The food was very delicious.

"I thought I was the only one who wanted to eat at midnight, but I didn't expect there were so many like-minded people. I feel relieved."

In the crowd, the diners who wanted to eat at midnight felt very guilty.

But when they got to the place, they found that they were just an inconspicuous one, and they felt at ease immediately.

"No, do you think we are addicted to pigs in the middle of the night? Wrong!"

"We are the ancient hero blood awakening!"

The brother who heard her words in front immediately turned around and refuted.


"Let me give you some scientific knowledge. The reason why we want to eat at midnight is that in ancient times, there were always people who guarded the safety of the tribe late at night to maintain the best physical strength to fight against the beasts that attacked us. This habit has been preserved in our blood. So we are not greedy ghosts, but heroes!"

A group of diners:......

This shocking speech was really unexpected.

They were all silent for a while.

One of the big brothers couldn't help laughing.

This statement was really hard to refute. Could he admit that he came out to eat in the middle of the night just because he was greedy?

"Yes, yes, yes, you make sense, I listen to you, eat openly!"

"Brother, if you were in ancient times, you would be a traitor, always saying slanderous things."

"No wonder the emperor likes traitors, hehe, I like it too, it's very comfortable to listen to."

"Brother, if you can talk, just talk more, I love to listen."

"Hahahaha, yes, I eat supper in the middle of the night and don't sleep just to protect Jiangdong City."

What bad thoughts can a foodie have, it's just greed.

A group of foodies gather together, the happiness is unimaginable.

Just after listening to the fun here, another person in the crowd exclaimed.

"Fuck, who sent me a hot search on Weibo, why are there so many people!"

Yesterday, the diners were curious about the identity of Boss Lin, so they casually posted a Weibo to discuss.

Then after waking up from a nap, it was busy work. It wasn't until now that I ate fried chicken again that I remembered to look it up.

The result was dumbfounded.

He usually posts on Weibo, not to mention comments, not even a single like, just posting as a rant, never thinking anyone would pay attention.

This Weibo post went viral all of a sudden, many people asked who Boss Lin was, and some people were explaining how delicious Boss Lin's food was.

He was so scared that he deleted this Weibo post.

If Boss Lin became popular, would he still be able to eat delicious fried chicken in the future!

Who is so wicked to buy him a hot search! He's hurting people so much!

"Brothers, there's an undercover in the crowd. Yesterday, I casually posted a Weibo post about Boss Lin's identity, and it became popular. Then, everyone below was discussing Boss Lin, and sharing the food Boss Lin made. Didn't we agree to keep it secret?"

While eating fried chicken, the diners sent the message to Boss Lin's diners group.

After this week's development, the steamed bun group has become a small-scale diners group.

Not only are there diners from the steamed bun stall, but there are also diners from the fried chicken stall.

This group is also very famous among Linzhou's diners.

"Oh, don't mention it, there are so many people who have sent it. Some people tasted such delicious fried chicken for the first time and couldn't help but want to share it."

The diners in the group who couldn't help but share it were peeking at the screen and didn't dare to speak at all.

Family members, who understands!

The fried chicken is so good, the desire to share it can't be suppressed at all. I want to tell the world that there is such delicious fried chicken, so that everyone can try it and feel his mood.

"It's okay. It's past 12 o'clock. Today is Sunday. According to Boss Lin's custom, fried chicken can only be sold for one day at most. It will be gone soon. There is no point in sharing it. We will keep it a secret when we find Boss Lin next week. The cake is so big. The more people there are, the less each person will get."

"That's right. When the group leader first found Boss Lin, he bought 800 yuan worth of fried chicken and it was fine. It's not like now when there are too many people, the purchase is immediately limited."

"By the way, where will Boss Lin set up his stall next week?"

"Am I the only one who cares about what food Boss Lin will sell next week?"

"I hope the time is normal. The stall will open at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. There will be a queue. It will be two or three o'clock when you get home after eating."


Seeing that the topic has deviated, everyone's attention has also been diverted.

On Lin Zhou's side, diners are also asking this question when ordering.

"Boss, today is Sunday. After selling out in the evening, the next

Is Zhou still here?"

Lin Zhou shook his head to indicate that he didn't know.

"I haven't decided yet, you don't have to wait for me specially."

The task hasn't been refreshed yet, and Lin Zhou himself doesn't know what the task is for next week.

He can only be vague.

The new diner doesn't know what it means.

Turning around to ask the person next to him.

"What do you mean? From what the boss said, the fried chicken will be sold in a new place tomorrow, right?"

The old diner next to him nodded, and seeing that the other party was a cute young lady, he shared a few more insider information.

"Boss Lin's stall changes location every week, and the food he sells is also different. Whether you can meet him depends on fate. We have created a group for Boss Lin's diners. Whoever finds Boss Lin in the group will share his address. It's much better than meeting him by luck. Do you want to join? ”

When the young lady heard that this was a good thing, she immediately nodded and agreed.

Then the two added each other on WeChat, and the old foodie pulled them into the group.

How could he know that the young lady’s profession was to explore restaurants in the city.

Usually, she likes to look for delicious food all over the street to see if she can shoot a video and upload it to her account.

This time, she encountered Lin Zhou’s fried chicken stall by accident. Seeing so many people queuing up, her intuition that she had eaten all over Jiangdong told her that there must be delicious food here.

Then she encountered such delicious fried chicken.

She didn’t bring any equipment this time. Just as she was about to bring the team to shoot a video of exploring the restaurant, she heard that the boss wanted to change the place to set up the stall. How could this be possible?

Such delicious fried chicken, she was sure that if she shot a video and posted it, she would definitely gain a wave of fans.

And after hearing the old customer's introduction to Lin Zhou's stall, her eyes lit up even more.

This stall is awesome!

Not only is the taste so good, but the boss is also so willful, and he is young and handsome.

It simply gathers all the points that can make it popular.

If it is exposed, it will definitely become popular.

The young lady was very excited.

Wanting to know more about this boss Lin, she kept asking the old customer about him.

The old customer just thought that the young lady was new and was curious about boss Lin.

Seeing that the other party was so enthusiastic, he thought that the two of them had a crush on each other, and he talked excitedly.

Even the fragrant fried chicken was shared.

"I see you didn't buy potato chips fried chicken, I have some here, you try it, every fried chicken made by boss Lin is delicious. I like potato chips fried chicken the most, it's so fragrant. ”

The young lady was not polite and took out the fried chicken she bought, and the two of them ate it together.

“It’s limited. I want to try the crab roe flavor, so I didn’t buy potato chips.”


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