The roommate's eyes narrowed when he saw Gao Xianyu eating stinky tofu as if he had become smarter.

This guy is dishonest!

"Tell me, where can I eat? Is it still available?"

Now is not the time to focus on other things. The key point is to first ask where the stinky tofu comes from.

"In Hispantana, it's gone today. Let's go together tomorrow afternoon."


"What? Does Hespanta sell stinky tofu? Why didn't I know?"

"I guess I just came here to set up a stall. The boss is from China and his craftsmanship is very good!"

Gao Xianyu continued to describe the smell of stinky tofu.

I’m so greedy for my roommates.

I couldn’t eat it, so it was okay if no one mentioned it.

As a result, this person kept talking in front of him, which was very painful.


"I know stinky tofu is delicious. Stop talking about it. If you say more, I'll be so hungry that I'm going to eat it!"

Especially since this person smells like stinky tofu.

It's really terrible.

The next day, Lin got up early on Monday and breathed fresh air in the woods of the manor.

Foreign manors are large, with woods and streams, and the environment is very good.

Uncle Sun's gardening skills have come into use.

The rice balls also followed suit.

No need to tie the rope, you can play everywhere.

It's a waste of space if you don't keep a horse.

When Lin Zhou came back from his walk, he planned to ask Uncle Sun to buy a horse.

We can't waste this place. Horse racing on the open lawn is probably very interesting.

Back in the restaurant, Uncle Sun had already prepared breakfast.

It’s still Chinese food.

Western food has few varieties and is mostly placed on the table as decoration.

The main meal is still Chinese food.

Today, Uncle Sun prepared Cantonese-style morning tea, including rice rolls and shrimp dumplings.

A table was set up and everyone sat together and ate slowly.

"Boss, are you going to set up a stall today this afternoon?"

Lin Zhou drank the porridge and nodded, "Go at two o'clock."

"I didn't expect that foreigners also like to eat stinky tofu. I saw that all the stinky tofu I took out yesterday was sold out."

Aunt Fang discovered it when she was packing up the dining cart.

With your craftsmanship, no matter where you do business, your business will be very good.

I just didn’t expect that foreigners also like to eat this stinky tofu.

"That's not true. Yesterday, two guests were foreigners, and the rest were Chinese."

"I almost forgot that there are many people from our country abroad."

"Speaking of this, I think of the video I saw before, saying that the whole world is a huge Chinese city. People from our country can be seen in every corner."

Lin Zhou nodded in agreement, it seemed like this.

He just sells stinky tofu, and Chinese people can find it if they smell it.

There are quite a few people.

It can be seen that there are many Chinese people abroad.

"Do you need help?"

Xiao Li has just arrived abroad and is still quite curious about foreign countries.

Lin Zhou couldn't see it in his eyes, as if he wanted to go out and play.

"No, if you want to go out, you can go with Dadong."

Dadong came with him as a translator this time. He could eat delicious food cooked by Lin Zhou every day, and the matter spread to the company.

All my colleagues are envious.

Hey, some people have obtained their chef certificates and want to try their best to show off in front of their bosses.

It turned out later that the boss didn't pay much attention to Ziyuan Building and didn't come to the building at all. Everyone guessed that Ziyuan Building was just a building under the boss's many properties and not worth mentioning.

Therefore, everyone who wants to be the boss's dog-legger has no way of getting into the position.

I can only see that Dadong was lucky enough to show his face in front of the boss first, and he was popular and drank spicy food.

"Mr. Huang, do you need to go abroad for any work recently? I can go on a business trip."

It is known that Boss Lin is abroad, and everyone's thoughts are also abroad.

Mr. Huang silently glanced at the employees who wanted to go on a business trip.

Where did the business trip guy come from? I used to have a lot of clients, but I needed to travel a lot.

Now their entire team only serves Boss Lin. Apart from collecting rent and helping the boss handle his property, there seems to be nothing else to do.

Everyone returned without success.

I can only open the takeout and order stinky tofu and wait for the takeout to arrive.

Looking at the stinky tofu that was completely different from the photo Dadong posted in the group, everyone was really offended.

"It doesn't look as delicious as Boss Lin's. Ying Ying Ying."

"Everyone, think of any way to eat stinky tofu?"

"Buy Dadong and ask him to send us some?"

"This method is feasible. Send him a message."

So Dadong, who was far abroad, received messages from his colleagues, and there were a series of benefits.

As the saying goes, money can make the world go round.

So in the face of huge interests, Dadong shamefully agreed.

At worst, save his share of stinky tofu and send it back.

The boss will leave stinky tofu for them before leaving the stall.

It's just that his stinky tofu may not fall into his mouth.

Pack up what you get back and take it back with the plane that transports the ingredients, and just ask your colleagues to pick it up at the airport.

It's not even two o'clock in the afternoon.

Yesterday's stinky tofu diners were already waiting in front of the Hespanta.

A group of people squatted on the roadside in twos and threes. They didn't look like they were traveling or checking in. If they weren't well-dressed, they looked like beggars.

They were all squatting there, their legs restless and shaking.

"When we counted the number of people, we didn't say there were so many!"

"They didn't come with me. They probably saw the place after seeing my Moments."

"Speaking of which, I also posted it on Moments. Now all the international students in the circle should have seen it."

"Doesn't that mean there will be more people coming later?"

Gao Xianyu frowned slightly when he heard this. He knew too well what life international students were living abroad.

If they knew there was stinky tofu, who could refuse it!

They would definitely come to try it then.

They would even get the news of where a Chinese restaurant opened, and then line up to eat.

Last month, a new Chinese breakfast shop opened in Chinatown. Some people lined up for two hours to eat there, but the taste was far worse than that in China.

"That's right. The main reason is that stinky tofu is really rare abroad, and I've never seen such authentic roadside stinky tofu."

Because of the fate of eating stinky tofu yesterday, the relationship between the group of people has improved by leaps and bounds.

At this moment, they were chatting while waiting for the boss of the stinky tofu to come over, and they were very happy.

Then they saw foreigners joining them and squatting in a row with them.

It's just that the way he squatted was a little weird.

"What's going on? There are foreigners waiting for stinky tofu?"

Gao Xianyu knew that this was probably the foreigner who ate stinky tofu with him in front of the stall yesterday.

He just left after eating, and they didn't see the ones who came later.

"There were also foreigners who ate stinky tofu yesterday."

"Stinky tofu is so stinky, and there are foreigners who dare to eat it?"

These foreigners were very confused.

Chinese people know clearly what this thing is, but foreigners have never seen it. How dare they try it after smelling such a stinky thing?

I really don't understand!


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