Alice’s website is the world’s largest forum for “molecular gastronomy” exchanges.

She has been active in this forum, and in this forum, Alice is also a little famous.

About a few years ago, Alice made a post on the forum.

In this post, she shared her newly developed molecular dish.

Many people are praising Alice’s ingenuity in this dish

However, at this moment, a person with the screen name “CFCFCF” commented below:

“This dish should almost pass the 60-point passing line.”

Seeing this reply, Alice exploded at that time.

Who is this person?

Unexpectedly, her cuisine only reached the passing line of 60 points?

Alice was not happy on the spot

She replied directly to the person called “CFCFCF” at the bottom of the post:

“You said that Miss Ben’s cooking is only 60 points?”

“Huh, now a newcomer, is his tone of speech so loud?”

Unexpectedly, this “CFCFCF” also replied to Alice:

“I’m just telling the truth, in my eyes this dish really just meets the passing standard, if you can’t humbly accept other people’s opinions, you can’t make a difference in this industry.”


Alice looked up the information of this number, Nima, this girl is a trumpet.

That is, she was educated by a newcomer?

Alice asked directly in the post

Didn’t you say that my cuisine only reached the passing line?

So what is not good enough in my cuisine?

If you have the ability, say why.

After entering your inner words into the post

This person called “CFCFCF” really gave advice seriously.

This post has a lot of follow, and many people on the forum are browsing

After seeing the recommendations given by the “CFCFCF”

Many big coffees who are good at making molecular dishes have really analyzed it seriously.

“Huh? These suggestions given by the CFCFF are indeed brilliant! ”

“I guess it’s not a newcomer.”

“Can the foam machine still be used like this?”

“The temperature does have an impact on the taste of the dish, but I didn’t expect the CFCFF to even take this detail into account.”

Alice never dreamed that the people on the forum would one-sidedly support “CFCFCF”.

The little girl was angry

Miss Ben’s cuisine is obviously invincible in the world!

Is it a person who is qualified to evaluate her cuisine?

“What the hell are you guy? Do you know how strong Miss Ben is? Tell you, Miss Ben has won more international awards than you have eaten rice grains…”

Alice quarreled with this man named CFCFCF.

As a result, the person called “CFCFCF” actually replied:

“No matter how many awards you win, the problems I pointed out just now are real problems in your cooking.”

“Look at your name, you should be a girl!”

“Little girl, if you want to keep improving, you must be humble.”

“In fact, winning the grand prize is nothing.”

“If I go to the competition, then these trophies may be nothing for you.”

“You need to know that there are people outside the heavens and there are people outside the world…”

Seeing the message sent by the CFCFCF, Alice’s whole body was almost dizzy.


This person is more arrogant than her

If he participates in these competitions, the champion will have nothing to do with Miss Ben?

Seeing these words, Alice made an appointment at that time:

“What is the use of light brushing the skin of the mouth? Have the ability to compare 1-on-1? ”

“Little girl, I’m very busy with work and don’t have time to fight you.”

“Busy at work? You’re a chef, right? Okay, name your work restaurant, Miss Ben comes to you to single out! ”

“I’m not a chef, I’m a gastronomic executive. I don’t think there is a need to fight you at your level. You better study harder. ”

After sending these words, “CFCFCF” went offline.

Alice sent him a lot of private messages, but this person didn’t reply, and I don’t know if he was too lazy to deal with her, or he hadn’t logged in to this account again.

After introducing the cause of the matter to Chen Fei

Alice pouted and huffed

“Food Executive, this is a position unique to WGO!”

“Brother, can you help me find this nasty guy?”

“Miss Ben must find him in person!”

“What kind of person, why do you look down on Miss Ben’s cooking?”

“It’s too rampant, if he participates in the competition, the champion will have nothing to do with Miss Ben?”

“Miss Ben must use his strength to teach him to be a man!”

“There are people outside the sky, I see that the frog at the bottom of the well is clearly himself!”


See Alice’s cute look of gritting her teeth,

At this moment, Chen Fei’s scalp was a little numb.

The person named “the first beautiful girl in the universe” who is active in the forum is Alice?

Depend, don’t you want to be so clever!

Chen Fei was really drunk!

That’s right!

The “CFCFCF” that commented on the dishes in the Alice Forum was actually Chen Fei’s number.

During his time at WGO, he often browsed various forums for culinary exchanges.

When he comes across a post that feels good, he will reply.

That day, he also heard about this forum for molecular cuisine exchange from a colleague, so he came here to hang out.

“Sister Alice, many of the staff in our WGO have the habit of visiting various culinary exchange forums.”

“That, just by name, I can’t guess who the other party is…”

Hearing Chen Fei’s answer, Alice pouted

“Then you can help your sister inquire.”

“Brother, you’re a special executive of WGO, right!?”

“I have a good idea, I should be able to find that nasty guy!”

“You send a notice to all your subordinates, ask who CFCFCF is, and you say that you want to promote this person, and you will definitely find this guy!”

“Then you trick this guy out, and I’ll personally go to him to settle the score!”


Seeing the stunned expression on Chen Fei’s face

Alice directly put her arm around Chen Fei and began to coquette:

“Brother, sister is such a small request!”

“You shouldn’t disagree!”

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