The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

The primary school students who hadn't eaten sugar-coated haws for two days over the weekend thought they would be able to eat sugar-coated haws on Monday.

They had never been so eager to go to school as today.

Hu Jiayi usually had a hard time going to school. She slept in the morning and couldn't even wake up. But this morning, as soon as the alarm rang, she got up without even a pause, washed up, and prepared for school.

Her parents thought the sun was rising from the west.

"Oh, the sun is rising from the west today?"

Hu's father was eating breakfast and couldn't believe it when he saw his daughter getting up on her own without being urged.

Hu Jiayi also knew that it was not good for her to stay in bed.

But which kid can get up on time to go to school at six or seven in the morning?

She can't do that anyway.

"What's wrong with you being so active in school?"

Mother Hu said that her daughter was not right today.

She gave birth to her daughter, so how could she not know what kind of character she had.

She looked like a good girl at ordinary times, but she didn't say anything behind her back.

She even suspected that there was something wrong with her genes.

"Could it be that she had a date at school?"

Girls mature early. Her daughter knew to bring male classmates home in kindergarten, saying that they were son-in-law.

If they were in elementary school and had a premature love affair, they would not be unacceptable.

Kids nowadays are exposed to a lot of information, they are really smart and know a lot.

You have to be on guard.

"No, it's just that you can eat at the roadside stalls at the school gate when you go to school. There is a stall selling delicious candied haws."

Hu Jiayi looked at her mother speechlessly.

Does she look like someone who would fall in love prematurely?

Some male classmates in the class looked not as tall as her, and she didn't like any of them.

"That thing is sweet, eat less, be careful of bad teeth."

Seeing that their daughter was not in love but thinking about eating, both parents breathed a sigh of relief.

Hu Jiayi responded obediently on the surface, but in fact she didn't take it seriously. She ate two bites less for breakfast, saving her stomach for eating candied haws after school.

As a result, she was full of expectations, and even listened to the classes in the morning very seriously, but she didn't see the familiar candied haws stall at the school gate after school.

Everyone rushed to the place where Lin Zhou had set up the stall, and they were all confused when they saw the empty place.

"Didn't the big brother who sold candied haws come today?"

"I brought pocket money on purpose, but the big brother was not here."

"No way?"

"Did the big brother come late because of the traffic jam?"

The small group of children didn't find the familiar stall, and were pulled away by their parents one after another.

There are children who are easy to talk to, and there are naturally disobedient children.

"Wow wow wow wow~"

The chubby little boy was upset and angry when he saw his mother didn't buy him candied haws after school. He cried and rolled on the ground, wailing, rolling, and crawling on the ground with his body twisted.

The mother frowned at the little boy.

Especially at this time, it was the time for the children to get out of school, and the people coming and going were students and parents.

The child was shameless, but she wanted more.

If you don't beat him up for a day, you can't spoil the child. He is so old, but he still learns to roll on the ground.

If you let him do this, he will do this every time he is not satisfied in the future. There is really no way to control him.

"Are you going to get up or not? If not, I will leave directly."

"You don't keep your word. You said you would buy me candied haws before, but you bought it and ate it yourself. You said you would buy it for me, but you didn't buy it. You are an adult who doesn't keep your word!"

The crying and complaints were full of grief and indignation, which made the listeners sad and the listeners cry.

The mother of the little fat boy was embarrassed by what she said, and she could hear the faint laughter of the parents of the children passing by, and her expression was almost unable to maintain.

After all, this is true, and even educating the child seems short of breath.

She did want to buy candied haws for her son to eat.

But the boss later limited the purchase, so there were fewer available.

Not to mention the purchase limit, the boss also released new products every day, and every time I bought, there were flavors that I had never tasted before, but I ate them all before my son came out.

Alas, the child is grown up, and it is not easy to deceive.

If it was before, I would say that I didn’t buy it, and my son would believe it, but now I found out that she ate it.

"Buy, buy, buy, can't I take you to buy it now?"

"Didn't the boss have a stall today? Let's go buy it somewhere else."

The mother of the little fat boy was helpless, the ground was full of dust, and if he rolled down, she would not be able to keep the child.

There was no stall selling candied haws at the school gate, so she prepared to take her son to the mall to have a look.

She was shopping before.

I saw that the shops in the mall were selling candied haws.

When he heard that he could buy candied haws now, the little fat boy got up from the ground with a somersault, and his dirty little hands wiped his tears on his face, which was suddenly black and white.

His mother's mouth twitched.

"Let's go, go to the car and wipe it, it's so dirty."

The mother and son came to the mall. In the bright environment, the gray little fat boy looked even more unbearable.

The mother of the little fat boy originally wanted the little fat boy to wait in the car.

But looking at the child's distrustful look, she felt that it was unlikely.

It's embarrassing, so buy the candied haws first and coax the child home first.

The mother and son came to the candied haws shop.

There were all kinds of candied haws in the same glass cabinet, but the variety was not as many as Lin Zhou prepared.

The little fat boy was pressed against the glass cabinet, carefully looking at the candied haws in the cabinet.

"Boss, don't you have spicy sticks and candied haws?"

Little Fatty looked around but couldn't find his favorite spicy sticks and candied haws, so he asked in confusion.

The salesperson in the store: ? ? ?

What is that?

Spicy sticks and candied haws?

Can I eat it?

"Sorry, we don't have it."

The clerk maintained a polite smile and continued to ask, "Which one do you want?"

"You can't, you don't even have spicy sticks and candied haws, which is the most popular flavor."

Little Fatty's mother covered her son's mouth and stopped him from talking.

Then she smiled apologetically at the clerk.

"Just order a bunch of each."

Little Fatty's mother was afraid that he would say something shocking again, so she just wanted to buy it quickly and leave.

After paying, she dragged Little Fatty away.

Leaving behind a confused clerk.


Back in the car, the mother and son looked at the candied haws and were very excited.

Then each of them picked up a string of candied haws that they were interested in and started eating.

Mom was eating a string of strawberries, and the bright red strawberries looked very tempting.

But after taking a bite, a strange expression appeared on her face.

How come the same candied haws tasted so different?

The little fat boy also spit out the hawthorn in his mouth with a distorted face.

"So sour!"

The pure hawthorn fruit string was not soft and delicate, but hard to eat. It was sour that it made my teeth fall out.

"My fruit doesn't taste good either."

The difference between good fruit and bad fruit is still very obvious.

For example, strawberries, this strawberry is not fresh when eaten in the mouth, it is a bit soft and rotten, as if it has been squeezed, the fruity flavor is not strong, and the sweetness of the strawberry itself is not there, all relying on the outer layer of sugar coating.

It tastes average.

It is far worse than the one bought at the school gate.

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