The only way out is to find a way out.

"By the way, please @ me when you post the video, I'll take a look."

After the interview, Ma Ming took the braised pork roll and made a special reminder before leaving.

Since he has decided not to become a monk, he has to think about the future.

There is no way out for him to work, so he can only find another way.

It happened that this unexpected scene was posted online by a tourist, and it happened that the owner of the braised pork roll stall had fans and was well-known in the local area, making the video go viral all of a sudden.

He also became popular.

After this interview video is released, the popularity about him will increase.

Ma Ming suddenly thought of a good way to make money.

Taking advantage of this wave of popularity, he can also do self-media, become an internet celebrity, do live broadcasts, sell goods, etc.

If it really doesn't work, live broadcasting as a monk chanting sutras and knocking wooden fish to help sleep is also OK.

It would be a good thing if he could earn money to support himself by live broadcasting at home without going to work.

After thinking it over, Ma Ming didn't care so much about social death, and he wished that the popularity would be as high as possible.


"Boss Lin, are there no more braised pork rolls?"

Before 12 o'clock, all the more than 100 braised pork rolls prepared by Lin Zhou were sold out.

One per purchase, it can't cover all the people in line.

For the diners who didn't buy, the moment they saw the empty stall, the temperature of more than 30 degrees outside couldn't warm their hearts.

Lin Zhou is undoubtedly a soft-hearted person, but he can't do anything if the ingredients are gone!

"Tomorrow, I'll prepare more tomorrow, you come earlier."

Faced with the diners' pleading, Lin Zhou couldn't bear to see everyone so disappointed, queuing for so long in the hot weather and still not being able to buy.

"Are there any ingredients you want to eat? I can prepare more."

Feeling Lin Zhou's gentleness, as if he was coaxing them, the diners also felt embarrassed.

"Hey, it's okay, we came late. I have a day off on Saturdays. I will definitely come early and I can buy it then."

"Boss Lin, don't work too hard. If you are exhausted, what will we eat? It's okay, as long as you cook it, we will love it."

Compared to the thoughtfulness of the female diners, the male diners are very funny.

"Boss Lin, I think our relationship is a little ambiguous."

"That's right, we chase you every day, and you still ask us what we want to eat. What's the relationship? Are you secretly in love with me?"

"Hahaha, with your character, how can Boss Lin like you?"

"Boss Lin, don't be so stubborn about gender, look at us~"

"Be careful, you scared Boss Lin, Boss Lin, look at me, look at me, they only miss the braised pork rolls you made, I'm different, I only feel sorry for my brother~"

"Wow, green tea man, you're amazing!"

Lin Zhou was amused by the diners and laughed non-stop. After chatting for a while, he promised to add braised ham sausage, braised duck sausage, and cold chicken shreds tomorrow, and then closed the stall.

These diners are all good eaters.

When Lin Zhou returned home, the nanny was responsible for cleaning the tricycle.

He went upstairs to take a shower and sleep directly.

He was used to this kind of work and rest.

No wonder the system rewards gene modification fluid, even if you are not in good health, you can't resist it.


When he woke up, it was already night.

He was the only one left in the villa. After opening his eyes, Lin Zhou didn't rush to get up.

Lying on the bed playing with his phone, he thought of what the diners said about someone giving up becoming a monk after eating the braised pork rolls he made. He was a little curious and searched online.

The first one that came out was a live broadcast account.

Good guy, so up-to-date?

Lin Zhou clicked in curiously and saw Ma Ming sitting in front of the camera, beating the wooden fish and answering questions from the audience in the live broadcast room.

Lin Zhou:......

It's quite novel. He has never seen such a live broadcast room.

Listening to the background sound of the wooden fish, Lin Zhou had the illusion that the surrounding environment was quieter, and the sound of the wooden fish beside his ears was very clear.

When he looked at the number of people online in the live broadcast room, there were more than 10,000.

There are quite a lot of people.

After listening for a while, Lin Zhou found that this person was still online to answer questions for netizens. It was an unexpected live broadcast.

After watching for a while, Lin Zhou felt a little hungry, so he turned off his phone and got up from the bed to find something to eat.

After eating, he was so tired that he killed all the fish he had caught before and pickled them to make wine lees fish and smoked fish.

Pan Yuan and Uncle Zhang all loved it.

And it is not difficult to make, and it is easy to store and suitable for sharing.

Speaking of which, I would like to share it with Brother Mingyuan.

It's been a while since we last met.

I guess I'm going to get engaged soon, so I'm so busy.

Even Uncle Zhang is busy, so he hasn't come to eat.

I'm used to them coming to class often, and it's lively when there are many people eating together. I miss them a little when they haven't come for a while.

I don't need to set up a stall this Sunday, I can ask Uncle Zhang to go fishing together. I said I would but I never did.

Before Sunday, he had already arranged the schedule for the rest day.

Then I'll give the housekeeper and the others a day off.

Hehe, perfect!

It was dawn in a blink of an eye, and Lin Zhou drove to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Breathe in the fresh air in the morning, buy fresh ingredients, and start a beautiful day.

Is it the starch sausage without meat or the one with meat?

Lin Zhou stood in front of the store and looked at the various varieties of ham sausages. He hesitated for a while and chose the more expensive one with meat.

After buying the ingredients several times and carrying them to the car, Lin Zhou clapped his hands and went home.

When he got home, the housekeepers were already waiting.

Lin Zhou told them by the way that he would give them a day off tomorrow, and he would also rest tomorrow, so that everyone could rest together.

When the housekeepers heard that they would rest tomorrow, they were not happy at first, but realized that they would not be able to eat the braised pork rice if they rested.

But the next second, they heard that the boss would also rest and not set up the stall, so it was okay, and they all nodded in agreement.

There were many ingredients to be braised today, so Lin Zhou went to buy vegetables at 1 o'clock. It was only a little after 6 o'clock now, so there was plenty of time to prepare the food.

When he was ready to set up the stall at 10 o'clock, he set off with a full load of ingredients, thinking that he would get a reward after finishing today's work, and happily hummed a song in a low voice, looking leisurely and comfortable.

"Mr. Lin really likes to set up the stall."

Feeling Lin Zhou's joyful mood, the security guard at the door was very emotional.

"Yes, I am happy every time I set up the stall."


Today is Saturday, and there are still many diners who are not working.

Early in the morning, old customers came to Lin Zhou's stall with folding chairs and parasols to reserve a spot.

The familiar small bench, covered with an umbrella, clearly told others that this spot was taken.

Then before ten o'clock, passers-by could see a row of benches on the sidewalk.

They are all old players who take up spots.

Experienced old customers will also bring different umbrellas to the benches to distinguish them.

In short, the old customers are professional in queuing.

Some people come early, take a good spot and even go to Changzhong Temple for a walk.

Recently, Boss Lin's braised pork rolls are popular, and Changzhong Temple is no less popular, with twice as many incense as before.

Who doesn't like to worship the God of Wealth? Everyone comes with scratch cards and ID cards to pray for wealth.

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