Food Hunter

Chapter 105: Just steamed buns

   The sudden change made the two doctors in the tent dumbfounded, and Sambika looked at Luo in a daze.

   "Next, no matter how painful you are, you can't make a sound, or I will squeeze my heart."

   Luo's hand holding the heart gradually increased in strength, while the fat officer was overwhelmed by the negative emotions of fear. His limited cognition made him unknown, and he felt the pain coming from the heart more and more intense.

   So he understood that the heart really belongs to him.

   listened to Luo's words, the fat officer endured the pain, and tightly covered his mouth with his hands, for fear of leaking a little sound.

   The cold sweat oozes out quickly, making the army uniform wet in a short while, the body is trembling slightly, and the small eyes are full of fear.

   "Luo, is this...?" Sambika asked after a while.

   "My thoughts."

   Luo did not look at her, but stared at the fat officer whose face was gradually pale, slowly reducing his strength.

   This gradual increase in strength is to make the fat officer clearly understand his situation.

   Feeling death getting closer and closer, feeling the panic and helplessness of his heart being held by others, so that he can give in.

  , after all, is just a...corrupted soldier.

   "What the **** is your reading...?" Sambika looked at Luo deeply. She didn't ask these words, but hid them in her heart.

   Regarding Luo's thoughts, the more she saw it, the more curious she became, and it had overturned the knowledge the master had told her.

   "Okay, now I can talk about it."

   Luo completely let go of his heart, and then looked at the fat officer who was slumped in the chair.

  The hand of God cannot directly manipulate the will of others, but it can use the characteristics of ability to threaten others. This is one of the derivative usages.

If    is used properly, the lord of a country can also use this method to threaten...

   half an hour later.

   Luo and Sambika stared at the burning corpse in front of the temporary barracks.

   threatened the greedy officer with his life, asked him to restore supplies, and asked the two doctors to bring the team and the corresponding equipment into the slum.

   Now, Luo and Sambika are waiting for the preparation of the doctor team. They would not force them if they were unwilling to risk their lives and enter the slum.

   "Thank you."

  Sambica suddenly thanked Luo.

   Luo scratched his cheek and sighed, "As long as you have something to do with the virus, you will fall into it. Although I admire your concentration, I can't just think about the virus."

   "Don't talk about the food problem after entering the slum, even if you quickly solve the infectious virus problem, have you ever thought about how to leave the slum?"

   "Seeing that the group does not seem to be infected with the virus, but more like people who are hungry, you should understand that since the beginning of the blockade, the military did not intend to let anyone out of the slums."

   Hearing Luo's words, Sambika was silent for a while, and then seriously said: "I have thought about how to leave the slum after I finish."

   "Oh? How to leave?" Luo was a little surprised. He thought that Sambika hadn't considered so much at all, and he just wanted to enter the slum as soon as possible to solve the infectious virus.

   "Isn't you there?" Sambika turned her head and looked at Luo quietly. She had seen that Luo's ability to easily stop bullets could make soldiers' firearms directly lose their deterrent.

   Luo was stunned when he heard the words, and a moment later he said helplessly: "You won."

   Sambika chuckled silently, hidden by the mask, so Luo couldn't see it.

   "Luo, why did you propose that condition?"

Luo knew that Sambica said that the condition was three months' time. At this time, he did not hide his motives, and directly replied: "Because I am very interested in your thoughts, as long as you understand it in depth, it may bring me A little inspiration."

   That night, he used the G2 virus as his capital and made this condition to Sambika, in order to force her to stay.

   Of course, the proposed conditions are mutual, and then Sambika also added a lot of corresponding conditions.

   For example, the itinerary that was originally decided on this trip, there are also restrictions on freedom, and there are conditions like not being able to meet her.

   "Enlighten?" Sambika's eyes narrowed, and she immediately thought of Rona's diverse thoughts.

   "My mind has a characteristic, you can think of it as separation, just like I separated the officer's heart just now."

   Luo looked ahead and said, "Can't your mind be able to manipulate the virus, so I'm thinking, even if I can't manipulate the virus, I might be able to separate."

When he said this, Luo smiled bitterly, "I'm telling you, I have tried this idea myself, but failed. It feels like... I successfully lifted the water with my hand, but no matter how focused, the water will flow. "

   Such a terrible person...

   Sambika's eyes showed an incredible light, only knowing that she can manipulate the virus, and after knowing the possibility, she tried on her own and crossed the threshold.

   No wonder Luo has diversified thoughts, but... how high a person's talent is to achieve Luo's level.

   " can really do it, if I can help you, I'd like to try it." Sambika said.

   "Hmm." Luo smiled.


   It was decided that there were only five medical teams, including the two doctors in the tent.

   A group of seven people, carrying corresponding equipment and some supplies, crossed the boundary line between life and death under the compassionate eyes of the soldiers.

   The group of skinny poor people looked at Luo and the seven people without any reaction.

   "Do you two really don't need to wear protective clothing?" the oldest doctor worried.

   "No need." Sambika replied. She has a special physique and is not afraid of any virus, and Luo's ability can also keep the virus out.

   Sambika looked at the old doctor and asked, "How much do you know about this unknown virus?"

   The old doctor said solemnly: "We don't know much. The doctor who first contacted the patient was infected. After that, the military forcibly isolated the slums and burned all related things."

Having said this, the old doctor sighed and said unwillingly: "The military only tells us that this is an unknown infectious virus, its symptoms and the cause of death. Besides, we can't do anything. The only thing I could do was to look up the information, but I got nothing."

   "This unknown virus appeared suddenly, and we don't even know the first person infected."

   "Are the symptoms weakness, muscle pain, and death due to massive internal bleeding?" Sambika said from the information that he had read on the Internet.

   The old doctor nodded solemnly.

   "What's the incubation period?" Sambika continued to ask.

   "I don't know." The old doctor shook his head.

   Sambika frowned slightly. As the old doctor said, even if they stayed here for a while, they were restricted by the military and could not study further, so the information they learned was similar to her.

   The government's response was too negative... Is it because the remaining people in the slums are dispensable?

   The slums are densely built, close to each other, and generally not high in height.

   Entering inside, seeing the corpse on the road, lying on the side of the road just like that, no one cares.

   Along the way, I saw a person sitting on the floor or leaning against the wall, with eyes blank and skinny.

  What you see and hear gives people a dark and cold feeling.

   For the outsiders like Luo, the people in the slums basically focused their attention on the equipment and the bags and buckets suspected of containing food.

   There is no hope of life in these people, and they exude a breath of death.

   This is a group of people who are so desperate that they can only wait to Luo looked at the people around, and compared to the unknown virus with basic knowledge, the people here are more like starved to death.

   Suddenly, a few people who were obviously in better condition ran out of a wooden house. All of them were men, wearing doctor costumes.

   "Finally..." These people looked at Luo and others, crying with joy. They were the first volunteers who entered the slums.

   followed a few volunteers into the house, and everyone put down the equipment and supplies.

   Luo lacks knowledge about viruses, so he does not participate in the exchanges between them.

  He silently carried the supplies into the kitchen. Before the military sent the next batch of supplies, he had to make a bunch of buns for the people in the slums.

The method of making    steamed buns is relatively simple, it just takes a little time.

   There is no steamer in the kitchen, so Luo directly removed the wooden wall and used his ability to make a six-story steamer on the spot, and then immediately started making it.

   More than an hour later, the first batch of steamed buns came out of the basket.

   Luo took the steamed buns and some water and walked out of the hole in the wall, soaked the buns in the water, and distributed them to people sitting or lying on the street along the way.

   is just a warm and moist steamed bun. At this moment, people in the slums are undoubtedly the hope of life and the most delicious food.

   It didn't take long for Luo to split all the steamed buns. Instead of counting, he returned to the kitchen in the fastest time and continued to make the second batch of steamed buns.

   When he went back to the kitchen and started to work again, the fellows discovered his behavior.

  As a doctor, the first thing after coming here is naturally related to treatment, and the first thing Luo thinks about when he comes here is to distribute food.

   It has nothing to do with adding pages... I just thought that everyone I saw along the way seemed hungry.


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