The tofu buns are so delicious!

"Fuck, the tofu buns are so delicious!"

The big meat buns are delicious, and the bald brother is a little prepared.

Because the meat itself is delicious.

But it is surprising that the tasteless tofu can be made into such a fragrant tofu bun.

The tofu that is fried first and then steamed has a tender and smooth taste full of soup, which is very similar to the taste of Mapo tofu.

But the taste is spicy.

The mellowness of the tofu, under the rich and spicy seasoning, is surprisingly delicious.

Compared to the tofu that has no taste itself, the tofu buns that are now in your mouth are so delicious that people will admire the chef's cooking skills from the bottom of their hearts.

After eating four buns, the bald man didn't feel satisfied. He licked his lips regretfully. It was not enough!

He turned his sight and saw a man passing by with familiar buns. He followed him happily.

He walked over without hiding and scared the man holding the buns.

This man was the one who was queuing up to buy buns and following the bald man.

Seeing the bald man walking towards him directly, with an unfriendly look, the man was scared and stood still.

He watched the bald man walk towards him step by step nervously.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

The man stuttered and asked the bald man. Compared with the strong and difficult-to-provoke bald man, he was so thin that he might be beaten to death with one punch.

And it was late at night, so he was a little scared.

"Are you selling these buns? I'll give you money."

The bald man raised a friendly smile and tried to make himself look more kind.

In fact, he is a really good person.

He is just responsible for debt collection at work, and he looks fierce. For this job, he needs to look like a monster, otherwise he can't scare people.

When he is not working, he tries to make himself look approachable and speaks politely.

But in the eyes of the thin man, this is a threat.

Although he saw the bald man talking to the stall owner very well before.

But the man is a bit timid and has a timid personality.

In order to avoid conflict, he silently handed over the buns in his hand with tears in his heart, and nodded with tears.

Seeing that he was willing to give away the buns, the bald man excitedly took out two hundred cash from his pocket and handed it over.


The bald man didn't notice the man's grief after seeing the buns being taken away. Instead, he was in a good mood while walking and eating.

The man couldn't laugh at all when he held the two hundred yuan.

What's the difference between him and buying on behalf of others!

Ah ah ah! His buns!


Today is Saturday, and there are many more people coming to buy buns than usual.

Of course, there were many people who didn't buy the buns in the end.

It took Lin Zhou a lot of effort to close the stall.

The diners who didn't buy the buns were really crazy!

It was already past ten o'clock when Lin Zhou got home. He couldn't help but feel happy when he thought that tomorrow would be the last day of this week's task.

He looked forward to the rewards given by the system after the task was completed.

It was the last day to sell buns, and Lin Zhou also attached great importance to the buns he sold.

He carefully selected and prepared to sell crab roe buns and snow vegetable buns.

He went to the farmers' market early the next morning to buy the necessary ingredients.

The production of crab roe buns is complicated.

It has to go through several processes, including making crab oil, making skin soup, making stuffing, rolling skin, pinching buns, and steaming. Each process has strict requirements.

So Lin Zhou started preparing to make it after he came back from climbing the mountain.

He had no helpers and could only spend a lot of time preparing it alone.

At the end of August, hairy crabs were not on the market yet, so Lin Zhou bought June yellow.

There is still a difference between June yellow and hairy crabs.

Hairy crabs are usually quite big, some are 200 grams, 300 grams, 400 grams, and even half a pound, and they look very fat.

June yellow crabs are very small. If you put hairy crabs and June yellow crabs together, it is estimated that five to six June yellow crabs can make a hairy crab.

But the price is much cheaper than hairy crabs.

Buying cheap small crabs to make crab roe buns is less expensive, and he is not so distressed.

As soon as Lin Zhou came back from the small crabs he bought in the morning, he put them in a basin of water and added salt to let them spit out the sand. Now he will brush them carefully twice and then steam them in the pot.

The steamer for steaming buns is just right for steaming crabs.

There are too many small crabs, and Lin Zhou doesn't have the patience to tie them all up. He just brushes and washes them, throws them into the steamer, covers them, and steams them together after brushing them all.

Steam the crabs over high heat for 20 minutes, then take them out and let them cool.

During this period, Lin Zhou brushed the messy ground left after brushing the crabs.

Noodles, clean up.

The next step is to remove the crab shells and take out the crab meat and crab roe, which is a simple process.

Two hours later, Lin Zhou started to stir-fry the fillings.

Heat the pan with cold oil, scoop a spoonful of white lard into the pan, and it will instantly emit steam and begin to melt quickly. After it is heated to 30%, add chopped green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in the crab meat and crab roe, and stir-fry until the crab oil comes out.

At this time, the kitchen is already filled with a strong crab flavor.

Lin Zhou has never fried crab roe so luxuriously.

He couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

After adding Shaoxing wine, salt, and white pepper powder for seasoning, the fragrance is even more intense.

Stir-fry a lot of golden foam in the pan, then beat off the foam, drizzle with balsamic vinegar, and it can be served.

Looking at so many crabs, he finally got a bowl of crab roe. Lin Zhou couldn't imagine how delicious it would be if he had cooked the noodles and eaten crab roe noodles!

When thinking of crab roe noodles, the dough is ready.

It is not impossible to use steamed bun noodles to make a bowl of noodles. It must be delicious with crab roe!

The more he thought about it, the more greedy he became. Lin Zhou's stomach began to growl.

Finally, he ate the fragrant crab roe noodles!

No matter how hard it is, you can't be a hard cook!


In the afternoon, Lin Zhou woke up and started to prepare the jelly filling for the crab roe buns.

The pork skin and old hen soup stewed in the pressure cooker before going to bed have jumped to the insulation stage.

Now pour it out and use a meat grinder to grind the pork skin to make pork skin puree.

Then filter the chicken soup, put it into the pot, add the pork skin puree, boil it over high heat, and simmer it on low heat.

During this period, remove the floating foam.

When the soup is boiled to about a quarter, start seasoning. When it is thick, sprinkle with chopped green onions and remove from the pot.

Filter the soup while it is still hot, put it on a plate, and stir it continuously. When the soup cools down and solidifies, crush it to make the jelly filling.

Finally, put the jelly filling and the prepared crab roe into the same bowl and mix them in a clockwise direction. Only then can the crab roe filling be considered successful.

Compared with the buns I made before, the crab roe buns are really the most complicated.

The preparation work lasted from morning to afternoon.

Next is the snow vegetable buns.

The ready-made snow vegetables I bought have been soaked until now, and some of the saltiness has been soaked out.

After the snow vegetable filling is fried, the next step is to make the buns.

The filling is also cooled while kneading the dough and rolling the skin.

Lin Zhou accurately grasps the time for each step, and does not waste time to increase his workload.

When making crab roe buns, the skin is thin because there is jelly in the filling, which can be said to be crab roe soup buns.

The most feared thing about soup buns is that the skin breaks and leaks the soup.

So the skin rolled by Lin Zhou is also the kind that is thick in the middle and thin at the edges.

This can prevent the bottom of the steamed buns from falling off, causing the soup inside to leak out before it reaches your mouth.

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