Food: Take My Sister Into The Baloon Islands at the Start

Chapter 10 The behemoth under the night

" together!"

At this moment, Tadokoro Megumi's face turned red, and if the animation effects were added, it is estimated that steam should appear now.

"Relax Xiaohui, it's not a big deal."

Although the contact time is not long, Nakiri Alice also knows that Tadokoro Megumi is a very simple type.

"You can rest assured on this point. Although you are really beautiful, I like your type, but I know what to do and what not to do!"

Xia Ming didn't hide it at all, saying that she didn't like it was a lie.

In particular, both of them belong to a special type. Nakiri Alice has white hair and red eyes, which is a special attack for the people in China.

As for the other one, Xiaojiabiyu type, and also has blue hair, you know, this is the color of love, of course, except for Aqua.

If you don't like it, it's fake, so Xia Ming made it clear, but he also has his own bottom line.

You know, among the people Xia Ming hates, one is a human trafficker and the other is a flower thief.

"Mr. Xia Ming is really straightforward, but this kind of straightforwardness is not annoying, at least it is reassuring!"

Nakiri Alice doesn't dislike Xia Ming's attitude either.

Even she is a little happy now. Women, they will definitely be happy when they are praised for being beautiful.

Soon, the tent was set up, and although there was only one, it was big enough for ten people.

After packing up, the three entered the tent, with Nakiri Alice and Tadokoro Megumi on the far left, and Xia Ming on the far right.

Although there was a distance, both Nakiri Alice and Tadokoro Megumi were not asleep at the moment.

It's not that he is worried about what Xia Ming will do, but that he is somewhat uncomfortable.

As for Xia Ming, he was very carefree and didn't care about it. After all, it wasn't him who should be embarrassed, so he was already asleep at the moment.

However, this kind of falling asleep is a kind of light sleep, and he does not dare to sleep too dead.

Although a wave of breath was released before, the breath always dissipated, and it was impossible for all beasts to be frightened by his breath.

At the moment, Xia Ming's body has been in a state of vigilance, thanks to gourmet cells and absolute adaptation.

Whether it's the baloon shark or the snake frog or the baloon leech or even the beasts that were around before.

These creatures all gave Xia Ming some sense of threat.

This sense of threat also has strengths and weaknesses depending on the creature.

Relying on absolute adaptation, Xia Ming quickly developed the ability to sense crisis. When facing different creatures, he will feedback different degrees of crisis.

Time passed quickly, and the two girls finally couldn't resist the fatigue and fell asleep.

Mainly because they were overly frightened today, as for handling the meat, honestly, it wouldn't make them too tired.

The chef in the gourmet fan is not so simple.

Mainly because of the shock.

After an unknown amount of time, Xia Ming suddenly opened his eyes and quickly got out of the tent.

His movement also awakened the two sleeping girls.

"Mr. Xia Ming, what's the matter?"

When they opened their eyes and saw that Xia Ming had gone out, both of them were a little puzzled.

"A big guy is coming, stay in the tent and don't come out!"

Xia Ming said, he sensed a slight threat, his body responded quickly, and he also heard a voice, a behemoth was approaching here, although the distance was still far, but the enhanced hearing can clearly hear Such movement.

After hearing Xia Ming's words, the hearts of the two also directly mentioned their throats.

After a while, they also heard a lot of movement.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure appeared in the woods.

"Sword......saber-toothed tiger?!"

When the behemoth in the woods completely appeared in front of them, the two of them also saw the whole picture of this behemoth in the tent.

This is a huge yellow saber-toothed tiger, and the teeth alone look more than one meter long.

"Balonghu, it doesn't have a strong sense of crisis, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

Xia Ming recognized the big guy in front of him. This is a specialty of the Balon Islands. The Balon tiger has huge fangs like a saber-toothed tiger, but its body shape is not comparable to that of a saber-toothed tiger.

The Baron tiger is six meters long, 3.5 meters high, and weighs 2.5 tons. It has a capture level of three.

There is no doubt that this is still a behemoth.

Now, according to the feedback from the crisis sensor, although the threat posed by the Baron Tiger is much stronger than those of the previous creatures, it does not give Xia Ming a particularly strong sense of crisis.

This means that Xia Ming can deal with the opponent, and now the Baron Tigers can't even let Xia Ming enter the battle state.

The so-called war-prone state is a state in which the calories in the body are fully mobilized and all forces are released to deal with the crisis.

But now, the opponent's threat has not yet reached the state of war, so it can be dealt with completely.


After discovering Xia Ming, the Baron Tiger also let out a roar.

On Xia Ming, Balonghu felt a faint sense of threat.

This is because of the surrounding aura. The Baron Tiger is actually a very timid creature. Once it senses an existence stronger than it, it will be immediately scared away.

Baron tiger's meat is not delicious, but its fangs are a good thing.

The ordinary kitchen knife given by the system before was sacrificed heroically when dealing with the Baron shark. The kitchen knife surface of the common materials is indeed very weak.

So Xia Ming eyed the two fangs of the Baron Tiger, which may be used to make a good kitchen knife.

Although he doesn't use it himself, it's a good choice to use it for the two girls, although that's a matter of leaving the secret realm.

Furthermore, Xia Ming also needs Balonghu to practice his hands.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming no longer hesitated, and rushed forward directly.

Xia Ming's action also made the Balonghu respond quickly, and the huge tiger claws slammed into Xia Ming.

However, when the tiger claws appeared in front of him, Xia Ming dodged and dodged, grabbed the tiger claws of the Balon Tiger, and gave a violent force.

The huge body of the Balon Tiger was swung up.


With a loud noise, the huge body of the Balon Tiger made a close contact with the ground.


Baron Tiger let out a scream, but such an attack was not enough to seriously injure Baron Tiger.

Baron Tiger, who got up again, turned his head and ran away without saying a word.

At this moment, Balonghu has already decided that Xia Ming is stronger than him. When encountering someone who is stronger than himself, Balonghu's first reaction is to run away. It can be said that there is no problem in describing Balonghu as timid as a mouse. *

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