"Don't Xia Ming think I'm naive at this time?"

After hearing Xia Ming's words, Nakiri Alice was also stunned. The reason why she disguised herself was initially because of anxiety.

When she was just summoned to the secret realm, she couldn't even save her own life, which made Nakiri Alice very uncomfortable.

So from that time on, she was admonishing herself that she should be more mature, otherwise she might be abandoned by ~ Xia Ming.

Her mind is more active, correspondingly, the relatively simple Tadokoro Megumi has no such thoughts.

So even though Tadokoro Megumi has grown, the essence has not changed.

But from here on Nakiri Alice, this kind of hiding began to deepen gradually, even she herself did not realize it.

By the time you get to know Xia Ming enough, disguise has become something subconscious.

She even thought she was mature enough that she didn't want to show off in front of Nakiri Erina.

She had been so depressed all the time, but this time she finally let go. Similarly, she also realized the problem now.

"Are you naive? How old are you? Fifteen years old, where do you want to mature? To be honest, I still like your quirkiness, much better than now!

Xia Ming said with some humor, the so-called maturity does not mean that the more things you know, the more mature you are.

Let's just say that Xia Ming himself, Xia Ming in the past, has always thought that he is mature enough since junior high school.

But as he grew older, he still felt that he was naive in the past, and some operations are very funny now.

Nakiri Alice is also in this state now, so Xia Ming feels that it is necessary to have a good talk with her.

This heart-to-heart conversation continued until the end of the assessment.

"Anyway, don't pretend to be deliberate in the future, it won't do you any good, you should actually learn Xiaohui, she has never done such a thing, her biggest change is growth! 39

Xia Ming said with a smile, the usual Xiaohui is still that soft and cute girl, and she only chooses the front hard steel when cooking and encountering some things.

"I see, then I'll go to Erina's and show off my super taste!

Nakiri Alice said with a smile, after taking off her disguise, Nakiri Alice returned to her previous quirkiness again.

The next one to be unlucky is Nakiri Erina. With the current situation of Nakiri Alice, she ran to show it off. It is estimated that Nakiri Erina will be very angry for a while.

But this can be regarded as another day and today's fruit. Nakiri Alice also knows how to control the proportions. After all, in the original book, Nakiri Alice brought Nakiri Erina to Polar Star Dorm as soon as there was a problem with Nakiri Erina.

The matter between them is just a fight between sisters, and when something really happens, they will think about each other.

The difference is that Nakiri Alice won't hide anything and will express it outright, but Nakiri Erina, the super Tsundere, will choose to hide, which is the so-called misunderstanding.

The assessment is over, and in the final ranking, Nakiri Alice is the first and Tadokoro Megumi is the second, both of which have exceeded the number of 500 copies.

Nakiri Erina ranked third. Due to the interference of Nakiri Alice this time, the number of Erina in the sports committee, which should have exceeded 400, stayed at around 350.

At the same time, rumors that Nakiri Alice also possessed the tongue of God gradually spread.

Although Nakiri Alice says that she has a super taste, for others, the super taste associated with Nakiri's family is the tongue of God.

So the news of the appearance of the third tongue of God gradually spread.

This matter was quickly passed on to Dojima Gin, after all, many of the people who participated in the breakfast assessment were staff members of Tōtsuki Resort.

"The third god's tongue has appeared, this is really... incredible!"

Dojima Gin was also shocked when he heard the news, and in the end, he had no choice but to call Nakiri Senzaemon.

And he told Nakiri Senzaemon what happened today and that Nakiri Alice has a high probability of awakening the tongue of God.

"What did you say? Alice also awakened the tongue of God? Are you sure?"

There was a moment of silence on the other side, and then came the urgent questioning.

"I haven't confirmed it myself, but it should be close to ten. According to the information I got, Erina admitted that Alice's sense of taste was stronger than hers and could suppress the taste of God's tongue, so it can only be God's tongue! "5

...for flowers ·

Dojima Gin said that even if this matter has not been confirmed, it has basically not escaped.

"I see, I'll contact Alice to ask about the situation! 35

After speaking, the phone hung up, and on the other side, Nakiri Senzaemon also quickly dialed Nakiri Alice's number.

To be honest, he almost jumped out of his chair when he heard the news just now.

The two tongues of gods have already made him devastated, and another one is worth it.

Although Nakiri Mana has admitted that some special ingredients are completely beyond the limit of God's Tongue, that is just Nakiri Mana's speculation.

Even Nakiri Mana didn't develop the tongue of God to its limit, so it's not entirely certain.


"Grandpa, do you have anything to do with me?"

Soon, the phone was dialed.

"About the sense of taste, I heard that you also awakened the tongue of God, is this true? 55

Nakiri Senzaemon's heart beat faster when he asked.

"God's tongue? What I awakened is not the god's tongue, what I awakened is the super-taste, don't confuse it with the god's tongue!

Nakiri Alice's words came quickly on the phone, which made Nakiri Senzaemon a little confused.

Can their clan still awaken the ability to super taste sense? Why doesn't he know.

"My super-taste is trained by my teacher with special drugs. It is a completely controllable sense of taste. It will not have the same drawbacks as the tongue of God, so you don't have to worry about it, Grandpa!"

Nakiri Alice's taste and Tadokoro Megumi's touch, Xia Ming had figured out how to perfunctory long ago.

Anyway, both of them have mentors, so it's better to leave the pot to Chiyo's mother-in-law and Chef Sumire.

"Your teacher? You mean the chef who taught you Yun Yinliu's cooking skills?"

Nakiri Senzaemon was also relieved to hear that there is no downside to Super Taste.

"That's right, that teacher, she used special drugs to help me develop my sense of taste. Besides me, Tadokoro Megumi's teacher also helped her develop a sense of touch that is beyond ordinary people! 35

Nakiri Alice simply made things clear at one time, and in the future, even if Tadokoro Megumi's super touch is exposed, it doesn't need too much explanation.

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