"Don't worry, it's no problem. You will know when the time comes. Luo

Chen said with a smile. The fishing gear he prepared was very simple. It was actually his own mace and steel wire. Compared with those fishing gears, there is no doubt that his fishing gear is more useful. The reason is also related to his ability.

On the other side, Erina Nakiri doesn’t understand fishing at all, so she doesn’t have much idea about fishing gear. However, Luo Chen’s fishing gear is indeed very strange.

This mace is Luo Chen’s kitchen utensil. Everyone knows this, but How to use it for fishing? Everyone was very curious.

"Luo Chenjun, don’t you want to change your clothes?"

Tasoko Hui was already ready and waiting outside, but she was very surprised when she saw Luo Chen.

WGO's introduction to Luo Chen was only the simplest introduction, and it did not indicate the status of his powers, so he didn't know anything about it. People will only think that Luo Chen likes such a costume.

After all, this situation is not uncommon in the cooking world, especially for late-night cooks. Every time they appear on stage, it is basically a large-scale COS show.

At this time, Tadokoro Megumi She didn't know about Luo Chen's powers, so it was very inconvenient for her to go to sea in such a dress.

"Chen Jun cannot take off this armor, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble."

Nakiri Alice shook her head. Once Luo Chen takes off his armor, the electric current will completely explode. Although Luo Chen can control the electric current, it is still very dangerous.

"well? Why?"

Tana Sohui was a little confused. She couldn't figure out why Luo Chen's armor was related to danger.

"Because Chenjun's power is thunder and lightning, and it is lightning that cannot be completely controlled. Once the armor is taken off, the thunder and lightning will completely explode, so it is very dangerous."

Nakiri Alice briefly explained that the power of the Shokuki World is now known to the public. After all, in the Internet age, this kind of thing cannot be hidden.

But even if you know it, you can't get it directly. If you want to get the power, Yes, only powerful chefs can do it in this world.

And they must reach a certain height and have certain talents. There are many top chefs who also have no powers.

Not everyone is not online like Soma Yukihira. , WGO’s official website has a special introduction to superpowers, so most people know about superpowers.

As a chef, Tadokoro Hui naturally knows all about it.

"Lightning power? It’s amazing, but life like this must be very inconvenient!"

Tasoko Hui feels that it must be very uncomfortable. After all, he can only run around wearing a heavy armor.

"It's okay once you get used to it, and maybe you can control it completely in the future, and you won't need the armor to suppress it."

Luo Chen didn't feel much. After all, he knew very well that when he fully accepted this inheritance, he would naturally not need to worry about this problem.

Speaking of which, Luo Chen was also thinking about whether to find time to compete with Tadokoro Ebi. field, and then get the luck from Tian Suohui.

For Luo Chen, as long as he is willing after school starts, he will soon be able to get enough luck to complete this inheritance.

After Luo Chen finished speaking, Tian Suohui did not No more words were said, and soon the group arrived at the port. Tadokoro had a very good relationship with the people here.

After all, her cooking skills were the best in the area, and because she was learning how to make hanging cuts, she and The nearby shop owners and the people at the port also have good relationships, and over time, they have become everyone's favorite.

Tadokoro has already contacted the captain of the fishing boat, so the group boarded the fishing boat very smoothly, and because Tadokoro Because of it, they also gave a lot of discounts.

Although the Nakiri family, a big dog family, did not care about this discount, it has to be said that having connections is indeed beneficial.

Although they have not yet reached the sea fishing position, everyone has begun to prepare their own Fishing gear.

However, a more embarrassing scene appeared. Nakiri Erina and Nito Higasako began to stare at each other.

There was no way, Nakiri Erina had never been exposed to this kind of thing, and as for Nito Higasako.

The same is true for her, because you have been with Nakiri Erina all year round, and you need to help Nakiri Erina handle many things, so that she has no time and energy to spend on this aspect. Although she has been surfing the Internet these days to make up for her. They have acquired some knowledge, but after all, only a few can use the acquired knowledge, and even fewer have mastered it. In addition, theory and practice are completely different, so the two of them are now confused.

Tadokoro also discovered this and immediately went to help The two dealt with the problem of fishing gear and explained it to them carefully.

As for Alice Nakiri and Luo Chen, they didn't need it. Alice Nakiri had a lot of practical experience. As for Luo Chen, he was even simpler.

Luo Chen Chen removed several spiked kitchen knives from the mace, and then fixed the steel wire through the top of the mace. In this way, a fishing tackle unique to him was completed.

"Little brother, are you planning to use this to go fishing?"

The people on the boat were a little stunned when they saw this scene. After all, Luo Chen's operation was really hard to understand.

"Yes, this is my exclusive fishing gear. Luo

Chen said with a smile.

Seeing Luo Chen's confident look, the crew members who originally wanted to persuade him didn't say much. Anyway, Luo Chen would naturally choose to change his fishing gear if he couldn't catch any fish.

Luo Chen There is a reason why he does this. The mace and steel wire he uses are both conductive.

Of course, this does not mean that he will directly electrocute the fish, but it is based on manipulation, and the steel wire and fishhook can be pulled through the current. position, coupled with his super vision.

In the eyes of others, the sea surface is completely invisible, but for Luo Chen, he can clearly see a very deep distance.

And once the fish takes the bait, Luo Chen can also You can directly release electric current through the mace to directly make the hooked fish lose their ability to resist.

You must know that the larger the fish caught in the sea, the more difficult it is to catch, especially some large fish. Once caught, it is very likely that one or two Hours of tug-of-war.

But Luo Chen didn’t need it at all. With the set of fishing gear he prepared, he could easily make the fish lose their ability to resist.

And the top of the mace can be rotated. Fishing in this way was a big deal for Luo Chen. It is very convenient to speak. Of course, only he can play like this.

It can only be said that Luo Chen is constantly trying to use and develop his abilities, so he has such a fishing method.

Soon, everyone was ready, and the bait was Everyone brought them, and the captain also had a lot of them that they usually use.

After everyone arrived at the destination, the sea fishing officially started. According to the captain, this area is rich in seafood resources, and generally speaking, there will be no air force. Condition.

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