"Now tell you about the situation here. You have all seen the mission. If you want to leave here, you must either complete the mission or survive for seven days."

"If you choose to live for seven days, you can choose to leave by yourself after seven days. Of course, if the task has not been completed, you can still choose to stay and complete the task."

"If you survive for seven days and leave, you can get the most basic guaranteed reward. If you choose to complete the task, you will not be able to get the basic guaranteed reward, but you will get different levels of rewards based on your contribution on the way to the task."

Xia Ming told the two about the secret realm, and he is now playing a senior.

After Xia Ming finished speaking, the two were silent for a while, and they were digesting Xia Ming's words.

"You know this place so well, you should have experienced what happened here!"

Nakiri Alice spoke up.

"Yes, I did experience it a few times before you, but I'm not the only one who entered this kind of place before you."

"I have to make it clear to you that if you die here, you will really die."

"Of course, crisis corresponds to opportunity, just like me, you all saw it just now."

"Here, as long as the rewards are rich enough, then you can become the same as me just now, or even stronger."

Xia Ming has now established his status as a senior, after all, his abilities are here.

As for what the reward given by the secret realm will be, to be honest, Xia Ming really doesn't know, after all, it is his first time here.

"Give you some time to digest and digest, and then I will leave. As for the two of you, you can choose to follow me, or find a place to hide yourself."

Xia Ming is not obliged to be a nanny for the two of them, and he said before that he will help the two of them as long as it does not affect him.

But if the goals don't match, you can't blame him.

"We don't seem to have a choice now!"

Although she is young, Nakiri Alice is very clear that in such a dangerous place, if you want to survive, you must rely on Xia Ming.

As for whether Xia Ming is dangerous, this is not something she needs to consider now.

Xia Ming has already shown inhuman strength, and to put it bluntly, now that Xia Ming intends to do something to them, they are simply powerless to resist.

So now there is only one choice, that is to follow Xia Ming and rely on Xia Ming's power to save his life.

"In that case, let's go, leave here first, and survive before doing the task. There is no shortage of food, and I have some preparations for water, but it is not enough. I still need to find a place with fresh water."

"By the way, your name is Tadokoro Megumi, right? Although what is happening now is indeed unacceptable, you must force yourself to accept it, or you may kill yourself!"

Compared with Nakiri Alice's gradual adaptation, Tadokoro Megumi's adaptability is indeed not strong. The current Tadokoro Megumi is not as strong or adaptable in the later stage.

At this moment, Tadokoro Megumi came back to his senses after hearing Xia Ming's words, but he still looked overly frightened.

In this regard, Xia Ming is naturally too lazy to care, after all, if he wants to adapt, he will not be able to adapt in such a short time.

Xia Ming believes that after spending a few days in such a place, it is estimated that Tadokoro Megumi's mentality will gradually improve by then.

After speaking, Xia Ming didn't care about the two, but came directly to the shark, put the dead shark into the space, and picked some mangrove leaves around.

"Hey...why did the shark disappear?"

The two girls who saw this scene widened their eyes again.

"It was taken away by me, a reward I got from here before, and some daily necessities are stored in it!"

Xia Ming waved his hand, the space exposure is certain, he can't drag such a big shark away.

And it's no big deal that the space is exposed, the main thing is that this thing can't be hidden at all.

The space has expanded once after Xia Ming incorporates a gastronomic cell.

There is still a lot of free space inside.

It's a pity that I came in too hastily, and the things stored in it are only the rewards from the novice gift bag.

"Is there even such a thing?"

Nakiri Alice said that she is really knowledgeable, inhuman combat power, and there is such a special space where she can directly collect ingredients, which is simply not too convenient.

However, with emotion, Xia Ming has brought the two into the woods.

The next step is to find a place with fresh water.

With Xia Ming's terrifying hearing right now, he can hear every nuisance around him, so it shouldn't be particularly difficult to find it.

To be honest, the dresses of the two girls are not bad at this moment, one is wearing a chef's uniform and the other is wearing a sports uniform.

They are all packed tightly.

If he came here wearing the same school uniform as in the original book, it probably wouldn't be so pleasant.

"What's wrong?"

After walking a distance, Xia Ming suddenly stopped and stopped both of them at the same time, which made them very puzzled.

"There's something on it, it's probably going to be smeared in the past!"

Xia Ming picked up a few small stones from the ground, and threw them violently towards the leaves above.

Under the power of Xia Ming, the lethality of the small stone is not small.

As the stones penetrated the leaves, some red bugs fell directly from above.


Seeing this scene, both of them screamed, there was no way, the girl was more afraid of this kind of bug.

In addition, the number of these bugs is still quite large, even if Xia Ming looks at this scene, his scalp is numb, let alone two girls.

"Come here, why can you dance like this!"

Soon, the expressions of the two girls became even worse, because these insects jumped on the ground and scattered in all directions, and some of them happened to be in the direction of them.

At this time, Xia Ming took out some of the leaves he had picked before, pinched it hard, and threw it forward, and some liquid was thrown out.

The liquid fell on these worms, and instantly the worms began to distort their bodies continuously. A small part of them was contaminated with the liquid and died directly, and even began to melt.

As for those with less liquid contamination, they did not dare to move forward, but madly burrowed into the woods next to them.

"What the hell is this, and what are those liquids you just spilled?"

Seeing that the crisis was lifted, Nakiri Alice asked with some lingering fears. *

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