Now Ju Xia went downstairs and was extremely embarrassed. She couldn't even find a special chef.

After all, after Master Abe died, the remaining stall was so big that not many people were willing to support it.

Juxialou is famous for having a Supreme Dragon Chef, but the fault in the middle means that there is no special chef at all, and the Linchu Dragon Chef in the middle is completely missing.

So after Master Abe died, no one dared to take over Ju Xia Downs, so Ju Xia downstairs is now in a half-dead stage.

It relies on some recipes left by Chef Abe to survive. Although it has lost its reputation in the past, it is not a big problem to survive among many restaurants.

"There is a Supreme Dragon Chef, no wonder Ju Xia downstairs is so famous, but it is a pity that he is dead."

Everyone also felt it was a pity. After all, this is the real Supreme Dragon Chef, who can sense the existence of destiny.

"It can only be said that the Supreme Dragon Chef is also a human being. Although he has super cooking skills and can sense destiny, he is still a human being after all."

In the world of Little Master, although there are many strong people, there is still no concept of falling away, and not everyone in 503 is the same as Luo Chen. Luo Chen has super physical fitness.

This is the addition of multiple inheritances. Obtained after the development of his own abilities, Luo Chen's physical fitness is basically invincible in this world, because his body has completely surpassed the scope of normal people.

Master Abe's body itself is relatively weak, and after encountering Shao An apprentice like An almost brought down Ju downstairs, which led to the death of Master Abe.

In Luo Chen's opinion, people like Shao An were much more disgusting than Xiang En, because people like Xiang En She is pure evil, and her setting itself is a villain, an unscrupulous villain.

Naturally, there is no need to hold back when dealing with enemies. You know, Xiang En is loyal to Kaiyou, so even though Luo Chen doesn't care about Xiang En, He knows how to hold back, but he doesn't feel too disgusted.

But people like Shao An are completely different. He is pure and innocent, and has a white-eyed wolf who is not familiar with it. Therefore, no matter how talented he is, Shao An is garbage.

At least in the world of Little Master, this kind of person is what Luo Chen hates the most.

If he meets him, Luo Chen doesn't mind greeting him well.

"Thirteen? Doesn't he go to school?"

After learning that Liu Pleiades was only thirteen years old, everyone was shocked again. You must know that although Yuanyue is a chef school, Yuanyue also has cultural classes, which will not make students illiterate.

But Liu Pleiades is now He is only thirteen years old, so it is not a problem in the context of the Qing Dynasty, but it is a big problem in the context of modern times.

"Although he is only thirteen years old, he is a genius, so he has already learned almost all the knowledge in junior high school and even high school."

"Now he is basically in college, but he has chosen cooking!"

Zhou Meili was also a little speechless, because Liu Pleiades is indeed too talented. You know, she is still in school. After listening to Zhou Meili's words, Luo Chen was also a little speechless. Should he be said to be worthy of being the protagonist? As expected, the protagonists are cheating in different times. The situation is completely different.

But it is acceptable. After all, this is the protagonist. It is just a cheat. It is not a big problem.

After everyone continued chatting for a while, Zhou Meili left. Now the relationship between Zhou Meili and everyone is very good.

"We are also ready to set off, and we already have the goal. Luo

Chen said and sent the location located on his mobile phone to everyone.

"Abalone shop? It specializes in selling abalone soup, and its popularity and ratings are quite impressive!"

Everyone was a little surprised when they saw the location and message Luo Chen sent them. The location Luo Chen sent them was a store. This store sells abalone soup, but the price is very expensive, but the (bgde) score is ridiculously high. Throughout the article There were no negative comments at all.

Luo Chen, who had read the original work, naturally knew what was going on. Moreover, Luo Chen also found out information about Weng Guangxu, who happened to be the owner and chef of this restaurant.

Luo Chen has also been reading this book for the past few days. After paying attention to the news here, searching for information, and relying on the plot of the original work, I finally found this store. Moreover, the name of this store also made Luo Chen a little speechless. It was named Demonic Abalone.

"Is there anything wrong with this store?"

Everyone looked at Luo Chen

"There is indeed something wrong. The quality of the abalone is not quite right. You will know if you take a closer look. Luo

Chen said, and then everyone saw the various pictures above. The more they looked at them, the more they found something wrong.

"The quality of these abalones is so bad, they are the cheapest kind. How can such cheap abalones get such a rating? Is this a false rating?"

Nakiri Erina said with a frown.

"No, I found some famous gourmets, and they have all been there, and they love to go there. One store does not have the ability to directly handle so many gourmets, so there is something wrong with the ingredients. Luo

Chen said, the information he checked was not just a bit of information.

"Using such cheap ingredients to create such a taste, could it be that the chef of this restaurant is a dragon chef or even a supreme dragon chef?"

Everyone is also speculating at this time.

"This is even more impossible. The number of Dragon Chefs and Supreme Dragon Chefs is very rare. Although it is not ruled out that there are those who live in seclusion, but they only live in seclusion after becoming famous. Blindly closing the door will not lead to this step."

Luo Chen shook his head. For existences like seniors, they live in seclusion after becoming famous, so they are not known to the world. But how old is Weng Shengxing? At this age, if it is really the Dragon Chef and the Supreme Dragon Chef , then he will be as famous as Master Abe, but Weng Reputation has only been rising for a long time.

So all aspects indicate that there is something wrong with this guy, and Weng Reputation does not even have any chef resume. His existence is simply a conflict between all parties. Everything on his face reveals something abnormal

"This guy is a bit weird, so how did he do this?"

After listening to Luo Chen's words, everyone couldn't understand Weng Shengheng.

"The only explanation is the legendary kitchen utensils. Luo

Chen said

"The legendary kitchen utensil? Indeed, abalone with this appearance may explode with super deliciousness after being passed through the legendary kitchenware, but can such a person be recognized by the kitchenware?"

Everyone was a little confused again. After all, the legendary kitchen utensils are very special, and it is quite difficult to get recognition. Just look at how long the Yongling Knife has been sealed in Daxian Temple. Over the years, only Luo Chen has A person recognized by kitchenware..

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