Food: Take My Sister Into The Baloon Islands at the Start

Chapter 34: The People Who Get the Points Wrong

Two hours later, everyone had moved away from the giant wall, and then they found an open space to set up their tents.

This time, everyone brought enough materials. After all, they were all prepared by Nakiri Alice, and Xia Ming's space was large enough to hold these things.

Seeing that Xia Ming took out so many things out of thin air, Chana Butterfly was also very surprised.

Of course, it's just a surprise. After all, over the years of killing ghosts, Chana Butterfly has seen quite a few strange blood ghost techniques, so she didn't have the same reaction as the previous two girls.

"What a miraculous ability, is this also obtained from the secret realm?"

Butterfly Chanahui couldn't help but ask.

"It is indeed obtained from the secret realm, but it is not so simple to get it. Only by completing the task can you get rich rewards, and the task also depends on the degree of contribution."

"Otherwise, you can only get the guaranteed reward. Although the guaranteed reward is not bad, it is completely incomparable to those who complete the task!"

Xia Ming nodded, the reward gap is indeed quite large, just look at the comparison between his gains and those of Nakiri Alice Tadokoro Megumi and the others, it is simply heaven and earth.

"I don't think you should do Xia Ming's mission this time. After all, that guy is so terrifying!"

Tadokoro Megumi on the side said worriedly, Xia Ming is the backbone of their team.

The current Tadokoro Megumi has a very high opinion of Xia Ming, and she does not want to see Xia Ming take risks.

"Xiaohui is right, Mr. Xia Ming, let's forget it this time!"

Nakiri Alice also spoke up. It was the first time she had seen Xia Ming's overreaction before, so she didn't want to see Xia Ming take the risk to complete the mission.

"Well, although I just joined, if it's not necessary, Mr. Xia Ming should not let the people around him worry too much!"

Butterfly Chanahui couldn't help but speak, she is also a kind-hearted person, and she has a younger sister, she herself knows that her younger sister is often worried about herself.

But she had no choice, after all, the members of the ghost killing team were destined to spend the rest of their lives fighting with ghosts.

In her opinion, although the reward is very good, it is completely incomparable with life, so she couldn't help but persuade.

"Did you get the point wrong? You don't have to be in danger to complete the mission!"

Xia Ming couldn't help laughing when he saw the three of them. He could also see that the three people's concerns were not deliberately superficial, but from the heart, but it was obvious that the three of them had misunderstood the point.


After hearing Xia Ming's words, Tadokoro Megumi made an unexplained questioning sound, and the other two also looked at Xia Ming with some doubts.

"Don't forget, our mission is to obtain rainbow fruits."

"The threat just now originated from the terrifying creatures in the ecological zone, but it was not from the rainbow fruit."

"If it is a head-to-head confrontation, I am indeed not the opponent's opponent, but as long as the opponent does not find me, I enter the ecological zone to find the rainbow fruit and complete the picking, and I don't need to face the opponent!"

Xia Ming briefly explained, yes, he was not the opponent's opponent just now, and there is a high probability that he will die suddenly.

But he doesn't need to face the opponent, he just needs to find the rainbow fruit.

Hiding his own breath, Xia Ming has many methods. With the help of absolute adaptation and the assistance of acupuncture skills, Xia Ming can easily completely hide his own breath.

As long as he completely hides his breath, the other party can't find him. After all, the other party's eyes can't be good enough to watch the entire ecological area.

Of course, just in case, Xia Ming will wait until seven days before going, and if it is found that he can't escape, he will directly leave the secret realm.

Although once you leave the secret realm, there is nothing left, but it is worth Xia Ming's gamble.

"It's okay!"

After thinking about it carefully, Nakiri Alice realized that she had indeed misunderstood the point.

Because she thought about Xia Ming's safety for the first time, and the aura of Xia Ming and the other party broke out before, this led her to mistakenly think that Xia Ming would meet the other party. Now it seems that she thinks too much.

The mission target and this terrifying guy are not the same.

"Of course, now there is another issue for you to decide for yourself!"

"After seven days, you can choose to leave the secret realm directly, and you can get a guaranteed reward."

"But in the same way, you can also wait until I finish the task and then leave to see if you can get better rewards."

"This is also an experiment. Although you can't directly participate in the picking task, when does the task start to be calculated, and does it start to be calculated as soon as you enter the secret realm?"

"If a person has super perception ability but no combat effectiveness, then whether he will contribute after completing the task, for the same reason, logistics is also a very important part."

"So this is what I want to test, whether the logistics you are responsible for will be included in the contribution to completing the task!"

"Of course, I don't force you to choose to stay. After all, if I can't complete the task, then the person who chooses to stay will not even have a guaranteed reward. The choice is yours."

Xia Ming briefly explained.

He only knows about some things about the system, and he needs to verify other details by himself.

"I choose to stay!*2"

Nakiri Alice and Tadokoro Megumi did not hesitate at all, they absolutely trusted Xia Ming, and they didn't want to keep dragging their feet, so this time they chose to stay.

And as Xia Ming said, the big deal is to lose a guaranteed reward, and there will be no danger to life.

"You can think about it!"

Xia Ming also knew that the two of them were not impulsive. After this period of training, both of them have matured a lot, and they must have their own considerations.

"Think about it, no matter what, even if you get a bad reward, you can help Xia Ming complete an experiment, at least it's much better than holding back!"

Nakiri Alice said with a smile.

"Does it hold you back? If it's just a simple fight, it's really holding you back, but don't forget, I'm only good at fighting!"

"As for other aspects, I don't have you and Xiaohui professionally!"

Xia Ming smiled and said, in terms of logistics, Nakiri Alice and Tadokoro Megumi can be said to be quite strong, and Xia Ming does not need to worry about these things, mutual assistance and mutual benefit, this is a team. *

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