Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 9 The address was right, but the time was wrong.

Every time he encountered a traffic light, he would take the time to eat a bun.

He had breakfast on the way before he arrived at the company.

This book was first published on πŸ”πŸ— Book Bar β†’ 𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no disordered chapters.

As a result, when he arrived at the company and just sat down, he felt the resentful eyes coming from the next door, which was full of substance.

Wen Nan shook his shoulders with a chill and looked at Xiao Wang.

"What's wrong so early in the morning?"

Xiao Wang was immediately angry when he saw his inexplicable look.

He shouted angrily: "How dare you ask!"

"Didn't you say that the buns were bought in Huaguoshan Park? I went there and took a look around. Let alone buns, there was not a single fart!"

Wen Nan was stunned and subconsciously wanted to refute.

But the next second, seeing Xiao Wang was very angry, he suddenly thought of something and asked, "No, when did you go to Huaguo Mountain?"

"When else, just before work!"

Xiao Wang's resentment for getting up early and not going to Huaguo Mountain reached its peak at this moment.

Wen Nan:......

"Didn't I tell you that the owner of the bun stall only sets up the stall at the entrance of Huaguo Mountain at 8 o'clock in the evening?"



"Such important news, you actually just told me! I went to buy buns early in the morning and went to buy buns, but I got nothing!"

Wen Nan was also innocent. He was in a hurry to eat yesterday, so he didn't notice this detail.

"You didn't ask!"

Hearing this, Xiao Wang closed his eyes speechlessly, took a deep breath, and then exhaled, telling himself not to be angry and not to bother with fools!

"Brother, do you still need to ask? You brought buns here in the morning. Besides, whose buns are not breakfast? They are sold in the morning. It would be strange to sell buns at the entrance of the park at night!"

Wen Nan thought about it carefully and felt that this seemed to make sense.

He didn't think about it at all, and didn't notice the time difference, so he only got the address right, but the time wrong. Of course, Xiao Wang couldn't buy the buns.

"Hey, Brother Wang, I was wrong. I'll treat you to eat buns tonight!"

Wen Nan looked at this big mistake and coaxed Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang quickly calmed down.

Then he thought that Wen Nan knew the time when the owner of the bun stall set up the stall, so he must have bought buns last night. He looked at him up and down with a searching look, as if looking for traces of buns.

And he also faintly smelled the fragrance of buns.

"Didn't you bring buns today?"

Wen Nan turned on the computer and prepared to make coffee. When he heard Xiao Wang's words, he replied that he had eaten on the way.

Xiao Wang: "!!!"

The last hope was broken.

Xiao Wang had the sequelae of getting up early, and he lay on the table in a daze.

He didn't even pay attention to what Wen Nan said next.


On the other side, Lin Zhou returned home after buying ingredients. Today, he prepared ingredients for barbecued pork buns and red bean paste buns.

The task did not specify what flavor of buns to sell every day, so Lin Zhou followed his own taste.

Whatever flavor you want to eat, you can sell it.

It was still early, so Lin Zhou prepared to soak the red beans first.

The red bean paste of the red bean paste buns is the key to the taste, so Lin Zhou must make it himself.

The newly bought red beans are bright red in color, each round and bright red, with a smooth and shiny skin, and smell of beans. At first glance, they are very fresh and good red beans.

Look carefully and there are no impurities. Just pour it into the water, wash it, and soak it.

Wait until the afternoon when it will soften and cook.

Then Lin Zhou plans to go to the back of the villa to stroll around.

He has been in this world for so long, but he has never climbed a mountain.

The Royal Capital is one of the best villa areas in Jiangdong City. It is backed by a mountain, and the entire mountain is greened by the villa area. It is a good place for rich people to recuperate and live.

Lin Zhou took a bottle of water and climbed up from the foot of the mountain step by step.

The environment was too quiet, no sound could be heard, and no one was encountered.

Lin Zhou enjoyed this lonely mountain climbing process.

As he climbed higher and higher, his body gradually felt tired, and he felt alive.

Maybe it was the cause of sudden death in his previous life.

After adapting to the life in the new world, Lin Zhou began to pay attention to exercise.

He climbed all the way to the pavilion halfway up the mountain. He could still hold on without seeing a place to rest. Now that he saw the pavilion, he couldn't help but go to rest.

I didn't expect that this mountain looked not high, but it was high when you climbed.

It's probably a visual difference.

In the summer, even if it was just over eight o'clock, the sun was already hot.

Lin Zhou felt the sweat on his short sleeves and wanted to back out.

Exercise is not something that can be done all at once. You have to take it slowly and don't rush.

After persuading himself a few words, Lin Zhou swung his legs and walked down the mountain.

As he walked, he heard footsteps behind him and was startled.

This place is so quiet that there is not even a shadow of a person, so where does the footsteps come from?

Lin Zhou turned around and saw an old man in sportswear walking down the mountain.

He looked to be over 60 years old, and although his hair was white, he was in good spirits.

Muscles could be seen on his exposed calves and arms.

He was stronger and more muscular than him.

"Young man, are you here to climb the mountain too?"

The old man was quite happy to see Lin Zhou, and came over and greeted him with a smile.

Lin Zhou was no longer afraid when he saw that it was a person.

Those who can climb the mountain here must be residents of the villa area.

Otherwise, they can't get in.


The old man smiled and looked at Lin Zhou.

He climbed to the top of the mountain and came down. He met Lin Zhou halfway up the mountain and went down the mountain with him.

This ensures that the young man has not climbed to the top of the mountain.

"Young man, you are not strong enough. You have to go down the mountain before you reach the top."

Lin Zhou laughed awkwardly.

"Yes, I'm a little in poor health, so I came here to climb the mountain."

This was a fact, and Lin Zhou didn't refute it. Having a companion to go down the mountain with was just a good time to talk, and it could also divert attention and make people less tired.

The old man and the young man just started chatting.

"Uncle, you look in great shape. How old are you?"

"Sixty-two, how old are you, young man?"

"I'm twenty-six."


"Then let's just say, let's climb the mountain together tomorrow."

When they arrived at the foot of the mountain and walked away, the uncle waved his hand and said to Lin Zhou.

"Okay, I'll be there on time."

Lin Zhou was a little out of breath when he saw the uncle walking down the road. Unlike himself, who could hardly stand, he had a clear understanding of the uncle's physical fitness.

I also have an understanding of my own physical fitness.

I really sit in the office too much, and my body is not only bloated, but also has a small belly. It seems that I really need to exercise hard.

The fact that he was able to climb halfway up the mountain was the result of more than a week of training in setting up a stall.

After returning home, Lin Zhou found that living in a villa area was still a bit bad.

The community is too big, and the distance between the villas is far. It takes him half a day to walk from the foot of the mountain to his home.

When I got home and went to the sofa, I was so tired that I couldn't even get up.

I immediately regretted having agreed to go hiking with my uncle tomorrow.

How can he crawl and move?

Such a hassle.

Lin Zhou took a light nap after lunch.

It can be seen that I am very tired.

When he woke up, he started preparing the steamed buns he would sell at the stall that night.

Still make the dough first.

Then prepare the filling.

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