"Although this secret realm is considered a waste, the harvest is even greater, and this fruit is enough to make up for everything!"

Xia Ming gave herself a tester, but the number displayed on the tester was 58.

Now Xia Ming's level has reached level 58, this time the cell activation has raised Xia Ming's level by more than 20 levels.

From level 33 to level 58, this is the first time that Xia Ming has improved so much.

Moreover, he only took one bite of this fruit now, and then he gave it to others. It is estimated that the level will soar to more than level 30 or even level 40.

Don't look at this level is about to catch up with him, the further the level is, the greater the span, and in terms of real combat power, the difference is too far.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming immediately pulled the others closer to the secret realm. Although he could go out to keep safe, Chana Butterfly and himself were not in the same world, so he simply pulled into the secret realm and agreed.

"Mr. Xia Ming, are you alright!"

Everyone who entered the secret realm again quickly asked after seeing Xia Ming. After all, Xia Ming's appearance is indeed very terrifying now.

The clothes on his body were cut into tatters just now, and most importantly, although self-healing can make the wound disappear, the blood on his body will not disappear.

He is now almost like a blood-stained blood man, and his appearance naturally frightens the others.

"Although there are some twists and turns, there is no big problem, but the right hand needs some time to repair!

Since the damage to the right hand is too severe, it will take some time for self-healing and repair. After all, the right hand is almost the same now.

"That's fine, but where is this place?"

After listening to Xia Ming's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After the fruit was picked, it became darker, and now it was Xia Ming's calorie trick that was shining.

"This is the source of the abnormality of Hanguglila Island. It is located under the ground of Hanggulila Island. I also spent a lot of time to complete this task, but this secret realm is also considered abolished~"!"

Xia Ming said, but his words really confused several people.

"What is the abolition of the secret realm? Why is it abolished?"

They couldn't understand what Xia Ming meant.

"You'll know when you go out and have a look."

Xia Ming used the same method to take everyone out of here again. After they came out, everyone finally knew what Xia Ming meant.

"This...how did this place become like this!

Seeing that the ingredients were all over the place before, and the densely forested island had turned into a barren dead zone, several people couldn't help but ask.

"Because of these withered vines on the ground..."

Xia Ming told a few girls what happened after she climbed the mountain.

"Did the vines spread to cover the entire island at that time? Fortunately, Sister Chanel reminded me in time, otherwise we will...

Tadokoro Megumi exclaimed. At that time, it was also because Chana Butterfly, whose perception ability was stronger than others, issued a warning, so everyone left the secret realm without hesitation, otherwise she would not dare to think about the consequences.

"This is a very sensible approach. Although there are not many rewards for the secret realm this time, I have obtained a better ingredient. It's a pity that Erina really didn't get anything this time!""

Xia Ming said that for a few people with food cells, the fruit value in Xia Ming's hands is much better than the task reward, but for Nakiri Erina, it has no effect.

Because he left midway, Nakiri Erina didn't even have a guarantee.

"No, knowing about the secret realm and learning so many things is the biggest gain for me! 39

After a few days of getting along, Nakiri Erina, who abandoned her arrogance, was accepted by everyone, and she also accepted everyone.

In the past, she only dropped her disguise in front of Arato Hisako, but this time, she has a few more friends.

Moreover, she has also mastered a secret that the family does not know, and this time she has indeed transformed.

According to Nakiri Alice's words, there is still a chance to obtain food cells in the future. At that time, with the help of a lot of ingredients, she can easily improve her strength.

At this stage, it is enough to focus on cooking, and there is no need to think about other things.

"If only you were like this when you were young, we don't know how to make a conflict!"

Nakiri Alice complained on the side, the current Nakiri Erina is indeed the ideal Nakiri Erina, and it is much easier to get along with than the previous Nakiri Erina.

"You also said that it was when I was a child. What's wrong with being blunt and quick when I was a child!"

Nakiri Erina said that when we were young, everyone was immature, so what to say, otherwise the word Tongyan Wuji would not exist.

"By the way, what is the reward you got this time, Mr. Xia Ming?"

Although the others did not receive rewards, they were very curious about Xia Ming's rewards, and Xia Ming's rewards were not concealed from them, and they were revealed every time.

~I was in a hurry to call you in just now, I haven't even seen the reward yet!

Xia Ming remembered it after a moment. He was afraid that everyone would be worried, so he didn't check the reward immediately. Now he can't wait to check the reward.

The reward has already been distributed to the space, but this time Xia Ming was surprised that there was only one reward.

And when he saw the reward, the reward information was also transmitted to his mind.

“A chance to meet the food devil!”

After learning of this reward, Xia Ming was also shocked.

His gourmet cells have gourmet demons, but his gourmet demons are special. Although other people's gourmet demons can be seen at any time in the early stage, they meet many times.

With the increase of strength, you can also see the food devil, but his food devil is very strange, even the previous cell activation has not been seen.

But (Li's) Xia Ming knows one thing, it's definitely beneficial to see the food demon, and he got the core ability of all his abilities that time before and absolutely adapt.

This ability makes his growth rate as fast as riding a rocket.

With the continuous development of this ability, surprises keep coming. This time, the reward is the opportunity to meet the food demon, so does it mean that he has the opportunity to acquire new abilities again?

Thinking of this, Xia Ming was a little excited. The first ability is so powerful, and the second ability should not be weak.

Xia Ming used this reward without hesitation, and then the surrounding environment changed again, returning to the starry sky where he first saw the food demon.

In the same way, with the appearance of a white light, an incomparably huge white figure appeared again. The figure was still illusory, but it was a little clearer than before, and a human-shaped outline could be vaguely seen.

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