At night, when others fall asleep, Gao Jiazhi wakes up.

Compared with the daytime, the middle of the night is quieter and more suitable for him to do dubbing work.

When Gao Jiazhi got up, his parents were already asleep.

Dabao was also lying in his doghouse, sleeping soundly.



Something is wrong. Dabao's schedule is the same as his, both of them are night owls.

Usually he sleeps during the day and waits for him to get up at night to go out for a walk together.

Why are you sleeping today?

Hearing the sound, Erha tiredly lifted his eyelids, glanced at Gao Jiazhi, and slowly closed his eyes, looking like he was going to sleep.

Gao Jiazhi reached out to pull Erha's eyelids, as if to wake him up.

Then he touched his hands, which were covered in dust.

No, what were you doing so late at night, covered in dust?

"Dabao, Dabao, what's wrong with you? Don't sleep, get up and have fun!"

Erha couldn't sleep because of the noise, and opened his eyes again feebly.

No, are you sick?

Gao Jiazhi magically understood Dabao's speechlessness, and withdrew his hand with a wry smile.

"Aren't you going out for a walk to find Boss Lin today?"

Upon hearing that he was going out to find Boss Lin, Dabao's feeble eyelids opened a little wider.

In the new week, Gao Jiazhi's must-do work when he got up at night was to take Dabao out, strolling in the streets and alleys, looking for Lin Zhou's stall.

Although he didn't find it, he ran a few streets.

Gao Jiazhi looked in the mirror and felt that he had lost some weight.

Erha was the same.

Today is Tuesday, and the weather has been good this week. Boss Lin should have set up his stall.

How come no one has found Boss Lin for two days!

Could it be that Boss Lin has found a more remote place to set up a stall than last week?

While thinking, Gao Jiazhi put a leash on Dabao and prepared to go out.

Then he looked down and saw that Dabao's legs were shaking a little when he walked.

"Dabao, what have you been doing? Why are you so tired?"

Gao Jiazhi knew that Dabao was very smart and knew the door of his house. Sometimes when he was busy, he could go out for a walk by himself.

If he gave it money, he could go to the convenience store at the entrance of the community to buy cigarettes for him.

So when he saw Dabao like this, he suddenly had a guess.

"You didn't go out to find Boss Lin while I was sleeping, did you?"

After Gao Jiazhi finished speaking, he saw Dabao sitting on the ground, staring at him eagerly, sticking out his tongue, without making any sound, as if he was acting cute.

Gao Jiazhi:......

He knew the character of his own dog best.

This reaction, not saying anything, meant admitting it.

Good fellow, I really underestimated you.

"Go and take a rest. Next time you go out, remember to call me along. What if you go out alone and get kidnapped and eaten by someone?"

"I'll see if anyone in the group has found Boss Lin. If there's any news, I'll take you there."

Seeing Dabao's legs shaking from exhaustion, Gao Jiazhi felt sad. Whose dog loves to eat so much!

At night, many diners in the group didn't sleep.

It didn't rain this week, so everyone thought that Boss Lin should have a stall somewhere, but no one had found it yet.

Last week, the son of luck used the same method, looking for various food posts on the entire Internet to see which one might be Boss Lin's stall.

So far, there has been no harvest.

Then he went to the streets to look for people during the day and at night, but there was no news.

"Brothers, I feel that there are still too few people who can go out to find Boss Lin. There are many places to set up stalls in Jiangdong City. If we rely on searching bit by bit, we don't know when we will find someone."

"I heard that the fried chicken stall group next door is also looking for someone, but they haven't found him either."

After the last communication, the two groups also reached a verbal agreement that they would keep in touch with each other after finding Boss Lin.

All of them are fans of Boss Lin. No one can guarantee that they can find Boss Lin every time. It is very important to help each other.

Before finding Boss Lin, everyone still has this consensus.

So at present, the relationship between the two groups is good.

"Why hasn't the son of luck appeared this week? I just want to get a position in Boss Lin, but I can't."

"It's better to rely on yourself than on others, brother. If you don't look for it yourself and want to sit back and enjoy the fruits of others' labor, who will find Boss Lin and want to tell others!"

After this person said this casually, the group was silent instantly.

They are a group of people looking for people every day. Why didn't they think that even if someone met Boss Lin, but kept this secret, they would have no way to deal with it!

If the person who found Boss Lin was afraid that the news would leak out, a bunch of people would line up to grab the food, and then they would not be able to eat.

When they arrived, they kept the secret.

When they thought of this possibility, the diners in the group turned green.

This is more painful than killing them!

The group leader Fang Jun also saw the message.

"Let's do this. Whoever in the group finds Boss Lin and announces the news will be rewarded with 1,000 yuan. I will pay for this."

"In the future, people who join the group must also set a threshold first, such as those who are willing to help find Boss Lin, whether they pay money or work, and those who just want to get the news will not be accepted."

"I found that although there are many people in the group, it is not very efficient. I will formulate group rules in the next two days to clean up a group of people who come to get the news without working or paying. I hope that the rest of the people are those who really want to find Boss Lin. Everyone works together, who can't find him?"

Fang Jun's words make a lot of sense.

No one wants to share the news of the person they have worked hard to find for free, and others sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor, and come to grab food from him. What kind of saint can do this!

So, most people agreed with Fang Jun and strongly supported him.

"I agree with the group leader's approach. Although I am not as rich as the group leader, I am willing to reward him two hundred."

"I may not have much money, but I go out to find Boss Lin in my free time. I walk tens of thousands of steps every day and sweep several streets."

Gao Jiazhi: "My dog ​​goes out to find people every day. His legs are shaking from running. Support the group leader and kick out those who do not work but want to take Boss Lin's position."

Fang Jun was relieved when he saw that most people in the group supported him.

Originally, he was put in the position of group leader. At first, he just thought it was fun.

But as the group became more and more people, there were all kinds of people. Instead, it was not as pure as when there were hundreds of people before, and the efficiency of finding people became lower.

If this goes on, this group will be meaningless.

No one likes to do things that are not rewarded.

They hate people who take advantage even more.

So Fang Jun took out the posture of a management company to manage this group.

The main reason is that he really likes Boss Lin's craftsmanship.

But the chef is so willful and they, as customers, have no choice but to refuse to eat or find someone else to cook for them.

They can’t just go to someone’s house and force them to cook in the kitchen.

It’s not realistic at all.

They have no way to deal with Boss Lin, and they are afraid that too many people will make him angry and he will simply stop setting up the stall, which will make them even more uncomfortable, so they can only find a way out on their own.

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