Chapter 95: Attacking the Ten Heroes

Ohmido Fumio is very clear about how high the status of Megumi Tadokoro, who has gourmet cells, is. After all, at this stage, only two people are known to have gourmet cells, one is Erina Nakiri and the other is Megumi Tadokoro.

So the Nakiri family would naturally build a good relationship with Tanomo Megumi, and the transformation of Polaris Dormitory was naturally that way.

“I didn’t expect that we benefited from Xiaohui.”

Sakaki Ryoko said with a smile, and everyone nodded. This time they were really lucky.

“By the way, Xiaohui, since you can easily capture these special ingredients, can you sell some special ingredients to me? I will buy them at the outside price.”

At this time, Isshiki Hui also spoke up. In fact, it was normal for him to have such thoughts. Not only him, but other people also had such thoughts.

It’s just that Isshiki Hui first proposed it

There is no way, after all, it is difficult for them to get special ingredients.

These ingredients will hardly be released to the market. At most, there will be some news. Once the ingredients are released, they will be completely bought up by all the major forces.

Even the little bit that was finally released was bought by others at a very high price.

Therefore, even if you have money to buy these ingredients, you can’t get them. Among the 463 people in Jixing Dormitory, only Isshiki Hui, one of the ten outstanding people, can get the ingredients.

After all, Nakiri Senzaemon will give out some special ingredients as rewards to the top ten.

Although the prices of these ingredients are very high, they are still affordable as long as they are not purchased in large quantities.

But there is no demand for it. I don’t know how many people want to buy it but have no way to do so. Now, Tanomo Megumi has given everyone hope.

“Well, you don’t actually need to buy these ingredients.…………”

Tansho Kei did not intend to accept the money, but Isshiki Hui spoke again

“Xiaohui, I know you can’t be short of our money right now, but there are some things that you can’t just give away.”

“For us, it is enough that you give us a chance to buy. If these ingredients are given to us directly, we will not ask for them.”

Isshiki Hui’s words also made everyone nod. They were very grateful for the opportunity to buy it now. If it was really given for free, they would not ask for it.

Liu Kai also saw the reactions of the people in the Polaris Dormitory. Indeed, if they really regarded each other as friends, they would not think of taking advantage of each other.

Now Isshiki Hui and others really regard Tanomo Hui as their friend, so they reacted like this

Tanaka Hui is just simple, not stupid, so after Isshiki Hui explained it clearly, Tanaka Hui also understood

“I understand. Then I will sell these ingredients to you, but I may treat you all to meals often, so you don’t need to pay for this!”

Tadokoro said with a smile

“Of course, at this time, even if you ask me for money, I won’t give it to you!”

Yoshino Yuuki’s words also made everyone laugh. The atmosphere in Polaris Dormitory is indeed quite good. This group of people really treat others as their friends.

“By the way, Mrs. Wenxu, are there any new students this year??”

Yoshino Yuuki once again asked a question, which is also a problem that everyone faces every year

“Not this year, and not in the next few years”

Ohmidou Fumio gave such an answer directly. In previous years, there were some students who came to report to the Pole Star Dormitory, but unfortunately, only a few of them were able to live in it, and they were all stopped by Ohmidou Fumio.

After being kicked out, the others contacted the school to change dormitories. Only Tanaka Hui was stubborn and spent a lot of time to successfully move in.

“This is quite normal. After all, with Xiaohui here, the school will not assign more people to Pole Star Dormitory unless Xiaohui graduates.”

Isshiki Hui also nodded. The reason was actually easy to guess. It was all because of Tanomo Hui.

Megumi Tadokoro has a gourmet cell. These people have seen Erina Nakiri before, and because they are friends of Megumi Tadokoro, the school will not let them move away.

But on the other hand, it will be impossible for new people to come to Polar Star Dormitory in the future, unless Megumi Tadokoro leaves here.

“Oh, that’s normal. It’s a pity. I thought Polaris Dormitory would be more lively!”

After listening to this, everyone agreed with Isshiki Hui’s statement.

Hearing this, Liu Kai also had a strange expression. In this way, Soma Yukihira would not be able to stay in the Polaris Dormitory.

Although Seiichiro has a good relationship with the Nakiri family and is also one of the leaders in the culinary world, compared with Tadokoro Megumi’s current status, there is naturally no comparison.

So this time, the protagonist Soma Yukihira moved directly to another dormitory.

“Although there are no newcomers, you guys must work hard to get the top ten spots.”

Ohmido Fumio said that she had always hoped to recreate the glory of the golden age.

“With that said, does Hui plan to fight for Shijie’s position next?”

Isshiki Hui asked, Tanaka Hui’s situation is completely different now, and her cooking skills should have improved by leaps and bounds, so he was very curious whether Tanaka Hui planned to take action against the Ten Elites

“Erina and the others discussed this with me before. I do plan to take action against the Ten Elites.”

Tadokoro Megumi nodded. Although the situation was different, she also hoped to continue to stay in school like Erina Nakiri. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

So the next step is naturally to get the title of one of the top ten.

After all, they stay in school to experience some things in school, otherwise���Just leave Yuanyue

So the identity of the top ten is necessary

Nakiri Erina has already secured a spot in the top ten, and because she secured the spot relatively early,

“If necessary, I can give up my seat directly.”

Isshiki Hui said that although the world’s privileges were indeed good, they were still incomparable to special ingredients. Tanomo Hui gave him a purchase channel, and he was very grateful.

So if Tanomo Megumi needs it, he will just give up his place in the top ten

“No, no, no, I don’t need Senior Isshiki’s seat. I already have a goal. A seat in the top ten is hard for others to get, but for me, it’s very simple.”

Tian Suohui said with a smile that she was planning to defeat the Ten Elites head-on. Now her cooking skills are indeed enough.

After all, if you ask others to give up their space directly, you will inevitably be criticized. Even if you don’t care, it is still annoying to have a group of flies buzzing around your ears.

So it is best to defeat them head-on. As for whether the other party agrees or not, that is even easier. If you bring out the special ingredients, no one can resist the temptation of the special ingredients.

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