The duck was eaten, but the duck was eaten.

"We agreed that you would only eat two pieces of duck meat, why did you take six pieces of duck meat from me?"

Qin Feng questioned Su Xiaoyu without hesitation.

What if the other party is the beauty of the department?

In front of duck meat, let alone the beauty of the department, even the school beauty is not good enough.

"It's just two pieces of duck meat."

Su Xiaoyu defended: "I just took two chopsticks of duck meat."

Two chopsticks of meat, not two pieces of meat?

Qin Feng was a little confused.


Qin Feng knew that Su Xiaoyu was quibbling, but he couldn't say anything more about her.

He could only quickly pick up some shredded potatoes and put them in his tableware.

In fact, Su Xiaoyu also knew that she was a little too much.

But who can blame the roast duck for being so delicious? There is nothing I can do about it!

Thick-skinned, eat as much as you can.

Eat first, and then I will buy him a roast duck when I am lucky.

Of course, he can only eat two pieces, no more.

In addition to the roast duck, Jiang Fan also prepared candied eggplant, shredded potatoes and rice, which were quickly sold out.

Of course, Jiang Fan also left two roast ducks, because Jiang Xinxin and others would come over later.

Sure enough, within a few minutes of closing the door, the voices of Jiang Xinxin and others began to chirp.

The four girls also praised Jiang Fan's roast duck.

They praised while eating.

Even Shen Yanyan, who was very quiet, praised Jiang Fan's roast duck from time to time, saying that it was delicious, better than the roast duck made in those high-end restaurants.

After dinner, the four girls were also very conscious and helped Jiang Fan to clean up.

Because it was the weekend, there were no classes in the afternoon, and these girls helped Jiang Fan to skewer a lot of lamb.

During this time, Zhang Xue and An Ran also came, which made it even more crowded.

Jiang Fan simply made room for the girls to skewer lamb.


Mission completed, rewarded with 1,000 Dragon Country currency.

Mission completed, rewarded with 150 points in the system store.

Mission completed, rewarded with three cubic meters of system space.

Jiang Fan was very happy when he heard the system prompt.

He no longer cared about the monetary reward, the key was the points, as long as he had points, he could exchange for more recipes.

What made Jiang Fan happy was that his system space had increased again, and this time it increased directly by three cubic meters.

Three cubic meters can already store a lot of things.

In the next few days, the system did not issue any new tasks, so Jiang Fan did not make any new dishes.

But Jiang Fan must grill lamb skewers every night.

After all, it is summer, barbecue and beer are indispensable.

Jiang Fan didn't have any beer, and he wasn't going to get any.

Zhang Xue did have some, all low-proof, but each person could only buy one bottle, just to satisfy their craving.

Wang Jianhua was in the office that day when Zhuo Wei suddenly called.

Wang Jianhua was a little confused, as his brother-in-law rarely contacted him, let alone took the initiative to call him.

But he answered the phone as soon as possible.

"What do you want to see me?"

"What's so good about me? If you want to see me, you should see my mother."

"What, you're already at the school gate?"

"Okay, I'll go out now."

Wang Jianhua hung up the phone and came to the school gate.

Zhuo Wei was waiting at the school gate, holding something in his hand.

It was obviously a high-end gift, but of course Wang Jianhua didn't think these things were for him.

"Brother-in-law, do you have something to talk to me about?"

"Let's go home and talk."

Zhuo Wei said, "Brother-in-law will discuss something with you later."

"Let's talk about it in advance. Everything else can be discussed, except for the loan."

Wang Jianhua first gave Zhuo Wei a shot of prevention. In this day and age, no money that has been lent can be taken back.

Zhuo Wei was stunned, and then said, "I won't lend you money, so you can put your heart at ease."

Zhou Xiaoyun was also surprised by Zhuo Wei's arrival, but still let Zhuo Wei in.

After some polite talk, Zhuo Wei stated his purpose.

"To be honest, I came here this time to ask for your help."

Zhuo Wei said, "Our department manager has resigned, so I want to invite the department leader to dinner and strive to win the position of manager."

"Can your leader promote you to manager with just one meal?"

Zhou Xiaoyun was a little unconvinced.

"In fact, my conditions are similar to that of the competitor. He invited the leader to dinner yesterday, so I want to invite the leader to dinner tonight.

As long as the leader

Director, if you finish this meal, I will be confident that I can become the manager. "

Zhuo Wei explained.

"Then you cheer for us."

Although the relationship was not very harmonious, Zhou Xiaoyun still shouted for her brother-in-law.

"You just shouted for us?"

Zhuo Wei was stunned and said.

"Then I will shout for you too?"

Wang Jianhua hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Come on."


Zhuo Wei couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Did I come all the way here just to hear you two shout for us to cheer?

Zhuo Wei was puzzled, and Wang Jianhua and his wife were also puzzled.

This brother-in-law is unreliable. He ran for the manager himself and came to let us cheer for him.

Isn't this coming to Versailles?

Isn't this for us to compliment him?

"Let me tell you the truth. I came here today just to ask Jianhua to help pack another portion of the food for that day, especially the roast duck. Just give me two, no, three!"

"This is a bit difficult! "

Wang Jianhua frowned when he heard it.

Wang Jianhua knew how busy the window No. 12 was.

People usually send red envelopes directly in the group, and only those who grab the red envelopes are eligible to buy the food there.

Last time, he had already begged Jiang Fan once, and it might be difficult to beg him again this time.

Besides, Zhuo Wei and his wife had slandered him and his wife before.

Why should he help him?

"I was wrong before, I apologize to you."

Zhuo Wei knew that what he did before was not authentic, so he apologized very straightforwardly.

"Isn't my niece about to graduate and do an internship?

Just let her work in our company after graduation, and I will arrange a job for her with easy work and high salary."

Zhuo Wei said: "This is not a condition. Even if you don't help me, my niece's work problem is also on my shoulders."

"Then I'll give it a try. ”

Seeing Zhuo Wei said so, Wang Jianhua had no choice but to agree to give it a try.

Finding Jiang Fan, Wang Jianhua told him everything.

"Xiao Fan, if it's embarrassing, forget it."

Wang Jianhua was afraid that Jiang Fan would be embarrassed, so he added another sentence.

Now Jiang Fan has a very high status in the school, and Vice Principal Liu and Principal Zhang think highly of him.

In addition, the three new special teachers have a good relationship with Jiang Fan.

So Wang Jianhua didn't dare to force Jiang Fan to do anything, of course, he was not that kind of person.

"Leave it to me."

Jiang Fan glanced at Wang Jianhua and smiled: "Brother Wang, in the future, just speak directly about this kind of thing, don't be embarrassed."

"Okay, I know."

Wang Jianhua didn't expect Jiang Fan to agree so readily, and he was very moved.

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