Chapter 261 Leaving

Next up was Xiao Han’s beef noodles, Lan Feihong’s potato noodles, and Liu Maoxing’s catfish noodles.

“As expected of him, he always comes up with some unique ways to wrap the squid shreds into the noodles.”

Everyone found it a little funny when they saw the catfish noodles. Liu Maoxing’s operation was something that could not be done normally.

At least before the space gate, they could never do this, because the catfish noodles made by Liu Maoxing were not very thick, just like normal noodles.

But from the outside, there is no trace of squid at all. This operation is very delicate, at least it is difficult for chefs in the food wars world to do it, unless they have special abilities.

However, Liu Maoxing did it. The original book said that he stuffed them in one by one, which is even more impossible. Liu Maoxing has a super sense of taste, not a super sense of touch. Even if he had a super sense of touch, it would be basically impossible to do such a thing.

After all, catfish noodles are very soft. It is ridiculous to hollow out a line and fill it with other things manually.

But even with the flour coating method, Liu Maoxing was indeed very successful.

His catfish noodles shocked everyone. Finally, it was time for the scoring.

“Guess if there is a smart guy among them who will randomly give scores”

Liu Kai’s voice entered the minds of several girls

“There shouldn’t be such a stupid person. The examiners are just talking. They will definitely make a judgment based on the actual situation. It is impossible to completely follow their scores. Otherwise, the special chef assessment will become a joke.”

No one thought that anyone would be so stupid, but soon they hesitated again, because before, a big fool brought banned items into the competition and actually used them, so maybe there really is a fool who would believe what Mrs. Leihua said.

So now everyone is looking at these people with great interest, to see who is the smartest one.

“He is indeed very smart. Why is his brain so simple?”

Looking at the scores, Xiaodan didn’t give random scores, but Xiaohan gave everyone the same score, which was really asking for trouble.

Not only is he stupid, he also wants to treat others as fools, so there is no doubt that Xiao Han was eliminated in the end. As for Xiao Dan, he simply couldn’t compete with Liu Maoxing and the others in terms of hard power, so he was also eliminated.

However, according to Madam Lei Hua, Xiao Dan should be able to reach the special level in a while, and the special level is not a big problem for him.

Just like the original plot, there were no twists and turns in the end. Two top chefs were born and their clothes were changed.

“I have to say that the assessments here are indeed more exciting than those in our world, but such assessments are not comparable to those in school. If the assessments here were to happen in our world, they would probably be considered top-notch assessments.”

There is a huge gap between the cooking skills in Shokugeki World and the world of Little Chef. Not counting the world of food captives, the assessment of top chefs like Liu Maoxing in Shokugeki World is already the world’s top assessment standard.

Since Liu Maoxing became a top-class chef, everyone naturally had to celebrate. After the celebration, Nakiri Erina and others planned to say goodbye to the Chinese.

“Are you leaving so soon?”

Since they were all really nice people, and they often treated them to meals, and were quite generous, they were still a little uncomfortable leaving the others.

“After all, we are from overseas, and we hope to see more famous chefs in this land.”

Everyone gave their own reasons. If it weren’t for the special chef assessment, they would have left long ago.

“So, we won’t keep you here. You can come back and have a look when you have time.”

Master Shiquan said with a smile

“Of course, we will definitely come back to check it out sometime!”

After that, everyone left.

“It’s a pity that they are always outsiders, otherwise, with their cooking skills and personalities, they might be able to try the legendary kitchen utensils.”

Watching everyone leave, Master Shiquan shook his head helplessly.

“There’s nothing we can do about it. I don’t know where Ryan has been all these years. Master, did you promise to let him try to subdue the Eternal Spirit Blade when he comes back?”

Master Jidi also spoke

“Ryan is acting strange. There is no news at all. No news at all. I don’t know what’s going on.”

0Request flowers

Master Shiquan shook his head. Ryan was the most talented young man they had ever met, so Master Shiquan made such a promise. After all, he was the one in charge of the map and was also qualified to give someone the qualification to try.

But whether the kitchen utensils will recognize their owner depends on the chef’s own ability.

“The legendary kitchen utensil, the Eternal Spirit Knife has been without an owner for a long time.”

Master Jidi couldn’t help but ask

“Yes, it is not easy to get the recognition of the legendary kitchenware.”

Master Shiquan shook his head, and then the two of them left.

“The legendary kitchenware? Is it because we are outsiders that we are not given such an opportunity?”

Their conversation was naturally heard by everyone. After all, the hearing was enhanced so many times, and the legendary kitchen utensils had been kept secret all along.

No one mentioned it to them. Obviously, it was because they were outsiders, and no one wanted outsiders to control the legendary kitchen utensils.

This is very normal, even if the person’s talent is ridiculously high.

“No matter what kind of kitchen utensils it is, you will definitely have the opportunity to come into contact with them in the future. Let’s go!”

Erina Nakiri didn’t care much, and the others nodded. After all, they also had super kitchen utensils, the top-level Melk kitchen knife, and this was no joke.

After leaving, everyone walked in one direction. If they saw a good chef, they would stop. If not, they would just keep going.

As time went by, their cooking skills became better and their strength became stronger.

For them, it takes time to settle down so that they can become stronger.

Their goal is also very simple. Not to mention reaching the legendary realm, but in this world, they must try to touch the realm of the Supreme Dragon Chef.

With the system of the world of gourmet food, it is definitely not a problem for them to cook eight ingredients

As for the fighting power, it is still Liu Kai, but now Liu Kai still has some distance to go before he can be resurrected. However, he also sees new hope for resurrection.

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