The old man was very happy.

"Hey, the guy selling lees fish hasn't come yet?"

Ms. Yao looked at the time on her phone. It was past six o'clock. Two days ago, she had already bought lees fish at this time.

"Yeah, I didn't notice it until you told me. It's already half past six."

"Is the guy not setting up a stall today?"

"No, didn't you hear people say that he was setting up a stall at the entrance of the vegetable market yesterday? He was pulled in by people in our community. I didn't see anyone in the community today. I guess he's at the entrance of the vegetable market."

"Then I'll go take a look."

Ms. Yao said and called her son who was riding a bicycle to go to the vegetable market to take a look.

Although their community is old, there are kindergartens, primary schools, junior high schools, vegetable markets, supermarkets, etc. around, and life is very convenient.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Convenient life also means noise.

In the evening, the screams and cries of the children playing in the community are endless.

Out of the community, the opposite is the vegetable market, and there are shops and various restaurants on both sides. In the summer nights, it is the world of barbecue stalls. There are a lot of people eating crayfish and drinking beer in the early morning. The floors near the roadside are really busy.

This evening is also the time when the vegetable market is busy.

Even at the entrance of their community, there are fried skewers stalls, grilled skewers stalls and other snack roadside stalls.

It is completely a speed bump for children after school.

Ms. Yao took her son to look on the roadside, looking for the stall of fermented lees fish.

Then she saw a queue in front of a stall.

The woman's sixth sense told her that the queue must be the stall of fermented lees fish.

She has lived in this neighborhood for so many years, and she knows clearly where the delicious food is. She has never seen a roadside stall with a long queue before, unless there is an activity to break bones.

"Let's go, go to the stall with a queue over there."

The son rode his small bicycle and passed by quickly, not looking at the pedestrians on both sides at all, which scared Ms. Yao so much that she almost had a cardiac arrest.

"Watch the road! Watch the road! You unlucky child, who told you to dare to ride a bicycle on the main road!"

Ms. Yao immediately chased him, hit her son on the back with a big bag, and dragged him off the bicycle.

He is really brave, there are many cars and people here, but he dares to ride like this.

The child did not dare to speak, and stood by with a guilty conscience, his eyes could not stop looking at where Lin Zhou was.

After crossing the road, he had already seen that this was the stall selling fermented lees fish.

"Mom, fermented lees fish!"

Ms. Yao heard about fermented lees fish, looked up and saw Lin Zhou, and immediately did not care about educating the child, and dragged the little kid to queue up.

I didn't set up a stall in the community today, so why did the queues suddenly increase?

I should have come earlier.

Ms. Yao thought of those who were still waiting in the community, and quickly sent a message in the property group, telling them that the lees fish stall was set up at the entrance of the vegetable market today.

There were a lot of people queuing, so she asked them to come quickly, otherwise they would not be able to buy it.

The mother who saw the message immediately notified the owners who were waiting to buy lees fish nearby. A group of people with children and bags walked out of the community.

"Oh, why didn't you pull people into the community today? We have to go to the vegetable market to buy it."

The grandmother who was playing with her grandson started complaining again after hearing it.

Other owners frowned when they heard it.

The vegetable market is just opposite, a few steps away, and they didn't set up a stall in the community at the beginning.

And they blamed others for not pulling people into the lower area.

It's really amazing.

"Grandma, you don't have to eat it. No one is forcing you to buy it."

The mother with the child silently pushed the cart away from the old man. She couldn't stand it.

This self-evident attitude should not be a bad influence on her children.

The old lady was choked by the criticism, and her face turned red with anger.

What's wrong with young people nowadays? They don't respect the elderly and love the young at all.

Unable to save face, she angrily dragged her grandson home without buying the fermented fish.

Seeing her leave, the other owners couldn't help laughing.

"I'm surprised. She is always criticized, why is she still so mean."

"I don't know, maybe she just likes to gossip."

"Laughing to death..."

When their group joined the queue again, Lin Zhou's stall became the most popular place at the entrance of the vegetable market.

"What are you queuing for? So many people?"

"I don't know. Look at the sign. There is only one word for fish."

"It smells good. Look at what they are holding in their hands.

It looks like some kind of fish chunk."

Passersby attracted by the long queue subconsciously thought that this was some kind of event.

In the evening, in addition to cheap vegetables, many stores in the vegetable market will also offer discounts.

For example, bakeries, roast duck shops and other stores that only sell fresh food will offer discounts.

There are also roadside fish sellers, some fish are half dead, or fish and shrimp that have just died will be discounted.

"No event, the wine lees fish sold is fifty yuan per catty."

The diners in line who were asked also kindly explained to the passersby.

"Why is the wine lees fish so expensive? Fifty-one catties!"


The diners who didn't think it was expensive showed an embarrassed but polite smile.

"It's not expensive. The fish will shrink after frying, and it tastes good, so it's reasonable to be expensive. ”

The customer kindly explained, but the passerby waved his hand and walked away.

Customer: You don’t know what’s good!

You left without trying such delicious fermented lees fish.

Seeing so many people queuing up, you should know that the taste must be good, but you didn’t buy a portion to try.

The customer didn’t understand.

Then he watched the diners in front of him move slowly.

Pan Yuan, who was eating fermented lees fish next to Lin Zhou, was secretly amazed at the queue.

These are all new customers, not even fans of Boss Lin, but they lined up in a long line in a short time.

Pan Yuan suddenly had a deeper understanding of the food made by Lin Zhou.

How could there be a shortage of customers!

Thinking of the first time he met Boss Lin, he actually thought that the hamburgers made by Boss Lin were so delicious, and there was no business, which was pitiful. He wanted to take care of Boss Lin’s business and bring his friends to eat.

Now back He felt embarrassed for himself when he thought about it. He really thought too much.

Fortunately, he didn't reveal his thoughts, otherwise he wouldn't be the only one embarrassed now.

What was he thinking!

The more Pan Yuan thought about it, the more embarrassed he felt for himself.

Even the fish with fermented lees didn't taste so good when he ate it.

He made an appointment with Lin Zhou today to go to his place to get fish after setting up the stall.

So Pan Yuan came early, and then bought a lot of fish with fermented lees and ate it while waiting.

Two large buckets of fish with fermented lees were sold out within an hour.

Lin Zhou had just arrived and had to close the stall.

The surrounding vendors were very envious.

Business is so good!

Before leaving, Lin Zhou also gave the two portions of fish with fermented lees reserved for the security guard.

The old man was very happy and took the initiative to give cigarettes to Lin Zhou and Pan Yuan.

"Thank you, brother. I saw that your stall was doing so well. I thought there would be nothing to eat today. "

If the old man was not at work, he would have wanted to go and queue up to buy it.

He had prepared himself for not having anything to eat today, but he didn't expect that the young man remembered what he said last night and left two portions for him.

The old man was so excited.

"Come on, I have a fire."

Not only did he distribute the cigarettes, he also lit it for Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou was a little overwhelmed by the enthusiasm.

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