Chapter 87: The Big Man in the Eyes of Tiansho Megumi!!

“Shiomi-sensei, is there something going on?”

Seeing that Xi Jianrun called himself, Chen Fei directly connected the phone to the other end of the phone, Xi Jianrun whispered a little: “Master Chen Fei, are you in the school now?” ”

Hearing Xi Jianrun’s inquiry, Chen Fei replied, “I just went back to school now, what’s wrong?” ”

“Master Chen Fei, that, there was something going on in a class in the first year of high school today… You may need to come to the office to deal with it. ”

There’s a class, what’s going on?

Hearing this, Chen Feileng paused: “What happened?” ”

On the phone, Shiomi Jun replied in a low voice: “Today, it is Mr. Chapel who is responsible for teaching that class. ”

“Then, it seems that some students are cooking with their classmates.”

“After the course, Mr. Chappell brought a few people to the teaching department.”

“It seems to be to study what kind of punishment should be given to these students.”

“This, I may need your opinion.”

What class is Mr. Chappell in charge of?

Someone did something in a classmate’s cooking?

Hearing what Shiomirun said, Chen Fei was stunned, the people she said should not be Kohei Sojin and Tiansho.

“Okay, I see!”

“Shiomi-sensei, I’ll just go to the office.”

“You guys wait for me for a moment.”

Hanging up the phone, Chen Fei rushed to the office as soon as possible.

When I entered the door, sure enough, the people standing in the office were Megumi Tasho and Kohei Sojin.

Mr. Chapel stood on the side, and at the same time beside him, there were also two boys with their heads in the set, looking at this, it was these two guys who did it in the classmates’ cooking Seeing Chen Fei coming, Chapel and Xi Mirun quickly said hello to Chen Fei, Chen Fei nodded and saluted, and then sat down directly in his seat.

He noticed that Tian Suohui had been secretly watching himself, but at this moment, Chen Fei did not choose to talk to her, but raised his head to look at Sharpel: “Teacher Chapel, what happened in your class today?” ”

When Chapel heard Chen Fei’s inquiry, he opened his mouth and replied: “Today I organized a round of quizzes in class. ”

“These two children secretly sprinkled edible salt on other people’s dishes.”

“If Kohei-san and Tasho-san hadn’t thought of a way to deal with it in time, they would probably have received a failing evaluation.”

Hearing what Mr. Chapel said, Chen Fei set his eyes on the two children: “Why do you do such a thing?” ”

“Don’t you know that what everyone hates the most in the kitchen is this kind of person who secretly manipulates other people’s cooking?”

Being watched by Chen Fei these two classmates was really panicked, only to see them crying and begging, “Yes… It’s us who did it wrong! ”

“Please give us another chance.”

“We will never do this kind of thing again.”

“Teacher, just forgive us this time!”

Chen Fei looked at Chapel and asked, “Mr. Chapel, what do you think should be done about this kind of thing?” ”

Shapel looked at Chen Fei and said calmly: “According to the fixed school of the school, these two people should be given the sanction of dropping out of school.” ”

“No one in school or in a restaurant wants to work with someone who does that.”

“My opinion, that’s it.”

Hearing that he might be expelled from school, these two poor babies really regretted their intestines, and Chen Fei was not moved by their pity.

Poor people must have something to hate, this kind of person, even in WGO, he will mercilessly expel him, so, without the slightest hesitation, Chen Fei spoke: “Then deal with it according to this decision.” ”

“Give these two individuals the sanction of dropping out of school.”

Seeing that there was no wave on Chen Fei’s face, he fired the two people, Tian Suohui seemed to be a little frightened by Chen Fei’s coldness at this moment, and these two children seemed to want to ask for mercy, and Chen Fei just glanced at them: “Do you think that after this matter is spread, will anyone be willing to work with you?” ”

“Which is more important to cook and be a person, please distinguish this clearly.”

After saying this, Chen Fei picked up the landline and called the people from the Academic Affairs Office.

Soon, they took the two poor students away.

Seeing Chen Fei dividing three times by two, he disposed of this matter, Chapel looked at Chen Fei and spoke: “Lord Minister, then I will go back with the two children first.” ”

Chen Fei glanced at Kohei Sojin and Tian Suohui and asked, “Teacher Chapel, how did these two students do in your class today?” ”

Hearing Chen Fei’s inquiry, Mr. Chapel froze for a moment, but he quickly replied: “These two children, in my class today, performed very well. ”

“Whether it’s a response to a crisis or something else”

“So, I gave them an A-grade rating.”

“A-class evaluation?”

Chen Fei nodded, and in the next second, he set his eyes on Tian Suohui: “Classmate Tian Suo, I didn’t expect us to meet again so soon.” ”

Tian Suohui never dreamed that Chen Fei would greet her on such an occasion, and all of a sudden, Tian Suohui became nervous: “Lord Minister… I…”

Seeing that Tian Suohui seemed to be a little nervous, Chen Fei smiled slightly and spoke: “Good manners, what are you doing so nervous?” ”

“Aren’t we old acquaintances?”

“We used to communicate quite happily, why has it changed so much now?”

Hearing what Chen Fei said, Tian Suohui’s whole person didn’t know what to say about the pleasant communication before, it was because she thought that Chen Fei was just a lost child.

But who would have thought that this little friend… It turned out to be a big man that she never dared to dream of!

Even the teachers in the school had to listen to him.

Now, in the face of Lord Chen Fei, how can he still be as calm as before!!!

Seeing Tian Suohui looking at himself a little nervously, unable to say a word, Chen Fei did not choose to force it, he looked at Chapel and spoke: “Mr. Chapel, if there is nothing else, you should go back first.” ”

“Everyone else go back.”

“Tassho-san stay.”

“I have something to say to you.”

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