Food: Take My Sister Into The Baloon Islands at the Start

Chapter 27 The Confused Nakiri Senzaemon

From Tadokoro Megumi's point of view, cooking for Xia Ming is the right thing to do. After all, my life is saved by others, and it is not because Xia Ming asked her to come over and let her cook for the first time. Anger and such.

Not just her, but even Nakiri Alice, who know that they are now Xia Ming's exclusive chef.

This is also the only thing they can do, so naturally they are working very hard.

"Let's eat it together. After all, cooking these dishes is quite exhausting. In addition, the rest of the meat doesn't need to be so delicate, otherwise you won't be able to finish it if you slap you down, just roast it!"

After a table of dishes was ready, Xia Ming let the two eat together. After all, cooking these dishes was indeed exhausting.

Even if the two are strengthened, it will not be much better if they cook a lot.

When eating, Xia Ming also told the two of his future thoughts. Xia Ming has grown to the limit of the current stage in the Balon Islands, and now the Baloon Islands are only used as a food warehouse for Xia Ming.

Eating ingredients from the Baloon Islands, Xia Ming's culinary cell will not improve much now unless he eats a lot for a long time.

But even so, it can only bring him very slight progress.

So Xia Ming will focus on Tadokoro Megumi and Nakiri Alice before the next new secret realm opens.

The two were weak before, and he didn't dare to say that he could completely protect them.

But now both of them have reached level 1, and his level has completely surpassed the upper limit of the Balon Islands.

Now even if it is a spherical bird that has been dominating again, he can easily deal with it with one punch.

In the case of ensuring the safety of the two, it is natural for the two to get more exercise.

To put it bluntly, the previous seven days were just an adaptation, and Xia Ming had always chosen Gou, so there was not much danger at all.

"I have no opinion, it's all for our own good after all!"

Nakiri Alice nodded immediately after hearing Xia Ming's plan.

After all, the situation is here, accept it, you can live better when you enter other secret realms in the future, and you can always hold Xia Ming's thigh.

She could still see the truth.

"I think the same as Alice!"

Tadokoro Megumi also nodded with a serious face. After all, Xia Ming has already spent time and effort to help them, how could they refuse Xia Ming?

"That's good, but everyone just came back, take a break for a few days, and don't be in a hurry!"

Xia Ming nodded. Although he was separated from the two in the secret realm for a long time, from the description of Nakiri Alice, the time of coming out was basically the same.

In other words, no matter how long it is in the secret realm, it is a moment in the outside world.

Nakiri Alice and Tadokoro Megumi were quickly full, and then naturally they kept roasting the meat for Xia Ming to eat.

But even so, after making such a large batch of meat early, the two of them were exhausted.

To be honest, Xia Ming couldn't understand how Komatsu could satisfy Alu's exaggerated stomach.

You must know that Komatsu's gourmet cells did not exist from the beginning, where did he get the physical strength to cook these dishes.

It can only be said that comics are comics. After becoming a reality, there are more things to consider.

Tadokoro Megumi also needs to go back to get some clothes after that. It is impossible to run both places all the time, so I decided to stay here.

As for the family, it's actually easy to find excuses, such as attending a special cooking training class or the like.

Not to mention the current plans of the three, on the other side, after returning home with the meat, Nakiri Erina kept staring at the meat in front of her.

Because of this meat, her god tongue is invalid, this is the first time.

You know, what is the source of her arrogant character? It is her tongue of God, but now the tongue of God is invalid. She didn't show this huge sense of gap before, and she was very entangled after returning.

"Lord Erina, it's almost time to rest!"

Seeing that his eldest lady had been staring at this piece of meat for a long time, even in the middle of the night, Arato Hisako couldn't help but persuade him.

"Hisako, don't worry about me, I have never tasted these ingredients, so it is normal that the tongue of God cannot be identified, but this is the first time that the tongue of God has failed. This feeling is really bad!"

Nakiri Erina said that although he was hit, he was not hit to this extent.

She only became like this now because of the sense of difference, and she quickly recovered after a little adjustment of her mentality.

She has always been a formulaic person, so to speak, because what she believes is what the tongue of God tastes.

Like the advice she gave to try other people's dishes after escaping to Polar Star Dorm.

The advice she gave was useful, and it was the answer obtained through the tongue of God, but it was not necessarily the only and standard answer.

Because of the tongue of God, Nakiri Erina lost the mentality of pursuing innovation. Everything stems from the tongue of God. The tongue of God has indeed brought her great convenience, but the limitations still exist.

Such a restriction was broken for the first time today, leading to some changes in her mentality.

"Okay, Hisako, go and rest, I'll deal with this piece of meat, and don't eat it until Grandpa has a conclusion!"

Although she is very obsessed with the taste of this meat, she also believes that Nakiri Alice will not be so unreliable to get some questionable meat out.

The most important thing is that God's Tongue is satisfied and can't taste any flaws at all. If there is a problem, God's Tongue will naturally give feedback.

But since it was her grandfather who spoke, she didn't say much, just wait for the result.

Nakiri Senzaemon took the meat directly after getting it.

"How is this possible, if it really reaches this level, how could we have no reaction at all after eating it?"

Looking at the indicators detected, Nakiri Senzaemon was also stunned at this moment.

According to the values ​​obtained above, the ones he ate before were like super tonics.

But he didn't feel the slightest discomfort in his body.

In order to determine whether he was really okay, he also had a medical examination.

But in the end the answer he got was that his body was very healthy, there was no problem at all, and it was impossible to make up for it.

This is also what puzzles Nakiri Senzaemon the most. After eating such ingredients, his body has no problem at all.

In the next few days, he did a lot of experiments, but the result was still the same, and he finally gave up. *

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