The next day, Lin Zhou woke up just in time for lunch.

His routine this week has become sleeping in the early morning and getting up at noon.

After lunch, he went to buy chickens again.

This time he bought 80 chickens.

Because the chicken pieces chopped by the farm workers are large and small, the time and quantity of marinating are slightly different.

Today, after the workers killed the chicken, Lin Zhou took the whole chicken back to the villa to chop it himself.

When he got home, he first removed the wings and legs of each chicken.

The chicken necks, heads and feet were recycled to the farm owner when they were at the farm.

These parts are not delicious when used to make fried chicken, and it is a waste to throw them away, so it is just right to recycle them to the farm.

"Will it be hard to prepare so much fried chicken for the stall?"

Seeing Lin Zhou doing it himself, Sun Deye helped to clean it.

The chopped chicken had to be rubbed with flour to remove excess impurities and bloody smell.

"Fortunately, it was marinated in the afternoon, and it was fried when the stall was set up. It was quite easy."

Sun Deye, who had worked in the villa for these days, also understood that although the employer was young, he was a man with ideas, and his hobby was to cook food and set up a stall.

In this regard, when it comes to making food, they will only help if Lin Zhou tells them to do something, so that they will not do good things with bad intentions.

Seeing that Lin Zhou was enjoying it, Sun Deye didn't say anything.

"The swimming pool in the yard is ready for use. It was just cleaned this morning and the water was changed."

Lin Zhou nodded to show that he understood and continued to do the work at hand.

After all the chicken pieces were chopped, looking at the chicken pieces of similar size and quantity in the basin, Lin Zhou nodded with satisfaction.

There is an optimal ratio between marinade, marinating time and the size of the chicken.

The slight difference in each step will affect the taste of the finished fried chicken.

If the marinating time is too long, the fried chicken may taste a little stronger.

If the marinating time is not in place, it will not be tasty.

The fried chicken is of different sizes, but the marinating time and the amount of marinade are the same, then the taste of each piece of fried chicken will be different in the end.

This is the most perfect state now.

"Marinate the chicken legs for three hours, the chicken nuggets for two hours, and the chicken wings for two and a half hours."

After the marinade was ready, Lin Zhou told the housekeeper and went back to the room to change into swimming trunks and prepare to go swimming.

His current body shape has been transformed by the genetic modification fluid and is close to perfect.

He has never exercised his body deliberately. At this moment, he put on swimming trunks and stood in front of the mirror. The muscles are evenly distributed, and he even has abdominal muscles, but they are not obvious. It seems that he needs to exercise himself to make the shape more prominent.

Lin Zhou came out of the room with a towel wrapped around him, and asked the housekeeper to prepare a few more fitness equipment for the gym. He wanted to exercise.

His genes have been almost modified. If he doesn't maintain such a perfect figure, he might become fat.

Who wants to be "that guy" in the eyes of others when they can be handsome?

The large swimming pool sparkled in the sun. Lin Zhou dived into the water and felt the temperature. The water was still warm.

Swimming in the outdoor pool in the summer, why does it feel like sunbathing?

But it's not quite cool yet. It's very comfortable to float in the water.

And appreciate the increasingly exquisite garden.

After a while, the aunt also sent fruits and ice cola to the side of the swimming pool for him to eat and drink.

This is life!

The stall was set up at 12 o'clock in the evening. It can be said that Lin Zhou had nothing to do during the day.

After dinner in the evening, Lin Zhou also opened the 5v5 confrontation game and started playing.

"No, what's wrong with this teammate, come on!"

"Too bad, what kind of people are they."


Playing and cursing for a few hours, Lin Zhou got up in the middle of the night and cooked a pot of porridge.

It takes time to cook porridge.

As the white rice grains were cooked and bloomed, Lin Zhou kept stirring and turning to prevent the bottom from getting burnt. After drinking a bowl of porridge, Lin Zhou began to prepare to open the stall.

In addition to the original and crab roe fried chicken today, he also prepared potato chip coating.

Pour all the whole potato chips into a fresh-keeping bag and crush them with a rolling pin. After the fried chicken is coated with batter, it is passed through the potato chip crumbs and thrown into the oil pan to fry. It is potato chip fried chicken.

The method is very simple, except for the extra step of coating potato chips.

At the entrance of the old song bar.

Before 12 o'clock, there are already old diners waiting.

"It's almost 12 o'clock. Boss Lin should be here soon."

"I think so. I asked him yesterday.

Boss Lin said that he will sell fried chicken here at 12 o'clock this week, but I don't know about next week. "

"This is also good. I can eat different delicacies made by Boss Lin every week, but I have to find people."

"It's so funny. Our group already has 200 people, and there are people in the southeast, northwest and northeast of Jiangdong City. It's not easy to find someone. And I have left photos and videos. If I can't find them, I can use major apps in the city to find people. There is strength in numbers. Isn't it easy to find a stall?"

"That makes sense. We have to develop more people."

"Don't worry. Boss Lin has a lot of fans. Who is not a fan of the food made by Boss Lin?"

As old diners, their mentality has gradually calmed down at this moment.

They are not in a hurry to wait. They bought beer in advance. Some people brought folding tables and chairs for camping and sat and waited directly.

That is summer. If it is winter, it is not something that ordinary people can do to wait for fried chicken outside in the cold wind at night.

"What if it is winter? ”

Some customers really sent their doubts. Seeing that everyone was so well-equipped, they couldn't help but feel curious.

"There are tents. Wouldn't it be nice to bring them with you? They are windproof and warm."

"You make sense, but you can still drive here and queue up in the car."

"No, autumn hasn't even arrived yet, and you're thinking about winter. You're thinking about it early!"

Before everyone could continue chatting,

Lin Zhou rode a tricycle and slowly approached. The customers who had been waiting for half a day swarmed around him.

"Boss Lin is here!"

The corner was originally the most deserted place, but because of Lin Zhou's presence, it became the most lively place on the whole street.

"Boss Lin, there are new products today!"

"Boss Lin really loves his fans. He actually says new flavors and he releases new flavors."

"I want two servings of crab fried chicken~"

"Boss, I want fried chicken, spicy."

"Can I have all the flavors? Boss Lin, can you fight? ”

“I want fried chicken with potato chips!”


There were many customers ordering, and Lin Zhou was very glad that his genetic modification had enhanced his memory, otherwise he would not be able to remember every customer’s order.

He nodded in agreement, told everyone not to worry, and started to set up the stall.

The folded countertops were all opened, and the available area on the stall countertop was larger.

The batter, marinated fried chicken, and potato chip coating were all neatly arranged.

The stove was also turned on, and the fire was turned on and the oil was poured.

After a while, pieces of fried chicken were coated with thin batter and thrown into the oil pan one by one to start frying.


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