Chapter 308: Benefits of Soul-Calming Secret


Hearing Liu Kai say this, Liu Maoxing was also a little confused, and so were the others. In fact, it was mainly because the kitchen utensils were in everyone’s hands that this situation occurred.

In the original novel, Liu Maoxing could get recognition whenever he came across a piece of kitchenware, so people would not be surprised. But now the kitchenware is in everyone’s hands, so Liu Maoxing naturally cannot get recognition from so many kitchenware.

“If you don’t believe it, you can give it a try. You have destiny, the world loves you, and your current cooking skills are enough to make the kitchenware recognize you.”

Liu Kai said, even if Liu Maoxing has not encountered so many powerful enemies, his cooking skills have already reached the level of the Supreme Dragon Chef. It can only be said that he is worthy of being helped by the world.

After hearing this, Liu Maoxing also curiously tried it out. As a result, all eight kitchen utensils burst out with Tyrant Dragon Pattern and Phoenix Rui Pattern. This means that Liu Maoxing can also use kitchen utensils to make longevity dishes.

“Great, Amu, you can actually get the approval of all kitchen utensils”

Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help but cheer. No one wanted to die early, so being able to live for hundreds of years was undoubtedly the best choice.

“We will return the Yulong pot later. Do you need some kitchenware to cook some dishes now?”

Liu Kai asked. After all, the Jade Dragon Pot was stolen, so it was only right to return it. However, he could let Liu Maoxing and others use it first.

“No, give it back first, and then we will seize the Jade Dragon Pot openly.”

Liu Maoxing said that he was such a person. No one else said much about Liu Maoxing’s decision because they were indeed confident. You know, in addition to Liu Maoxing being the Supreme Dragon Chef, there are also legendary kitchen utensils.

Although two jade dragon pots were returned, everyone still had six kitchen utensils in their hands.

In the original novel, Liu Maoxing and others were tied for third place with Lan Feihong in the first game and entered the finals, but this time there is no such problem. After all, the efficient kitchen utensils are in their hands.

In the original novel, Kaiyou and Yanxian both walked ahead of the crowd with kitchen utensils.

Of course, compared to Liu Maoxing, Lan Feihong is the real unreasonable one. He has never been mentioned. The main storyline has always been about Liu Maoxing, and then Lan Feihong has reached the same level as Liu Maoxing.

Even in the competition, Yan Xian was defeated without a fight. In comparison, it feels like Lan Feihong is the son of the world. I can only say that this is a common problem in many comics.

In order to make the supporting characters catch up with the protagonist as much as possible, this method is used. This method often makes people feel that everything the protagonist experiences is just like playing. Anyway, no matter how you experience and how you grow, the supporting characters will catch up inexplicably in the end.

This has happened in many comics. Coby in One Piece is like this. He was criticized so much that he changed the plot.

Lan Feihong is now one of the representative characters. There is no doubt that Lan Feihong is stronger than Liu Maoxing at the beginning, but the main storyline is on Liu Maoxing, and other people inexplicably catch up with him, which is really a loss of favorability.

Of course, everyone didn’t care so much now. Liu Maoxing and others got six kinds of food and continued to move forward. As for the Jade Dragon Pot, they returned it directly.

In order to make it more obvious, the Jade Dragon Pot was placed directly at the entrance of the palace, so it was quickly discovered.

This made the imperial court very unhappy, because they had really lost all their face, and there was no way to solve the problem this time.

Before, we could use the Jade Dragon Pot to locate it. After all, we could find out who stole the Jade Dragon Pot by searching it.

But now the Jade Dragon Pot has been returned, and it is authentic, so there is no way to investigate. In the end, the matter had to be left unresolved, and the court had to suffer the loss.

Nakiri Erina and others were also amused by the news. Although they did not participate in the competition this time, they also watched it. It must be said that many chefs also had some different understandings.

It is difficult for others to learn useful things from so many chefs, but it is much easier for them.

At the same time, their willpower also began to advance by leaps and bounds, and this was all thanks to the soul-soothing secrets they got from Logan.

“No wonder the Bai Luo family has been able to survive until now. The Soul-Calming Secret Art still retains the intentions of the creator of the first generation of Soul-Calming Secret Art. These intentions are constantly absorbing the intentions of other inheritances as they are continuously passed down, thus growing to its current level.”

After learning the Soul-Calming Secret, everyone understood that the first creator of the Soul-Calming Secret had reached a level beyond the Supreme Dragon Chef.

It is precisely because of this that the Bai Luo family has been enduring. Even an ordinary person can achieve something as long as he keeps honing his skills.

This is the secret of the soul-soothing technique. After being passed down through many generations, it has become a very special technique.

Everyone also uses this to continuously improve their will, so that their will can continue to accelerate and improve. Therefore, this soul-suppressing secret is like an accelerator, allowing everyone to grow faster.

“The Soul-Calming Secret is indeed very powerful. It can accelerate the growth of our will, but it should be useless after reaching a certain level.”

This kind of acceleration is limited, but the Soul-Calming Secret is indeed quite good. At least an accelerator for a period of time is still an accelerator, right?

This time in the Little Chef world, everyone gained a lot. After all, they learned a lot of special skills, incredible skills, and also found a new route for chefs.

Combine this with the chef route of the world of food capture, and there is no doubt that this can open up a new and stronger chef route.

So this trip to the world of Little Chef is very good for everyone.

The key is that after a period of time, after a period of immersion, they should be able to cook eight ingredients.

Liu Kai can also wait a while. After all, the food in the Little Chef’s World can steadily increase the food progress bar. He is not far from resurrection. A few more times should be enough.

The best option is to wait until I am fully resurrected and have improved my strength to ensure that everything is safe before opening the space door to the food world.

It’s not that Liu Kai is too cowardly, but the food industry is indeed too dangerous. Not everyone is as lucky as A Lu Xiao Song and the others. Without absolute strength, entering the food industry is just a gift.

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