"Has it begun? I seem to have seen the demise of Onimatsu Tsuji, and the curse is finally coming to an end in this generation!"

At the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team, Yoshiya Zaiyashik also received a letter from Kanako Butterfly. Although Xia Ming did not plan to see Yoshiya Zaiyashiki, she naturally had to explain her actions.

So he left a letter and gave it to Yoya Maiyashiki.

"Is it really okay to do this? Although the strength of the flower column is very strong, can it really grow to such a level that it can deal with the ghost dance and Tsuji in such a short period of time?""

Amane, who was taking care of Yoya Maiyashiki, couldn't help but ask.

Due to Yoshiya Zaiyashiki's physical problems, she helped to handle most of the ghost killing team's affairs, and the matter of Kana Hui, the butterfly, was naturally clear.

"Rest assured, I have seen hope, and although the ability of precognition cannot predict the complete future, I have this feeling!

Sanyashiki Yoshiya said that although their family was cursed, they also gained some convenience.

For example, the ability to predict. In the original work, Yoshiya Yoshiki had predicted that he would be attacked a few days before the tragic attack of Onimai Tsuji.

But he still chose to stay, as this bait, he also left his wife and two daughters.

Now he's also predicting something, this time, it's Kibuki Tsuji's miserable death.

"That's good!

Tianyin is also very happy, although she is a member of the priest family and will not be cursed by the maternity house, but her five children are cursed.

Including her husband, there are six people in total, she naturally doesn't want to see her family die one by one due to the curse.

"By the way, let the crows pass the information to the members of the ghost killing team, and whenever they encounter the style, they will fully assist!

Sanyashiki Yoshiya finally issued an order, and the crow quickly passed the message.

The letter to the other pillars, Yoshiya Miyashiki, made it clear.

At the same time, Xia Ming and Butterfly Chanai Hui have already started the work of sweeping away ghosts.

When looking for Infinity City, Xia Ming will naturally find the ghosts that exist in the city. Once found, it is naturally impossible to let them go.

Although doing so may lead to stunned snakes, but to be honest, you are not afraid of stunned snakes.

Even the ghost dance Tsuji has no miserable fear, but will only hide in the Infinite City, whether it is looking for him as a ghost or looking for the Infinite City, it is actually the same.

"This is already the eleventh ghost we have encountered since we came out!"

Looking at the alien ghost who was beheaded by himself, Chana Butterfly said.

"That's true, but it's just a matter of cleaning up some rubbish!"

Looking at the ghost killed by Chanahui Butterfly, Xia Ming said very calmly.

Are ghosts pathetic? Poor, but worthy of pity? Mostly not.

Even the great Virgin of Butterfly Chana Hui will be very decisive to cut off the ghost's head without overflowing sympathy.

This kind of operation is the same as the later Kammen Tanjirou. Kammen Tanjirou will pity ghosts, but he will only pity the dead ghosts. If these ghosts are alive, he will cut off the other party's head without hesitation.

This kind of character Xia Ming doesn't hate, what he hates is the Virgin and the Virgin who are flooded with sympathy regardless of black and white.

"Let's go to the next place... wait, it seems that a big fish has come, and it seems that Guiwu Tsuji Wumai can't sit still!

Within Xia Ming's sensing range, there was suddenly an aura that was larger than the previous ghost.

"A more powerful ghost?"

Butterfly Chanahui clenched the knife in her hand, and as the other party approached, she also sensed this breath.

Soon, a man with six eyes appeared in front of the two of them.

This ghost is Shang Xian Yi Hei Death Mou.

Since the two of them will clean up ghosts once they go to one place, and Chana Butterfly is already on the must-kill list of the boss, so this time he directly asked Naruto to send Black Death to the city. The purpose is very simple, that is, Kill Butterfly Chanel Megumi.

Although he doesn't think this is the second Jiguoyuanyi, but there is a threat, it is natural to deal with it in advance.

In terms of Gou, his ghost dance Tsuji Wumai is the strongest.

"Shang Xianyi, I didn't expect to meet such a powerful ghost! 35

Butterfly Chanahui saw the numbers in the eyes of the other party, but she didn't talk nonsense, but chose to attack directly.

Because it was just a tentative attack, Butterfly Chanahui did not use her full strength, and her movements were captured by Heisha Mou, who also pulled out his knife in an instant to try to block Butterfly Chanahui's attack.

·For flowers·

But at the moment when the two weapons collided, there was no sound of metal clashing, and the knife in Black Death Mou's hand was cut off instantly.

When he saw that his weapon was cut off, Hei Dead Mou also showed an incredible expression, but he still forcibly twisted his body, otherwise this knife would have decapitated him.

After the twist, Butterfly Chanahui's knife left a huge wound on Heisha Mou's body.

Black Death Mou also quickly retreated, and as for the injury, he recovered quickly when he retreated.

If you want to suppress the regeneration of ghosts, you can only use the He Dao. This trick is now available to Butterfly Chanahui, but it was just a test just now, so she didn't use this trick.

Black Death Mou's self-healing ability is second only to Oni Wu Tsuji Wu Mian, so the injury recovered in the blink of an eye.

"As expected of the first string, the response is really fast!"

Butterfly Chanahui said with a smile, she has already figured out Hei Dead Mou's physical fitness, and the gap with her is a bit big, so there is nothing to worry about.

"You're special, whether it's a person or that knife!"

Hei Dead Mou could clearly feel that when the two knives collided, his knife seemed to be cut open by tofu.

Butterfly Chanel Megumi's knife was ridiculously sharp.

However, the knife in his hand is not an ordinary knife, but a weapon made by using the blood ghost technique, so it will regenerate, and will continue to deform with the attack.

It is undeniable that in terms of function, this knife is not bad, but it looks disgusting and the strength is too poor.

There is absolutely no comparison with Butterfly Chanel.

"Really? Can you ask Mr. Ghost to die quickly?"

Butterfly Chanahui said the most terrifying words in the gentlest tone, and when the words fell, she also launched an attack again.

"Breath of Flowers, Five Types, Fruitless Peony!

The nine attacks came from all directions. At this moment, Hei Death Mou found that he could not dodge at all, the speed was too fast, and the attacks were very dense.

"Breath of the Moon, Type Fourteen, Ferocious Change, Tenman Fiber Moon! 35

In a panic, Black Death Mou also erupted, and a large number of crescent-like slashes erupted with him at the center.

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