What is the difference between a bowl of sweet potato porridge worth 100 yuan and the sweet potato porridge they know?

White and flowing, it's like white porridge with sweet soup and rice grains, mixed with pieces of golden sweet potatoes, and the aroma of rice with a hint of sweetness.

"How is this different from the sweet potato porridge my mother cooks at home?"

Yao Chao's hometown is in the countryside. After his parents got married, they bought a house in the city. He grew up in the city.

But during holidays and holidays, I will be taken back to my hometown to visit my grandparents.

My grandparents farmed in the countryside of my hometown, and sweet potatoes have been in the family since I was a child.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟡𝟞𝕤𝕙𝕦.𝕟𝕖𝕥

Of course, sweet potato porridge is no stranger to it and I eat it often.

When he paid just now, he was still thinking that if his grandparents knew that he spent a hundred yuan to climb to the top of the mountain to drink a bowl of sweet potato porridge, they would scold him to death.

When he saw the sweet potato porridge being served, his eyes widened.

This sweet potato porridge looks so sweet, the rice flavor is so rich, and it looks delicious.

Under the early morning sunlight, the sweet potato porridge in my hand exudes a golden light, and even the rice grains have a different kind of luster.


A group of people were very satisfied with the finished product of sweet potato porridge.

But it makes sense when you think about it. How can a bowl of sweet potato porridge worth 100 yuan be ordinary?


"So sweet!"

Xie Hong couldn't help but drink first.

The sweet potato porridge doesn't smell as fragrant as yesterday's preserved egg and lean meat porridge, but the simple flavor of the ingredients is also very attractive.

The porridge water is sweet in the mouth and the sweet potatoes are fragrant and glutinous. One sip really quenches your thirst.

The sweetness of the sweet potato is fully integrated into the rice grains after simmering for a long time, so that the tasteless rice is also stained with a honey-like sweetness.

This sweetness is different from the sweetness of white sugar. It is a pure sweetness of ingredients, with the fragrance of sweet potatoes. After one sip, you feel your heart softening under the sweetness.

"It tastes better than the sweet potato porridge I have at home."

These people all came without breakfast.

It’s time to get hungry when you climb to the top of the mountain.

Steaming hot, stewed with rice oil, and full of the aroma of ingredients, the sweet potato porridge soothes the empty stomach with an overwhelming taste, making the whole person feel comfortable.

This kind of comfort is just like boiled water. Although it is tasteless and unpretentious, it is indispensable for everyone in the beverage milk tea.

At this moment, the deliciousness of sweet potato porridge made everyone forget about the deliciousness of other foods.

It’s best to drink a bowl of sweet potato porridge like this in the morning, which is plain yet comforting.

There is a kind of warmth of home.

The fatigue on their bodies made this group of people randomly find a place to squat together, drinking sweet potato porridge in mouthfuls.

This scene is also quite strange.

It attracted many people to watch.

There were even more people asking about Lin Zhou’s sweet potato porridge.

Early in the morning, I climbed to the top of the mountain and saw someone selling sweet potato porridge. It was still hot, and many tourists were ready to have a bowl.

But after learning the price, he left silently.

As long as it was cheaper, Lin Zhou felt like his bucket of sweet potato porridge would be sold out quickly.

It seems that we need to order more luxurious porridge tomorrow, otherwise no one will take notice.

Lin Zhou said that sweet potato porridge looks ordinary, but the taste is the kind of taste that you can never get tired of eating for a long time. It is no worse than preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

But today's business is far less than yesterday's.

There is still something wrong with the porridge.

"Give me one too."

Just when Lin Zhou was sighing, another guest came in front of him.

"One hundred and one bowl."

Lin Zhou said as if he was showing off.

Just when he thought that the middle-aged uncle in front of him would leave after hearing the price like the others before him, the middle-aged uncle silently handed Lin Zhou a one hundred note.

Lin Zhou was somewhat flattered and took the money.

Then he filled a bowl of sweet potato porridge and handed it to the middle-aged uncle.

"That's what it smells like."

The middle-aged uncle took the sweet potato porridge, took a deep breath, and said in a good mood.

"My hometown is Chaoshan. Our porridge is very famous. I used to eat sweet potato porridge at home. It tastes so homely. When I grew up, I could never eat it again when I left my hometown. I didn't expect that I could still climb a mountain today. Eat such authentic sweet potato porridge. ”

As soon as he smelled the aroma, he knew that it was made from fresh seasonal rice. After boiling it for more than an hour, the porridge soup was pure and viscous. It could be seen that it was not thickened because it had rice oil and gloss.

Thickened porridge does not have this luster.

It was only when he went to other places that he discovered that the porridge sold in some breakfast shops were semi-finished products, and there were also porridges in finished packaging, which were porridges cooked slowly without any effort or time.

Unlike the porridge shop in their hometown, all kinds of porridge are cooked in a clay pot and take time to cook, and the taste is incomparable.

If you can eat authentic porridge, it's nothing to spend a little money on.

Cooking porridge is the same as making soup.

It was cooked without lighting and waiting time, so it doesn’t taste good.

As the saying goes, "There is no skill in cooking porridge, it only takes thirty-six stirs." A lazy person cannot cook good porridge. During the cooking process, you cannot just stand by and watch, but you must stir constantly. Firstly, to avoid sticking. Secondly, it makes the porridge base thick and the rice fragrant. Only when the porridge base is thick enough can the ingredients maintain a fresher taste.

“It tastes really good~”

The middle-aged man doesn’t use a spoon. Sweet potato porridge is not as sticky as preserved egg and lean pork, so he can just drink it directly into his mouth.

When you drink the sweet rice soup, it smells ricey and sweet, and slides all the way into your stomach. The comfortable pores are opened, greedily absorbing the rice soup.

The food itself is not special except that it tastes good or not.

It is people's mood, thoughts, memories and other emotions that give food a more special meaning.

I can't go back to the past, and I can only immerse myself in the scene at that time through the same food.

"This sweet potato porridge is better than the sweet potato porridge in my hometown. The sweet potatoes are sweet and the rice is fragrant. Every bite is the essence."

The middle-aged uncle praised generously.

So the uncle squatted on Lin Zhou with Xie Hong and others and slurped the porridge.

This strange scene, coupled with the sound of Lin Zhou's external speakers, attracted many tourists to watch.

Lin Zhou was so thick-skinned that he couldn't help but watch so many people watching him like watching the scenery!

"No, why do you have to squat to drink?"

This is like a porridge distribution site!

"I just climbed the mountain and my legs are a little sore."

Xie Hong drank attentively. When he heard Lin Zhou's words, he looked up and replied innocently.

Lin Zhou:......

"It tastes better when you squat!"

The classmate next to him also explained.

"That's right, it's a bit weird to eat standing up, it's much better when you squat."

Lin Zhou held his forehead, what else can he say.

Young people nowadays are quite cool.

It's not embarrassing to be treated as a tourist attraction by passing tourists.

Lin Zhou feels that he still needs to work on his skin.

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