The fried chicken was delicious, but it was not easy to make.

Xiaoyue has been a loyal fan of Boss Lin since the fried chicken stall.

She was chasing Boss Lin like a star. She dreamed about Boss Lin's cooking skills. Just ask, which chef in the world has Boss Lin's cooking skills?

It felt wrong as soon as she ate such delicious fried skewers.

It's normal for some food to be delicious.

She has never seen anything as delicious as Boss Lin in her 20 years of life.

It's so easy to recognize.

"Boss Lin?"

Xiaoying put down her bag, washed her hands, and came out, and heard Xiaoyue's whisper.

"What Boss Lin?"

Sakura and Xiaoyue are roommates. They are both busy with work and don't communicate much. They are not as close as best friends, but they get along well as roommates.

They often get together after get off work to eat.

"It's the Boss Lin whose cooking skills are amazing that I told you about!"

"What? Is it true? I thought you were just chasing after a star?"

Xiaoyue is really crazy about chasing after Boss Lin. After work, she either looks for news about Boss Lin online or goes out to find him. Apart from work, she is always thinking about Boss Lin.

Sakura is scared when she sees him.

She is not chasing after a street stall, she is chasing after a star.

So she has never been interested in Boss Lin mentioned by Xiaoyue.

Sakura has a very strange habit. The more popular something is, especially when others are praising it, she will be like a rebel. She is not interested at all, but annoyed.

For example, a movie or TV series is very popular, and everyone around is watching it. It is also very popular on the Internet and everyone is praising it. She doesn't want to watch it. Then one day she accidentally saw it and found it good. She recommended it to others, only to find out that the show was popular a long time ago and everyone around her had watched it, but she was the only one who realized it later.

She feels this way now.

When Xiaoyue ate the delicious fried chicken, she kept praising Boss Lin's cooking skills and how delicious the fried chicken was.

But because the fried chicken was so popular, she felt that there were too many people queuing and it was very troublesome, so she didn't accept the recommendation.

Until today, she thinks that the extremely delicious fried skewers are made by the same person?

When Xiaoyue tasted the fried skewers, she didn't need to guess, it was 100% certain that Boss Lin made it.

This time, Xiaoying didn't believe it and asked immediately.

"Then let me ask you, is the boss who sells fried skewers a young man?"

Xiaoying recalled the appearance of the boss of the fried skewers stall. Judging from his appearance and voice, he should be a young man. He was wearing a mask and his face was not clear, but he probably looked good and his eyes were bright.

So she nodded.

Xiaoyue asked again: "Is she wearing a mask? Her skin is white, her hair is parted, her eyes are almond-shaped, and her eyelashes are long..."

"Wait, how do you know so much? I didn't look closely, but she is quite tall, her hair is black and smooth, what kind of hairstyle is a parted hair?"

Xiaoying felt that Xiaoyue really loved that Boss Lin, and she observed so carefully, which was unique.

"Oh, by the way, I have photos, let me show you."

Xiaoyue felt that she was really stupid. She had kept photos of Boss Lin setting up a stall, but she was actually describing it here. She was really stunned by this surprise.

Xiaoying took a look and nodded affirmatively.

Although Boss Lin in the photo and the owner of the fried skewers stall sold different food and wore different clothes, they could be seen to be the same person.

"Wow, my God, you, who are not Boss Lin's fans, actually met Boss Lin. This luck is unique. I envy you so much!"

Xiaoyue's envious eyes can be seen at a glance.

"Boss Lin is really good at running. He actually ran to the door of the nursing home to set up a stall. Who can find him? I was thinking of going out after dinner to find where Boss Lin set up a stall this week, but now I don't have to."

While eating the slightly cold fried skewers, Xiaoyue said happily.

"Wow, it's so delicious. I've never eaten fried skewers that are not greasy even when they are cold. Although the taste is not so crispy, it is still very fragrant!"

"Is it right? It's super delicious. The fried skewers just out of the pot are more fragrant. The elderly in our nursing home don't eat meals. They sneak out to eat fried skewers one by one. It's amazing."

Xiaoying chatted with Xiaoyue about the gossip in the nursing home while eating.

As they chatted, Xiaoyue suddenly remembered the tradition of their group.

"By the way, do you want to make some money?"

Xiaoying: "Hmm?"

"There has always been a reward mechanism in our group. Whoever finds Boss Lin's location and shares it can get a reward red envelope from the group owner and some people in the group. It's quite a lot of money. Many of Boss Lin's fans are rich, and they will give you a red envelope when they are happy."


Hearing about the money, she was tempted for a moment.

But she thought that she didn't find the location of Boss Lin at all. Boss Lin happened to set up a stall in front of the nursing home where she worked.

She was too embarrassed to take the money.

"No, I didn't find it. I was just lucky to run into Boss Lin setting up a stall."

Sakura waved her hand and refused.

She didn't want to be someone who made money by using other people's names.

"Wow, Sakura, you're done too."

Xiaoyue praised with admiration.

Xiaoying felt embarrassed.

"No, if I have contributed, it's normal to get paid. I just met Boss Lin setting up a stall in front of the nursing home. And I wasn't the first one to buy fried skewers. It was the elderly in the nursing home who found that the fried skewers were delicious, so I knew about it."

"Then should we send out the location of Boss Lin's stall this week?"

Xiaoyue was very clear about Boss Lin's power.

If the diners knew about it, they would probably rush to the nursing home.

But Xiaoying didn't know.

"Let's talk about it. I think everyone is having a hard time looking for Boss Lin."

Xiaoying had seen Xiaoyue running around for hours every time she went to look for Boss Lin. Everyone liked the food made by Boss Lin, and there were so many fried skewers, so it didn't matter if more people came to eat.

"How about this, we can't do good things without leaving our names. You post a post with your account, and I will forward it to our diners group, so that everyone will know the location of Boss Lin's stall and thank you by the way."

That's no problem.

Xiaoying also thought it was good.

She immediately took a photo of the fried skewers box after eating it and posted it to her dy account, and also attached the address of the Happy Nursing Home.

"Hey, you know the braised pork stall before, a diner became famous by taking advantage of Boss Lin's braised pork rolls, and now he has become a live broadcaster, with more than 100,000 fans, maybe you can do it too."

Xiaoyue said, and clicked on her follow list to show Xiaoying Ma Ming's account.

"I didn't see it, the information is really backward!"

Xiaoying was surprised.

Nowadays, who among the young people doesn't want to become famous overnight? Even if they don't do anything, they can make money by just broadcasting and selling goods.

"Look, this person also found Boss Lin's wonton stall through live broadcast last week, and he has more fans."


Because of Xiaoyue's forwarding and sharing.

The number of views of Xiaoying's Amway video exceeded 1,000 in an instant.

It can be seen that Boss Lin's fans are very active.

Comments, likes, and forwarding are all rising steadily.

Xiaoying suddenly panicked after seeing it.

Does Boss Lin have so many fans?


(My wrist hurts a bit, it's a bit uncomfortable to type, I've only written one chapter until now (ಥ_ಥ))

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