Food Hunter

Chapter 155: Whereabouts

   At this time, Luo and Sambika were already on the spaceship.

   When the phone rang, Luo picked it up and looked at it, but the caller number was not displayed.

   He thinks it's very likely that it was a call from Marge, and he got the call.

After    "Hello", Mackey's voice came from the phone.

"where are you?"

   As expected, it was March, Luo honestly replied: "On the spaceship."


  Maki responded, and was silent without asking Luo where he was going.

   There was no talking on either end, and several seconds passed. Just as Luo was about to say something, he suddenly heard March say: "You wait for me."

After    finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Luo to speak.

   "Is this a ruthless talk?"

   Luo put down the phone, and couldn't help but smile when he thought of the look on March when he said this.

   called here specifically, just to say a sentence or two, or to confirm the number?

   Luo looked out the window, thinking about the future brigade...

   He knows the style of the brigade and the Kuluta incident. However, the newly formed brigade has not done any harm to the world. Compared with him who has hundreds of lives in his hands...

   "Come slowly..." Romer thought silently.

   Next to the street in the city, March hung up the phone, opened the door and walked out of the phone booth.

   She looked up at the darkening sky and could see a few twinkling stars.

   I miss someone, do you just like it?

   She stopped for a long time before walking towards the hotel.

   may be due to the meal, there are not many people on the street.

   There are two fancy-dressed young people with dyed hair who noticed Marge alone, their eyes brightened, and they looked at each other, clearly seeing each other's wretched expressions.

   When they got together, the two of them suddenly stood in front of Marge. One of them laughed and said, "Little sister, are you alone?"

  The other person's eyes were ill-intentioned, and he said, "Where is your family?"

  Maki just raised his head and glanced at the two of them, and then shot without warning, breaking their arms.

   The two young men did not see Ma Qi's movements clearly, and when the arm felt severe pain, they sat down on the ground almost at the same time, clutching their arms and screaming.

   The passers-by heard the screams and looked towards this side.

  Maki ignored the gaze from all around, passed the two young people, and headed towards the hotel.

   On the spacecraft, Luo didn't know that Ma Wizard would interrupt the arms of the two gangsters in a while. If he knew it, he could only feel sorry for the two gangsters. It was not good to provoke him, and he wanted to provoke Ma Qi.

   "Do you want to continue following me?" Luo looked at Sambika.

   The three months agreed before are almost the same. If Sambika chooses to leave, he will break up there after the spacecraft landed at the airport.

   Luo hopes that Sambika will continue to travel together, but he will not force it.

   Hearing Luo's words, Sambika didn't answer immediately, she was hesitating.

  Subconsciously, she doesn't hate walking with Luo. The experience in these three months is very interesting to her.

   "Come with me to a place." She said a moment later.

   The topic suddenly changed like this, Luo Wenyan was startled, and asked: "Where?"

   "There is a plague outbreak in a village in Beiluo Mountain, I want to go and see it." Sambika whispered.

   "Okay." Luo responded.

   His next destination is Fording's residence, which seems to be an ancient city for sightseeing, but it is not in a hurry. Since Sambika has a place to go, he should accompany her to it first.

   Seeing Luo promised decisively, Sambika pursed her lips, she has already made a decision.

   Whenever there is something related to the virus, she will go there. In a sense, this has certain restrictions on freedom.

   If Luo doesn't mind running around with her at any time, then she will continue to walk with Luo.

   Luo didn't know what Sambika was thinking. If he knew it, he didn't think there was anything. Originally, his condition for adding pages was to save people. It was a good fit to follow Sambika to some severely affected areas.


   Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

During the    period, everyone in the brigade set up a mobile phone, and then Wo Jin and Nobunaga called in turn to harass him, and finally Luo gave threatening words to stop the two people's boring behavior.

   After saving each other's numbers, it is more convenient to contact later.

After    Luo arrived in the Hunter World, he had already influenced and intersected many original characters. He accelerated the growth of the brigade members and Bukhala.

  Whether it is a member of the brigade or Bukhala, part of the reason they want to become stronger as soon as possible is due to Luo's influence.

After   , Luo accompanied Sambika to the villages on Beiluo Mountain. During the long journey, God without a scabbard became the most troublesome carry.

   The blade is slightly longer, and it doesn’t sell well, and if you don’t have a hunter’s license, you have to check it in when you take a spaceship or other vehicle.

   No matter how troublesome it is, Luo can only barely carry it with him. Wrap a white cloth around the body of the knife, and treat it as a scabbard.

   The plague in Beiluo Mountain is a plague. The root cause is mountain rats that ran out of the mountains, bringing out a virus harmful to the human body, and then infecting the villagers in the village.

   The fatality rate is not high, but the medical treatment in the village is relatively backward. If it is too late to solve it, it is very likely that it will be destroyed.

   The arrival of Sambika and Luo brought hope to the village.

  In order to remove the root cause, Luo and Sambika made a special trip to the mountain, and finally found a large pile of shit, and the root cause of the plague was the **** caused by the unknown creature.

   At that time, when Luo saw Sambika carefully studying a pile of shit, his heart broke down, and he admired Sambika's professionalism very much.

   After helping the village to completely solve the plague, the villagers enthusiastically invited Luo and Sambi to stay stuck for a while.

   Under the enthusiasm, Luo and Sambika agreed.

   Every day he stayed in the village, Luo Tiantian followed the village hunters to the mountains.

   At the end of winter, the climate is cold, and the snow is not much, just covering the mountains with hoarfrost. U U Reading

   It is logical to say that after winter, the mountains in the neighboring village should be closed, but according to the old hunters in the village, Beiluo Mountain only has a lot of good things in the cold winter.

  As the old hunter entered the mountains where the winter snow had raged, he saw a lot of weird animals and plants, most of which were food sources in the village.

The main target of the old hunter is the hibernating rabbit, a kind of rabbit that will hibernate after entering the winter. It usually nests in the tree hole of the very old tree, and the tree hole is basically close to the ground, and it is difficult to cover with snow. Tracking.

   Three Caves of Cunning Rabbits are not suitable for hibernating rabbits, as long as you find a tree hole, you will basically get something. Therefore, hibernating rabbits have always been the first choice of Beiluoshan villagers. Hunting difficulty is low, and the chance of catching is high.

   However, hibernating rabbits have a chance to be caught only when they are hibernating, because the speed at which the healthy limbs erupt is beyond the reach of the villagers.

   Although the hibernating rabbit does not even have a grade, the meat is plump and not inferior to the D grade ingredients.

   After catching the prey, Luo did not cook it himself, but accepted a banquet from the villagers.

   The villagers who have lived here for many years know the ingredients in the mountains better than any outsider, and they also have unique cooking techniques.

   Their steps are not complicated, there are not many spices available, and there is no clear concept of heat and techniques, but the food they make has a strong local flavor.

   Eating, living, drinking...all taken from the mountains.

   Luo and Sambika spent nearly ten days in Beiluoshan Village, leaving behind footprints and taking away memories.

   is often those inconspicuous small places, but they give birth to deep memories.

   After leaving Beiluoshan, Buhara called, and the first sentence was to tell Luo that he had passed the hunter test.


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