Chapter 223 System Changes

The Food Festival is a turning point for the world of food captives. Now that this special space gate has appeared, it is also a turning point for the system.

Liu Kai’s system has been updated. Before, Liu Kai felt that this space gate was related to the system. After all, the appearance of the space gate was too strange. Although it appeared a few years before Liu Kai arrived, it did not prevent it from being related to the system.

After all, the system is so weird, it’s not surprising that it can cause any kind of trouble.

These space gates are created by the system. Because of this, the timelines behind different space gates are different. Some are just at the beginning of the plot, while others are between the beginning and the end.

Even the Ice Hell was probably a hundred or even hundreds of years ago. After all, Hell Boros was not sealed, and the amount of Century Soup was also amazing.

And there are also special space gates like the Food Festival. Sure enough, this is all the work of the system.

Now, Liu Kai can control the location and time of the opening of the space door. In short, for those space doors that have not been opened yet, Liu Kai can control the location and time of the space door. He can open it whenever he wants.

Including the already opened space door, you can also close and open it and move it at will

Of course, Liu Kai would not operate it if there was no need. After all, the space gates that have appeared have been explored. Although some of them still have a lot of good things in them, these good things are not something that everyone can take away.

Normal people entering these space gates are just going to die.

Moreover, Liu Kai also discovered that in addition to the space gate of the captive world of gourmet food, he also got a special space gate, which was completely different from the previous ones.

The previous space gates were created by the system, but this special space gate leads to a real world.

This world is still the world of Little Chef that Liu Kai is very familiar with. Yes, it is the world of Little Chef where the dishes can glow.

The Little Chef World is also a food show, but the main focus of the Little Chef World is Chinese cuisine, although there are some problems with some of it, such as Mapo Tofu, which has always had eight flavors, not the so-called five or six flavors.

However, the cooking skills in the world of Little Chef are undoubtedly superior to those in the world of Food Wars. Moreover, compared with the world of Food Captive, the cooking skills in the world of Little Chef are more spiritual.

What about the cooking skills of the world of food? It is more about how to cook ingredients. Ingredients have specific cooking methods, and you just need to cook them according to this method.

Xiaosong can hear the sound of the ingredients at any time, so the dishes he makes are made completely according to a pre-made template.

Liu Kai had this feeling when watching the food festival competition in the original book. He always felt that although the ingredients were great, the cooking was not particularly amazing.

The Little Chef’s world is completely different. Although there are some special ingredients in the Little Chef’s world, they are extremely rare.

However, the chefs in the Little Chef’s World have brought all kinds of skills to the extreme, and the various dishes are dazzling.

Furthermore, there is something very good in the Little Chef’s World, the legendary kitchenware.

The legendary kitchen utensils in the world of Little Chef are said to be able to make immortality dishes. Although we don’t know whether it is true or not, it is indeed possible to go in. If Erina Nakiri and others can learn the dishes in it, then their cooking skills will surely improve by leaps and bounds.

In addition to the legendary chef secrets, the most important thing about cooking in the Little Chef world is the spirit.

The food in that world allows people to clearly feel the meaning of the food.

The chef’s own understanding of cooking is completely compressed into the cooking

Although there are some illusions in the original work of Food Wars, I have to say that each of these illusions is quite strange.

“After they have dealt with the things here, I will take them to a food casino, and then go directly to the Little Chef World.”

Liu Kai has made a decision. Only a few of the dark secrets in the Little Chef world are useful. For example, Kaiyou has the special ability to change the five elements of ingredients.

Liu Kai is not sure whether Kaiyou’s ability is innate or acquired. If it is an innate skill like Yakan’s Explosion, then there is really nothing he can do. But if it is acquired, then it is quite good.

As for the other dark secrets, to be honest, they are really useless.

The emergence of dark secrets is because human power is limited, so one can only continuously study various techniques to allow oneself to perform operations that normal people cannot do at all.

Just like Ryan’s Bull Blue Dragon Slash, it takes a lot of time for a normal person to slaughter a cow, even if a group of people help.

But what about the Bull Blue Dragon Slash? It can complete the dissection in an instant without shedding a drop of blood. It is a secret technique that completely exceeds the limits of human beings.

However, this secret technique is completely useless to Erina Nakiri and the others. After all, their strength is not enough to dissect a cow in an instant, even if there are 100 cows, they can finish it in an instant.

It also won’t shed a single drop of blood, and its accuracy and speed are far superior to that of the Bull Blue Dragon Slash.

As for the power techniques of these moves, strictly speaking, these moves rely entirely on special power to complete, so no matter how strong your physical fitness is, it is actually useful.

However, that was based on the premise that they had not learned other skills. Liu Kai did not think that these dark secrets could beat Shi Yi.

What is Shi Yi? After mastering it, you can use one tenth of the original power to deal several times or even dozens of times the damage.

Therefore, unless it is some very special skills, there is no need for other dark secrets to be referenced by everyone. After all, they are things that can be done at will.

This change in the system is undoubtedly good news for Liu Kai. As for the door to the food industry, let’s wait until everyone grows up for a while.

They are now in the situation of touching those eight ingredients. Liu Kai is really worried that they might fail to cook them.

The eight ingredients are very critical ingredients, and some of them can only be grown once. If it fails, Liu Kai can only wait for hundreds of years to grow them again.

So let everyone grow up for a while. The Little Chef World is a place where you can learn and hone your cooking skills. Combined with the cooking skills of the Captive World of Gourmet Food, plus Liu Kai’s concentrated food luck, cooking eight ingredients should not be a big problem.

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