Chapter 33: Multi-flavored fruits, cell activation

The people of WGO began to transform into porters and frantically transported various ingredients. Now these beasts were too lazy to pay attention to them. Of course, if someone attacked the beasts, they would still fight back.

So now the people of WGO only carry the ready-made food on Hangulila Island, and no one dares to touch these beasts.

Nakiri Masagi also assigned the matters here to her secretary An. An’s role is similar to that of Niito Hisako. Of course, An is also a first-class executive officer, second only to Nakiri Masagi.

After arranging a series of tasks, the group left here

“Capture level 10. This is the first time I have encountered ingredients with a double-digit level. Unfortunately, I can’t transplant them.”

Nakiri Managi looked at the huge multi-flavored fruit that had been delivered to the branch and said that the information about the ingredients had been obtained from Nakiri Erina, and the capture level had been increased to level 10.

I have never seen such ingredients before. The highest I have ever seen is level 3 ingredients.

Originally, Nakiri Masagi was considering the possibility of growing multi-flavored fruits, but this idea was rejected immediately after it was proposed. The reason is very simple. Multi-flavored fruits cannot be grown artificially.

First, multi-flavored fruit has no core, and second, the result of multi-flavored fruit is only once.

Even in the world of food captives, the growing places of various fruits are unknown, because the growing locations are varied and there are no specific conditions at all.

So if you want to catch multi-flavored fruits, you can only rely on luck.

“It’s good enough to be able to eat it. Such special ingredients are hard to come by, so don’t think about anything else. But this fruit is really big.”

The multi-flavored fruit in front of him has been completely cut up. There is no way to stop it because it is too big. The diameter of the multi-flavored fruit is more than 20 meters, and its size is even larger than that of the Doug Sokomon.

You know, a Dougsoko beast is more than ten meters tall, and it is impossible to take it out of the space gate without cutting it.

“Leave some for Alice and the others, and we’ll eat the rest.”

Erina Nakiri was straightforward. She planned to eat all of it except leaving some for her relatives.

After all, multi-flavored fruits are not easy to store, especially if they are cut up and stored by freezing or other methods, which will also affect the taste.

The most important thing is that although multi-flavored fruits are rare and hard to come by, they are only level 10 ingredients.

The most important thing now is to improve Erina Nakiri’s strength. As long as her strength is improved, the level of the ingredients she captures will naturally not be low.

So apart from the portion left for Nakiri Soe’s family, everyone agreed that Nakiri Erina should eat the rest of the multi-flavored fruits directly.

The multi-flavored fruits do not need to be cooked and can be eaten directly

“It’s so sweet. The moment I eat it, I feel countless fruits flashing before my eyes, as if I’m in a sea of ​​fruits!”

With just one bite, everyone experienced the horror of this multi-flavored fruit.

Multi-flavored fruits are delicious and are known as the fruit shop of the earth. Although we dare not say that they include the flavors of all fruits, they are quite a few. The most important thing is that there will be no conflict due to too many flavors.

Every flavor seems to blend perfectly together, and people can’t stop eating it after taking a bite.

Just as everyone was immersed in the deliciousness, Erina Nakiri’s hair suddenly grew longer and stretched out.

“Erina, your hair…………Are you okay?”

Seeing their daughter’s hair suddenly grow longer and longer, Nakiri Masaki and others were shocked.

“It’s okay, I just feel a strange change in my body. My physical fitness has improved a lot in an instant, and my abilities have also improved, which is why this happened.”

Feeling the huge power coming from her body, Erina Nakiri was also very surprised

“The gourmet cells have been activated. Multi-flavored fruits are relatively special ingredients. Some special ingredients can activate gourmet cells, which is a leap forward. Your current cell level should have reached level 11.”

Just when Erina Nakiri was confused, Liu Kai spoke up. Cell activation is different from normal enhancement. Normal enhancement requires a large amount of food to accumulate. Quantitative change leads to qualitative change.

However, some special ingredients can activate cells and directly improve

Now Nakiri Erina’s level has been directly raised to level 11, and the Demon King’s sense of touch has also been improved.

After the upgrade, the demon king’s tactile range has reached ten meters, which is a considerable improvement.

“Are your gourmet cells activated? I remember you mentioned this before, but I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

Feeling the power in her body, Erina Nakiri is quite satisfied at this moment

If she were to enter Hangulila Island now, Erina Nakiri would have the confidence to sweep across the entire island head-on.

With an invincible area with a radius of ten meters and a physical fitness of level 11, even a group of Dougosomon cannot cause any harm to her. On the contrary, those Dougosomon will be killed instantly when facing Erina Nakiri at this stage as long as they enter the invincible area.

Soon, the gourmet cell activation ended, and Erina Nakiri returned to her original appearance. However, each cell activation not only brings about the strengthening of physical fitness, but also a beauty treatment for girls.

After Erina Nakiri’s brief explanation, everyone knew that her strength had improved again. Among them, Managi Nakiri and Hisako Arato were quite envious of this beauty effect.

However, when they thought about the difficulty of obtaining gourmet cells, they immediately gave up such unrealistic ideas. If they wanted to obtain gourmet cells, there was no other way except to spend time. As for good luck, that was completely Liu Kai’s nonsense.

So they think their only way is to have the same luck as Erina Nakiri, otherwise they can only wait for who knows how many years.

“Erina, how strong are you now??”

Nakiri Senzaemon asked curiously. According to Nakiri Erina, the activation of gourmet cells would greatly improve the level of cells, so he was very curious about the level of his granddaughter’s improvement.

When he asked this, Nakiri Masagi and Arato Hisako pricked up their ears. They were also very curious about this.

“According to Liu Kai, my cell level has reached level 11. Now I can walk sideways on Hangulila Island.”

Nakiri Erina briefly explained her own strength. As for the concept of level, the others naturally already knew it.

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