Chapter 29: Astonishing Numbers of Dougosoko

“This pear is similar to the frightened apple.”

On the way back, we harvested a lot of food, including a pear with a big mouth. The previous scared apple had human-like facial features, but now this pear only has a mouth.

“The big mouth pear is similar to the scared apple. The big mouth on it can be filled with different kinds of sugar water, which will be decomposed and converted to increase the sweetness of the pear.”

“However, there is an upper limit, which is level 2. Like the Scared Apple, it is an ingredient that can be upgraded, but the upper limit is too low.”

Liu Kai also found information about the big-mouthed pear through the training ground. This fruit did not appear in the original book.

However, the original book only shows a very small part of it. The variety of food on Hangulila Island is quite rich.

In this round trip alone, we collected dozens of kinds of ingredients.

At the end of the collection, Erina became a walking food library. The route she took now was completely different from the route she took to the barbecue forest before. The number of food varieties increased significantly.

That is Erina Nakiri. If it were anyone else, there would be no way to carry so many ingredients at once. It can only be said that the Demon King’s sense of touch is indeed a very good ability.

As long as the trumpet lion takes away the sideburn cake, it can be directly transported out of the space gate. It does not need to be decomposed. The other ingredients are not large, so after transporting the ingredients out, Erina Nakiri set off again.

This time, Erina Nakiri plans to go directly to the location of Pudding Mountain, first capture the special island of Hangulila Island, and then slowly explore other locations on the island.

“It is not easy to capture this island directly. There are two key points. The first is the Dougosomon here. If it is just Cocomon, it will not pose any threat to you, but Dougosomon is different.”

“The second is how to cook this island”

When Erina Nakiri was on her way, Liu Kai also pointed out two key points. The capture level of Dougosomon is 5, and Kokomon is also level 3, and both of them can go berserk.

Once it goes berserk, it will surpass its current level, so it will be enough to threaten Erina Nakiri. And the number is also a problem. We still need to determine the number of Dougosokomon.

In the original work, Alu and others only encountered one. That was in the anime. Dougosomon is an adult individual of Cocomon, so the number of Dougosomon must be quite astonishing.

The next thing is the cooking island. The island itself is a special cooking ingredient. This is already certain. The maturity of the island must also have specific triggering conditions.

It’s a pity that Erina Nakiri’s attack range is too short. Otherwise, as long as the attack range is large enough, she can use her hair to control Kokomon and Dougosomon on a large scale.

The power was enough, but the range was too small. Liu Kai was even ready to take action.

As long as Erina Nakiri can’t hold on, he will choose to take action. Of course, the premise is that Erina Nakiri can’t hold on.

“I know all this. Didn’t you say before that the key to island cooking is multi-flavored fruits? So we need to first determine the situation of multi-flavored fruits.”

“As for Dougusomon and Kokomon, let’s see how many there are first.”

Erina Nakiri did not make the decision blindly, but had a certain plan. Now she needs to confirm the situation before making a plan.

With a clear goal, Erina Nakiri didn’t care about the other ingredients she encountered this time. Anyway, the ingredients would not disappear directly. The most important thing now was this island.

If you hurry as fast as you can, your speed will naturally increase a lot, but of course you still need to pay attention to the possible dangers around you.

A few hours later, Erina Nakiri arrived at Pudding Mountain.

The scale of this Pudding Mountain is much larger than that in the anime. The habitat of Dogsomon and Kokomon is on the top of the mountain, so we need to go up and take a look. Fortunately, there are no other creatures on the hillside.

So Nakiri Erina quickly reached the top of the mountain and carefully hid behind the rocks.

“There are so many of them, whether it’s Kokomon or Dougsokomon, if I rush in with such a large number, I’ll probably be eaten to pieces.”

Erina Nakiri, who was hiding behind a rock, was also shocked when she saw the number of Kokomon and Dougosomon.

She had dealt with these creatures in the training grounds before. With her current strength, she could handle two or three Dougosokomon, but now there were more than thirty Dougosokomon on the opposite side.

She couldn’t handle such a large number of them. Besides, there were also a large number of Cocomon. Once surrounded, it would be difficult for her to escape.

“You can see the multi-flavored fruit, and you should be able to smell the fragrance, which means that the multi-flavored fruit is ripe. If you want to cook the island, the key is on this tree, so now you have to find a way to lure away these Dougsokomon and Cocomon.”

Liu Kai reminded

“I know what to do. Even if these guys go out hunting, they can’t all go out together. I will go and capture some food first. After most of the Dougsokomon and Kokomon go out hunting, I will find a way to lure the rest away.”

Nakiri Erina has already thought of a solution. She doesn’t have to fight Dougosomon head-on. What she needs to do is to lure these guys away so that she can study the multi-flavored fruit.

“There is nothing wrong with doing this, but you need time to observe the hunting routes of these Dougosokmon and Kokomon. After capturing the food, you need to avoid the hunting route and then���Try to divert the rest”

Liu Kai nodded. Not confronting them head-on was the best option. However, it was not easy to lead them away. It would take time.

“So next we need to observe, we need to go back and get a drone”

Nakiri Erina also thought of a way to observe. Using a drone for observation is indeed a very good choice.

This is the territory of Dougosokomon, so there won’t be any Hanguli birds flying over here. The air is very safe.

If only people are watching here, what they see is very one-sided, so using unmanned observation can help us observe more things.

The drone is not big, so it is not a problem to fly a little higher.

“That’s a good idea, but can you use a drone?”

Liu Kai asked. If he remembered correctly, Erina Nakiri didn’t even know how to use a washing machine. Although she is different from the original, the change in her philosophy doesn’t seem to affect this aspect.

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