng was a little confused.

“Boss Jiang, do you still have the lunch box? I want the braised pork lunch box!”

 “No, all the lunch boxes are sold out!”

 “Hey! It’s still a step too late!”

Several people were immediately very upset and full of regret, which made Jiang Feng a little confused.

"What's wrong? There will be more tomorrow." Jiang Feng asked hurriedly.

“Chef Jiang, you don’t know, someone just bought too many lunch boxes, used braised pork to make a nest, and attracted a few **** fish.”

 “Then use braised pork to fish, and you can still catch it.”

 “We were just thinking about buying some?”

Several people hurriedly explained.

 “Black fish? Is there any black fish here?”

 “Snakeheaded fish is quite suitable for making pickled fish!”

 Jiang Feng became interested.

 There is actually such a thing?

However, using braised pork to make a nest is still a bit outrageous. The fishing guy really can think of all kinds of tricks.

I’ve heard of people making nests with leftover rice, but I’ve never heard of people making nests with braised pork.

 The lunch boxes are still cheaper.

Jiang Feng is packing his things.

 He was carrying a green two-wheeled garbage truck with a finished lunch box in it.

Jiang Feng hired an old man who was scavenging here to pick up lunch boxes. The old man was very happy and would go to the river to collect lunch boxes from the fishing guy.

 Always protect the environment.

 After finishing packing and parking the vehicle, Jiang Feng took out a bucket, fishing rod, bait bag, a small basin, and a small horse basket from the storage box.

 He also plans to go fishing for a while.

Especially when snakeheaded fish appear in Moon River, it would be even better if you can catch them.

 “Is braised pork really useful?”

“I originally left two boxes of lunch, one for myself and one for Xiao Hei.”

“Looking at it this way, I can only feel wronged by Xiao Hei.”

Jiang Feng thought to himself.

He took out the last two boxes of lunch boxes, and then took out Xiao Hei's rice bowl, and poured the rice and musu pork from one box into the rice bowl, leaving only the braised pork in the lunch box.

Xiao Hei has never been picky about food and eats rice and steamed buns.

It immediately lowered its head and ate happily.

Jiang Feng ate another portion.

After one person and one dog finished eating, Jiang Feng carried fishing tools and a box of braised pork all the way to the bank of Moon River.

 At this time, many people are hunting snakeheaded fish.

 Braised pork is indeed effective for snakeheaded fish.

 It can be seen that as long as braised pork is used as bait, snakeheaded fish will bite the hook.

But these snakeheaded fish are also smart. They will not take a sudden bite, but eat it bit by bit until they have finished all the braised pork, and then leave gracefully.

 The prey is very cunning.

 “The hook is bitten, it’s a black fish!”

 “Grass! Ran away again!”

 “Fishing again!”

“Whoever has braised pork rice bowl, I’ll pay 30 for it!”

 “I’ll pay 50!”

Many fishing friends saw the effect of braised pork and shouted.

 But for fishing friends, fishing is more important than anything else. How can it be bought with thirty or fifty yuan?

Moon River is completely lively.

 Not only do people like to eat the rice cooked by Jiang Feng, fish also like to eat it.

Jiang Feng is now the real **** of cooking in the eyes of the fishing brother!

  What's the use of it, no matter how delicious other people's food is, can it attract snakeheaded fish?

 It has to be Chef Jiang!

 There is nothing to say about this craft.

When Jiang Feng came over, several people came to Jiang Feng, hoping that he could make some braised pork and sell it in the afternoon.

Jiang Feng couldn’t laugh or cry.

 This is outrageous.

I am a box lunch seller, how come I have become a fish bait seller?

How can black fish be so easy to take the bait?

 “It has to be tomorrow, it’s too late today.”

 “Make some more tomorrow.”

Jiang Feng could only respond.

 Things are going in an outrageous direction.

He can’t quite believe it now that such a thing exists.

But in most cases, the fishing guys here come to catch freshwater herbivorous fish.

 Few fish specifically for ferocious freshwater carnivorous fish.

  It can only be said to be a coincidence.

“I have to catch it quickly. Wild snakeheaded fish is much more delicious than the ones raised in fish tanks in restaurants.”

Jiang Feng cares more about the quality of the ingredients.

 Wild snakehead fish are always swimming, sometimes swimming upstream, sometimes catching small fish quickly, and their flesh is very tight.

This kind of ingredient is rare.

 After catching it, put a pot of spices in the pot, add sauerkraut, boil water, wait until the water boils, then put the sliced ​​fish into the sauerkraut pot.

 Pick up the fish after it is cooked. It is fresh, firm and tastes great!

 Jiang Feng doesn’t want to miss such delicacies.

 (End of this chapter)

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