Food Hunter

Chapter 166: After death

Luo descended from Mount Gelu and went straight back to the lakeside wooden house. Sambika was browsing the computer in the house, keeping an eye on where an epidemic occurred, as if this was her birth mission.

   After returning to the house, Luo put down God, took a bottle of mountain spring water, and poured his head up.

   After a while, he drank the water in the empty bottle and threw it into the trash can. Luo did not disturb Sambika, sitting on a chair outside the house facing the lake, his face in thought.

   At this time, Luo didn't know the series of behaviors the strange trio made towards him after he left, and he didn't expect them to start paying attention to him after they failed.

   There is another thing that I don’t know, and that is President Nitro’s attention to him and the arrival of Bisji.

   If it wasn't for Bi Siji's lack of interest in him, he should have come to contact Luo early.

Anyway, there is an intelligence channel from the Hunter Association. It is not difficult to grasp Luo’s movements. In addition, the president has only one sentence to tell her. Without fear, he was playing in the town of Babu, and then accidentally forgot Luo. It is also understandable.

   Bi Si Ji thinks so, in the final analysis, she put Luo's priority at the end.

   Not knowing this, Luo looked at the mirror-like surface of the lake, thinking about the trio he had just met.

   appeared inexplicably, and suddenly said that they knew the entrance to the tomb of Stakis, and invited him to join the group.

   Why would the other party want to come in contact with him?

   Luo can think of the clue that the tomb of Staki’s mausoleum is related to Mount Gelug, and his identity as a person of ability, this is particularly important, otherwise, who would invite a kid into the tomb with him?

   Luo has been wandering around Mount Gelu during this time, and saw several people like him, the range of strolling is fixed at Mount Gelu, and Uncle Li and Aya are two of them.

   The other party didn't know where to get this clue, and successfully found the entrance to the tomb of Stakis, the reason why he had to look for a partner might be because the other party was not sure about the tomb of Stakis.

   If you think so, it makes sense.

  He also spent a lot of time in Gelugshan, and the other party thought he was also the one who looked for this clue.

   You need to know that there is a lot of information about the whereabouts of the Staj’s Tomb. They are all irresponsible information. Many people follow the rules of Ning Xin’s behavior and stumble across the entire forest area.

   There are many goals, and then they are scattered. Often they don’t focus on one place. It’s normal to get nothing.

   "For the time being...cooperate with them."

Luo seriously thought about the gains and losses. What he wants is to improve his strength, not financial gains. In his opinion, as long as he has strength, he is not afraid of using no money. If he finds a high-level ingredient, he can be among the top rich. Knocked a lot of money.

  A collaborator who doesn't need money, I must be a treasure hunter who is sure to win the tomb of Staki Mausoleum, he is very willing to cooperate with such a person, of course, the premise is that someone will believe it.

   After making a decision, Luo got up and walked into the house while Sambika was still browsing the web.

   Luo walked to Sambika, glanced at the page on the screen, a lot of technical terms that he couldn't understand.

   After a few glances, he looked away, reached out and patted the table, and pulled Sambika out of this state of concentration.

   Sambika tilted her head to look at him, without saying a word, her eyes seemed to be asking questions for her mouth.

  I have been with Sambica for a long time, and I will have two deep impressions in my mind. One is the tightly-shielded dress, and the other is the beautiful **** eyes.

   There are many times when Sambika doesn't speak. The only thing Luo can see is Sambika's eyes that seem to be talking.

   "I met three people today. They seemed to know the entrance to the Tomb of Stakis and wanted to pull me in. I thought about it for a while and decided to cooperate with them. If they are true, maybe they can enter the tomb in the near future."

   Luo looked at Sambika's eyes and asked, "I know you are not interested in this aspect, but I still want to ask if you want to come together."

"I do not want to go."

   Sambika gave the answer without any hesitation. She can ignore the death of human beings, she can run all her life in order to solve the harm caused by the infectious virus, and she can also dislike the grave digging.

   After getting this answer, Luo nodded without any surprise.

   Sambika looked at him and suddenly said, "If you need my help, I will go."

   Luo was startled when he heard the words, then rubbed his right eyebrow habitually, and said helplessly: "You said you don't want to go anymore..."

   It's just a mausoleum. Could it be more dangerous than those demon realms? Based on this idea, I really couldn't find a reason to need Sambika's assistance.

   Sambika pursed her lips and did not speak. What she said was what she really thought in her heart.

   She really doesn't want to go to the tomb of Stakis very much. If Luo needs her help, then she is disgusted and would be willing to accompany Luo to the tomb.

However, Sambika did not hide his thoughts, and Luo happened to be the kind of person who would not let his companions do things that he didn't like. As long as Sambika showed his ideas, even if Sambika’s assistance was needed, Luo would not let him. Sambika acted together.

   This kind of behavioral principle is one of the reasons why the previous life team fell apart. If the team is to be formed in the future, this is where improvement is needed, provided that Lot is aware of this.

   People live forever, there are many times when you have to do things you don’t like. This is not forcing, but you need to do that.

   At noon the next day.

   Luo went to Mount Gelu alone and easily climbed to the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain, he was the only one.

   I didn't say a time when I left yesterday, but Luo knew that as long as he came to Gelugshan, the trio would notice him quickly, and he didn't need to look for him specially.

   As expected, about thirty minutes later, the trio climbed to the top of Mount Gelu again with bare hands.


   Luo sat on the huge rock protruding from the top of the mountain, calmly watching the three of them.

   Facing Luo again this time, the attitudes of the three have been different, but they didn't show it, and Luo didn't notice it either.

   Uncle Li, carrying a notebook on his back, took a few steps forward. When he looked at Luo, an imperceptible color flashed in the depths of his eyes. He smiled and said, "Luo, what's your answer?"

  Lubi and Aya were standing on the left and right sides of Uncle Li, looking up at Luo on the stone. They were not as lively as they were yesterday, and made the atmosphere in the court a little more solemn.

   "Since you know where the entrance to the tomb of Stakis is, do I have a reason to refuse?" Luo said lightly.

  Uncle Li's eyes are shining behind the lenses, and he smiles: "You are welcome to join."

   When a hunter has a target but is unable to hunt, it is a normal choice to find a partner. Although the income will be lower, it will also provide the hunting success rate and many benefits of reducing the risk.

   After agreeing to cooperate, Luo looked at him and asked directly: "How much do you know about the Tomb of Stakis?"

   "Not much." Uncle Li said.

   Luo frowned lightly, and asked, "Not much?"

   Uncle Li nodded, with the same smile on his face, calmly said: "We only know where the entrance is."

   These two sentences are the truth.

   "Oh?" Luo had a surprised look in his eyes, raised his index finger to the three of them and said, "I have a question, I really want to know."

   "You ask." Uncle Li looked at him.

   Luo said, "Since you know where the entrance is, why don't you go in and explore the bottom. Maybe the contents are easy to pick up? Then there is no need to find someone to cooperate."

   "It's not that I don't want to, but I can't get in."

  Uncle Li helped the frame of the mirror and said lightly: "The entrance is protected by post-death thoughts. Without the teacher, we can't get in. We have tried many tricks, but they didn't work."

   "How much do you know about posthumous thoughts?"

Saying this, before Luo could answer, Uncle Li continued to say: "The entrance to the tomb is protected by posthumous thoughts, indicating that it is not simple. Of course, the more people, the better. If you add your words, there are already twenty-four in the team. The number of people may be a bit short. The number originally expected was 30."

   "Before we can find a teacher, what we can do is to keep looking for people who are worthy of cooperation and grow the team."

   "After death..."

   Luo raised his eyebrows, this was really a surprise, even covering up the accident caused by the situation where there were already more than 20 people in Uncle Li's team.

  He paused, and said lightly: "In other words, the reason why you have been so late is because you haven't found a teacher?"

   Uncle Li nodded, and said, "Until we find a teacher, we won't tell you where the entrance is, we can only keep the cooperative relationship."

   means that...finding the teacher is the key to the official start of the partnership and the key to the entrance to the mausoleum.

   "It just so happens, I am the teacher." Luo looked at the three of them.


   The three of them were shocked.

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