Food Travels Through Time And Becomes Slime

Chapter 12: Dangerous Giant Shark

After dragging the giant eel into the reef cave, he then used huge force to crush its head.

Later, he discovered that there was quite a lot of space in the cave. Even if he fully entered with his whole body, there was still more than half of the space.

Fortunately, this cave is big enough. If the space is too small, it will not work. His body is still growing. If the cave is too small, it may burst if it continues to grow.

After checking in, he looked around with satisfaction, and then began to eat his meal.

"Robbing other fish caves and eating the owner, it's comfortable, comfortable."

This eel is quite big, and its stacked size is not inferior to its current size.

This delicious meal is a bigger meal than the previous one. The golden fish is meatier.

Bai Lu stretched out a few tentacles and bit into it hard. He was very satisfied with the big mouthfuls of meat. This trip to find a new home was not a waste of time. Not only did he find a new home, but he also had a feast.

As he ate the meat with great satisfaction, the smell of blood slowly floated out from the entrance of the cave, and many passing deep-sea fish stopped for a moment.

Feeling the dangerous message coming from the depths of the cave, the weak fish left without hesitation.

A passing huge shark hesitated for a moment and swam quickly towards the entrance of the cave, following the smell of blood.

A loud bang hit the cave entrance directly. "boom"

Bai Lu, who was eating meat, felt the sound of impact and glanced at the shark's head in confusion, trying to dig into it.

【Megatooth Shark】

[Capture level: 52]

[Species introduction: The giant great white shark that lives in the deep sea has sharp teeth that can tear everything into pieces. It is the top predator in the ocean. 】

"What? Catching a shark with a level over 50, is that exaggerated?"

Bai Lu looked at the giant shark that was trying to get in. This guy was really arrogant, but after this collision, his head seemed to be stuck at the entrance of the hole.

Bai Lu twitched the corner of his mouth and took the opportunity to give the shark a powerful blow.

The tentacles wrapped in high-voltage current instantly hit his shark eyes.


The shark, which suffered severe trauma, struggled back, forced out of the hole, and left in a dejected manner.

Bai Lu watched at the entrance of the cave as the shark that ran away was still able to move after being attacked by such a high-voltage electric current.

This creature with a capture level of Gundam 50 is really big, thick-skinned and thick-skinned.

Bai Lu curled his lips as he watched the giant shark, which was several times larger than the whale, swim quickly in the opposite direction of the cave.

His lightning seems to have little effect on such a creature.

It's incredible that someone could run so fast after being hit by high-voltage current so close to the brain.

Bai Lu looked at it and thought for a while, but did not chase him. The difference in capture levels was too big.

He may not be able to beat this shark in a head-on fight. Although his attack method is stronger than this shark with only one mouth, it is a bit difficult to deal with the huge difference in strength.

And now that it has food and is still a little full, it has no motivation to pursue it and hunt.

If you are hungry, you can take the risk and try it.

After driving the shark away, Bai Lu went back to continue enjoying the eel feast, but was interrupted halfway through the meal.

After this interruption, I ate the eel without any interruption.

It's just that after eating, Bai Lu's stomach was swollen several times, and he was too full to move.

Now this slime's life is extremely simple, hunting, eating, and resting.

“I can sleep peacefully now that I have a new home.”

[Swallow the deep-sea giant eel and obtain: fangs]

Bai Lu woke up listening to the notification sound and twisted his body. It had only been a day and his body had swelled a little.

Bai Lu took a look at the newly acquired ability. The fangs can make the teeth sharper and stronger.

He was a little surprised to suddenly gain such an ability, "So now I have teeth."

However, it's good to have new abilities, and after eating this big eel, his strength has been greatly improved.

Eating high-grade ingredients beyond one level is indeed very helpful for improvement, but unfortunately it is difficult for him to successfully hunt that shark due to his strength.

Otherwise, eating that white shark would probably increase his strength a lot.

After leaving the cave, Bai Lu yawned and headed towards the coral reef.

The body size is a bit bigger than yesterday, and the strength is growing rapidly as long as there is food.

There are plenty of food resources here, enough for it to become much stronger, even capturing creatures with Gundam level 50.

It shouldn't be a big problem to increase your capture level beyond fifty.

After arriving at the coral reef and waiting for a while, Bai Lu secretly observed the creatures appearing near here in the corner.

At present, they are just some small fish and shrimps, and he doesn't have much interest in them.

After waiting for a while, a huge fish several meters long swam over.

【Cow Whale】

[Capture level: 28]

[Species introduction: A giant whale with delicious and thick milk flowing in its body. This whale is an extremely sensitive creature. When it rises to the sea surface to breathe, the giant water column it sprays is actually the rich milk brewing in its body, but Once it senses danger nearby, it will instantly dive into the ocean and continue looking for a new safe place. 】

It looks like a good prey with lots of meat.

Bai Lu, who found his prey, approached quietly and swam behind the whale.

This big whale was so focused on eating the small fish that it didn't even notice that it had become someone else's prey.

It wasn't until Bai Lu quickly approached that the big fish realized something was wrong.

He looked around suspiciously, but there was a blind spot behind him and Bai Lu was not seen.

The electric current hit the big fish instantly.


Sea water kept pouring into the gaping mouth of this eating whale.

Bai Lu took advantage of the moment when the big fish was dazed and rushed over. He wrapped his head around the big whale and bit into it several times.

After a few big mouthfuls, most of the head was broken into pieces in an instant, directly ending the life of this big fish.

Bai Lu chewed the bit off and looked at the dead fish. :"weird smell."

Bai Lu dragged the big fish away from the coral reef, but the fish was too big to drag into the hole, so it could only be enjoyed outside the hole.

"It's a weird fish, it tastes like it's eating milk."

However, this cave entrance is really good. If you encounter a big and powerful enemy, you can rely on the cave to resist it. If a guy who is too small comes and eats one, he will dare to eat it if he dares to bring it to your door.

While eating the feast, a lot of fish passed by. I saw a few fish passing by here, but none came up to grab food yet.

As the smell of blood gradually became stronger, it attracted some heavyweight creatures.

A giant shark was swimming over following the smell of blood.

"Damn, it's the giant shark like yesterday again."

Bai Lu rolled his eyes as he looked at the shark swimming over. Isn't this the territory of that giant shark?

Why do you keep running to his house? I'm really unhappy.

The shark smelled the strong smell of blood and rushed over instantly.

Bai Lu frowned and thought for a moment, then got into the cave and stared at the situation outside from the entrance.

The giant shark that swam over came over and looked around suspiciously, looking for the smell of blood, and came to the cow whale.

After a few tentative bites, he started biting crazily.

Bai Lu, who was observing the situation outside, looked at the white eyeball of the giant shark.

Couldn't this guy be?

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