The old man was very happy, but he was not happy.

Meeting his father's puzzled eyes, Zhang Mingyuan explained: "I just think the name Lin Zhou is very suitable for him."

If he changed the place to set up the stall every day, wouldn't he be called Lin Tian?

"Don't be disrespectful, Lin Zhou is your father's good friend, you have to call him uncle when you meet."

Zhang Mingyuan:......

The smile will not disappear, it will only shift.

Zhang Mingyuan drank the last mouthful of porridge seriously and said he was going to work.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I haven't asked you how your blind date went."

Zhang Jianjun rolled his eyes at Zhang Mingyuan in annoyance.

You are so old, why are you not in a hurry to find a girlfriend?

Which old man of the same age in the circle of friends doesn't have grandchildren? Some grandchildren are in primary school, and they are picked up and dropped off every day. They live a colorful life in retirement.

Unlike him, he can only climb mountains, play chess, and drink tea.

If he makes an appointment with old friends to go fishing, they will talk about their grandchildren, and ask if his son is married.

This gap makes Zhang Jianjun too lazy to see those old friends.

Fortunately, I met Lin Zhou and found a young friend, otherwise my life would be even more boring.

"It's okay, it depends on the reaction of the woman."

Zhang Mingyuan gave a vague answer and slipped away.

Zhang Jianjun, a lonely old man, was left alone at home.

Drinking the porridge slowly, Zhang Jianjun sighed at the deliciousness of the abalone porridge. If it is eaten with the buns from last week, it would be a wonderful breakfast.

This cooking skill is much better than the one made by the chef at home.

Fortunately, he didn't have much appetite in the morning and didn't eat much, so he could still eat a bowl of porridge now.

When he thought that today's porridge was brought back by his son from climbing the mountain, and he might not be able to eat it tomorrow, he was a little anxious.

Who would want to eat something bad after eating something better!

Anyway, he has to climb the mountain every day, so why not go to bed early tonight and get up tomorrow morning to climb Qinhuang Mountain?

Although he can't set off at four in the morning with Lin Zhou.

But it's still okay to get up at six and go up the mountain to eat a bowl of porridge.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

Zhang Jianjun decided.

Prepare to give Lin Zhou a surprise tomorrow morning.


On the other side, at eight o'clock in the evening.

In Huaguoshan Park, there are still a group of people waiting for Lin Zhou to set up his stall.

As a result, he didn't wait for Lin Zhou's bun stall, but saw that the barbecue stall changed to selling buns.

The owner of the fried skewers stall next to him looked at the barbecue stall couple in surprise.

Wow, they took over the bun stall because the other stall was not open.

I just wonder if the buns here are as good as the previous ones.

After not having buns for two days, the owner of the fried skewers stall wanted to eat buns. He looked at the barbecue stall eagerly and planned to buy two to try.

All the diners who could wait for three consecutive days in the square were loyal fans of Lin Zhou's stall.

It's impossible that they didn't know the owner of the bun stall if they bought buns every day.

At first glance, everyone was surprised to see the bun stall with a steamer.

I thought Lin Zhou was setting up a stall today.

At second glance, weren't they the couple who sold barbecue next door?

Did they change their business to sell buns?

But a group of people came running when they saw the familiar steamer. Now it's not appropriate to surround the stall and run away.

The diners who ran in front met the surprised eyes of the couple at the barbecue stall and raised an awkward smile.

"Are you here to buy steamed buns? We have fresh big meat buns, green vegetable and mushroom buns, pickled mustard greens buns, and red bean paste buns. They are all steamed buns made from the vegetables I bought at the market this morning. They are so delicious."

The lady boss began to greet customers enthusiastically before the car stopped.

Now everyone felt embarrassed to leave.

Thinking that they were all steamed buns, maybe the buns sold by the barbecue stall owner would be delicious.

It sounded like they were freshly made handmade buns.

"Then give me two big meat buns and two pickled mustard greens buns."

A diner standing at the front said, and asked how much it cost after ordering.

"Big meat buns are three yuan each, and pickled mustard greens buns are two yuan."

When the diners heard the price, their first reaction was not that it was so cheap, but that it was so much cheaper than the previous bun stall, so would the taste be greatly reduced?

But it was already eight o'clock, and Lin Zhoulai still didn't see the stall.

Everyone understood that the bun stall might not be open again today.

After not having buns for a few days, everyone was a little craving for buns.

Seeing the owner of the barbecue stall selling steamed buns, I thought of eating something else instead.

For a while, the diners who had been waiting for a long time smelled the fragrance of steamed buns and lined up


The owner of the barbecue stall saw so many people queuing up for the buns, and his expression was not happy, but guilty.

He was the first to taste the buns made by his wife after they were steamed.

Not to mention how bad they were, they were just at the level of an average bun shop.

But compared with the buns made by Lin Zhou, the taste was far worse.

If he hadn't eaten the buns made by Lin Zhou, he could still praise them as delicious.

But he ate them!

He couldn't praise them as delicious at all.

And the group of diners in Huaguoshan were all like this.

Don't look at how enthusiastic everyone is to queue up to buy buns now.

When they eat them, the gap will appear, and it's unknown what will happen.

The boss lady didn't notice her man's concerns at all.

Seeing so many customers queuing up, her face was about to burst into laughter.

Her intuition was right, selling buns now would definitely make money.

Many people know that there is a delicious bun stall at the entrance of Huaguoshan. Now that the original bun stall is gone, they can take over, how great!

If the previous bun stall comes back, at most they can just sell barbecue.

What a big deal!

If you can make a wave of money, make it first.

I have to say that the boss lady still has a certain business mind.

She looked at the number of people queuing in front of the stall and felt that it was far less than the number of people queuing in the previous bun stall.

She immediately got excited, and felt excited that her loud voice had a place to be used.

"Selling buns, big fragrant meat buns, snow vegetable buns, green vegetable buns, bean paste buns, everything, freshly made and steamed buns."

She didn't even use a loudspeaker, just yelled loudly, not far from her stall, without blind spots.

This voice really attracted a few diners.

Even the aunties dancing in the park heard it.

This voice can actually compete with the music, it is really a good voice.

"Did you hear the sound of selling buns?"

Wang Chuanjun listened to the dancing arms, stood in place, and listened attentively.

The next second, another shout of selling buns came through.

"Stop, stop, buns, buns, the sound of selling buns!"

After making sure that he had stopped correctly, Wang Chuanjun excitedly led his bag and ran straight to the intersection in front.

My God, after waiting for two days without seeing the bun stall, they resumed square dancing today, but they didn't expect that the bun stall would be open today!

When the other aunties heard what Wang Chuanjun said, they also stopped dancing, some took their bags, and some retreated.

They started running towards the intersection, and their posture was like the aunties grabbing eggs, which shocked passers-by.

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