The price was very high.

"Give me two tofu buns then."

Wang Chuanjuan said without hesitation, took out her phone and asked how much it cost, ready to pay.

"Ten yuan."

How much? Two tofu buns for ten yuan?

Wang Chuanjuan thought she had heard wrong for a moment.

But then she looked at Lin Zhou who didn't react and silently paid ten yuan.

She had already found it, and although two vegetarian buns cost ten yuan, she still wanted to taste it.

I wonder if it tastes as good as it smells.

Before three minutes had passed, another jogger stopped in front of Lin Zhou's stall after smelling the fragrance.

"Boss, how much are the buns?"

"Beef buns are 10 yuan each, tofu buns are 5 yuan each."

Lin Zhou replied dutifully, his attitude was not enthusiastic, but polite.

With his current cooking skills and the recipes given by the system, he can make anything delicious.

He doesn't have to worry about customers at all.

In addition, with the experience of setting up a stall last week, he can be described as familiar with the business.

He can deal with customers very well.

The eldest brother was also shocked when he heard the price. Five yuan for a bun is really outrageous.

But then he was curious. What tofu buns are sold for five yuan?

"Try one!"

"Wait a minute, it's not ready yet."

Lin Zhou smiled and calmly put away his phone and stood in front of the stall.

With customers around, he couldn't slack off and play with his phone.

Looking at the hot air coming out of the steamer, estimating the time, he picked up a stack of steamers with gloves when the fire was ready, revealing the buns on the bottom.

The steaming white mist and the fragrance of the buns suddenly spread, and a stronger fragrance spread in the air.

The uncle who was selling fried skewers next to him was attracted and looked over without blinking.

The buns in the steamer were thin in skin and large in filling, and they were the same size and shape. They were just like works of art copied and pasted. They were all exquisite and extraordinary. They didn't look like handmade buns, but like semi-finished machines.

But if you look closely, it doesn't look like it. You can smell the aroma of wheat and the spicy taste of the fillings. The appearance of the buns is not rigid, and it doesn't look like it was made by a machine.

Lin Zhou took a disposable bag and directly put two tofu buns in it and handed it to Wang Chuanjuan.

Wang Chuanjuan took it and immediately held the bag because it was burned.

He also had an understanding of the temperature of the buns just out of the steamer.

But then he couldn't help but get close and take a bite.

The spicy tofu buns with thin skin and large fillings, the chili oil in the tofu has already seeped out during the steaming process, and the bright red chili oil soaked the wrinkles on the surface of the buns, exuding a hint of spicy fragrance, forming a strong contrast with the white and tender bun skin, which can be seen clearly even at night.

The temptation of the buns just out of the steamer can be imagined. Anyone who sees it can't help but want to eat one. Who cares about the heat at this time?

Wang Chuanjuan took a bite and ate the filling in the buns. It was steaming hot, so hot that she opened her mouth and exhaled a few times before she dared to eat it.

The red tofu was soaked in the sauce and red oil, and was full of juice, mixed with sporadic chopped green onions. When she took a bite, the spicy juice and the wheat aroma of the bun skin complemented each other and spread in her mouth.

The hot taste and spicy taste made her unable to stop, and she immediately took a big bite of the buns and filled her entire mouth.

The soft and fluffy dough wrapped with spicy and delicious tofu is really satisfying and you can't stop eating it.

The elder brother beside him also took the buns handed over by Lin Zhou. After tasting the taste, his eyes lit up. He looked at Lin Zhou excitedly pointing at the buns in the steamer and said loudly: "Boss, give me ten more!"

With the two people's on-site promotion.

Soon someone couldn't stand the temptation of the buns just out of the steamer.

The owner of the fried skewers stall next to him also asked for two buns.

There was no previous confusion about Lin Zhou selling buns in the park at night.

After eating it, all thoughts disappeared.

Fragrant! It's really fragrant!

The soft and chewy bun skin is like eating clouds.

The filling is tasty enough, and the soybean-sized tofu particles absorb the soup. Every bite is delicious and juicy, just like eating soup dumplings.

The spicy seasoning completely covered the bean smell of the tofu, leaving only the mellow taste and the aroma of wheat, which blended together to create an amazing taste.


The continuous praise and rich aroma made Lin Zhou's business immediately better, and several people came at once.

"Boss, give me two buns~"


"I want three~"

"I want one to taste..."

Lin Zhou's hand speed in packing the buns was quite fast.

In the gap between packing the buns, he also took the time to turn off the fire and simmer the beef buns next to him.

Wang Chuanjuan, who had not left and was standing next to the stall eating buns, saw Lin Zhou's actions and asked in surprise, "Boss, are the beef buns ready?"

"Not yet, it needs to be simmered for three minutes."

Hearing Lin Zhou's words, the young girl who had just ordered the tofu buns immediately changed her mind and said, "Boss, then I want one beef bun and one tofu bun!"

Lin Zhou looked up and saw that she was at the back of the line, so he nodded and agreed.

If one changes his mind, there will be another one.

With two flavors, except for those who don't like beef, most people think that tofu buns are delicious and don't know what beef buns taste like.

If you come across them, of course you have to try them all!

"Boss, I want two beef buns too."

"I want a tofu bun and a beef bun."

"Boss, five tofu buns and five beef buns."


At this moment, Lin Zhou was glad that he had a good memory, otherwise he couldn't tell who was who with so many customers coming at once.

"Don't crowd, come one by one."

First pack the tofu buns, and wait for the beef buns.

As the fire was ready, Lin Zhou opened the steamer, and beef buns the same size as tofu buns appeared in everyone's eyes.

The rich freshness had already drifted out with the steam, and everyone was looking forward to it around the stall.


The big, round, white and hot buns, even if you are not hungry, make people want to eat one to satisfy their cravings.

Wen Nan, who was passing by after get off work, smelled the fragrance and saw a group of people surrounding the bun stall on the roadside, and his stomach suddenly "grumbled".

I got off work late today. It's almost nine o'clock and I haven't come home for dinner yet.

Smelling the aroma of steaming buns, he subconsciously stopped the car and lined up in front of the stall.

The closer he got, the stronger the smell of the buns became.

At the same time, people around him were eating buns.

The greasy beef buns immediately attracted his attention and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

It smells so good!

The bun eaters also felt the same way.

After taking a bite, the taste of the beef was completely preserved. The salty and fresh Pixian bean paste was slightly spicy, and the pepper and Sichuan pepper covered the slight meaty smell. It was pure beef, without any extra ingredients. Every bite was so fresh that the tip of the tongue trembled.

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