Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 538 Hiss~ It doesn’t look delicious. This person broke out in a cold sweat after eating it.

Lin Zhou really didn't expect the foreign students to live such a miserable life.

In his impression, those who can study abroad are basically those whose families have money. If they are not short of money, they should be able to live a good life abroad.

Now looking at Gao Xianyu's appearance, he was not sure.

I was so moved that I cried just because I had a meal of stinky tofu.

How hard it is to live this normal life!

"Okay, that's enough. There are no other guests for now."

The situation of setting up the stall was similar to Lin Zhou's imagination. Foreigners were not interested in the strong smell of stinky tofu. There were many people watching curiously, but no one tried it.

Instead, they all looked at them strangely.

Even if there is no communication, you can tell it by looking at your eyes.

The expression in their eyes was clearly that this thing is actually for food? Can it be eaten? Waiting for emotions.

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Lin Zhou was so busy that he didn't notice the eyes of the people around him.

Gao Xianyu was completely immersed in the food and focused all his attention on eating.

As a result, everyone around them was ignored by them.

But they are still the brightest cubs in the crowd, attracting the attention of passers-by.

Although it smells bad, it still gives me a headache after smelling it for a long time.

Then some people couldn't help but hold their noses and approach the booth to ask what this was.

Lin Zhou: "This is a special snack of China, stinky tofu. It smells stinky and tastes delicious!"

It took a long time before a guest came to ask, and Lin Zhou introduced him happily.

Gao Xianyu next to him was still immersed in the excitement of the delicious stinky tofu. When someone came to ask, he immediately took out the stinky tofu in his hand to show it.

"Man, it's really delicious. It's a famous novel in our country and a delicacy that everyone knows!"

"This stinky tofu is authentic and absolutely delicious. You can taste the authentic traditional snacks of China without leaving home. Even though it smells stinky, it is soaked and fermented in brine, and it is very fragrant when fried! "

"It's deep-fried, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a unique texture. It's served with special dipping sauces. It's fragrant and spicy. You won't suffer any loss if you buy it, and you won't be fooled if you buy it."

Lin Zhou looked at the chatty diners. If the people around him weren't all foreigners with different skin colors, he would have doubted that he was still in the country.

What's going on? Why are all his diners more responsible than him in introducing the food?

Lin Zhou was in a daze for a while, but Gao Xianyu called him out. When he came to his senses, he heard him say that the foreigner in front of him wanted a portion.


What did they say and why was it suddenly necessary to order one?

When the guests were here, Lin Zhou didn't ask any questions and just put five pieces of tofu into the oil pan.

Then after frying it, pour the dipping sauce on it and hand it to the foreigner in front of you.

This is the first foreigner he has hosted when setting up a stall abroad.

Lin Zhou's expectant eyes fell on the other party.

The same goes for Gao Xian Fish. Such a delicious delicacy should go to the world and let more people know about Chinese cuisine!

The foreign man was holding a piece of stinky tofu. Looking at the dark lumps and the stench that could not be covered up even if it was fried at the tip of his nose, it really made him unappetizing.

Especially with the stinky tofu in my hand, I have no hands to cover my nose.

The distance was even closer, and the smell kept getting into his nose.

It was so smokey that his head felt dizzy.

The eyes of Lin Zhou and Gao Xianyu both had a strong sense of presence, falling on the foreign man. The invisible pressure made the man feel nervous.

Looking at the two Chinese people in front of them, and then at the stinky tofu they had already spent money on, under the expectant eyes of Lin Zhou and Gao Xianyu, he picked up a piece of stinky tofu with a fork and carefully put it into his mouth.

His expression was ferocious with rejection written all over his face, but he still ate it resolutely.

Seeing the foreigner eating stinky tofu as if he were eating poison, Gao Xianyu felt that it would definitely not be like this when he tasted it.

Because when you eat this stinky tofu, it tastes so delicious that even the smell becomes an advantage.

The presence of odor makes the fragrance purer.

When you eat it in your mouth, it smells bad and tastes delicious.

The passers-by who were watching around hesitated when they saw someone dare to eat such a smelly thing. Their eyes couldn't stop looking at the reaction of the brave man who dared to try it.

"Oh my God, this is actually edible!"

"What on earth is this? I can't understand the words on it."

The signboard of Stinky Tofu is in Chinese, so it’s normal for foreigners to not understand it.

You can also tell from the frying action that this is the same food.

Moreover, there was the propagandist Gao Xianyu next to him, and he couldn't stop eating.

People passing by who were attracted by the smell and couldn't help but look at it were surprised that such a smelly thing was actually food.

The steps stopped out of curiosity.

Under the focused gaze of a group of people.

The reaction of foreign men also lived up to everyone's expectations.

After chewing the stinky tofu for a few times, his expression immediately changed.

He couldn't eat spicy food, and his white skin immediately turned a little red from the spicy food. After eating a piece of stinky tofu, he immediately stuck out his tongue to relieve the spicy taste in his mouth.

"Hiss~ It doesn't look delicious. This person is sweating after eating it."

"Looking at the sad expression on this guy's face, I'd better not try it. It's so smelly and I know it won't taste good!"

Lin Zhou had good ears and heard the chatter of the foreigners watching not far away.

He always felt that the reputation of stinky tofu was ruined by this taste.

"Delicious, isn't it!"

Gao Xianyu saw that the foreign man had finished a piece, and although his face was red from the spiciness, he hadn't thrown away the stinky tofu in his hand, so he felt that there was something going on.

His face was red from the spiciness, which must have something to do with the fact that this man was white, not the stinky tofu.

With this level of spiciness, he didn't feel it was spicy at all after sprinkling some water on it.

If the boss hadn't brought out chili oil, he would have added two spoonfuls of chili oil to eat.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect it to taste like this!"

The foreign man immediately praised excitedly when he heard Gao Xianyu's words.

He gave Lin Zhou a thumbs up, and then forked up another piece of stinky tofu and put it in his mouth.

Foreigners are also very skilled in using this kind of fork.

Don't worry about not being able to eat it.

As a traditional snack, there is still a big difference between authentic and inauthentic stinky tofu.

In order to reduce costs, the merchants who use it directly use high technology.

So some stinky tofu looks black, but not smelly enough, and it is dry when fried and eaten. It doesn't have the texture of being crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It doesn't have the fragrance of tofu and the freshness of the brine.

Lin Zhou's stinky tofu uses good ingredients for the brine.

The freshness of the ingredients turns into a stinky smell during the fermentation process, but it still tastes fresh.

This freshness turns into fragrance after frying.

Fresh tofu is soaked in brine and then fried.

With the sauce that is delicious even for dipping the soles of shoes, you will be amazed at the taste.

The deliciousness on the tip of the tongue will not deceive you. If it weren't for the stinky smell on the tip of the nose, foreign men would think they were eating something else.

This is a delicacy with a completely separated taste and smell!


(ps: Sorry, I was sick these two days and stopped updating for two days. I'm really sorry!ಥ﹏ಥ)

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