"Almost finished."

Bai Lu looked at the Megalodon with only a little bit of meat left in its skeleton, and almost ate it.

Bai Lu didn't know how long he had eaten this meal, but this Megalodon had prevented him from hunting for a long time.

He also ate the last remaining pieces of meat and bones.

Bai Lu yawned and lay down to rest. Then he opened the character panel to see how much stronger he had become.

【Host: Bai Lu】

[Species: Slime/Gourmet Camping Beast]

[Capture level: 40]

[Ability list: gourmet cells, rapid digestion, mimicry, water element affinity, strange strength, steel skin, high voltage, fangs]

"It's so cool that the level has improved so much."

This Megalodon gave Bai Lu a huge improvement in strength, but it was a pity that he didn't gain any new abilities.

However, the substantial improvement in strength has also increased his abilities by several levels in disguise.

When you are full, rest here and wait for the food in your stomach to be digested slowly.

His current body size has increased countless times. He no longer knows how huge he is. If he were placed in the previous world, he would definitely be regarded as a monster.

"Okay, the food in the stomach has been digested almost, it's time to continue looking for new food."

Bai Lu moved slowly towards the coral reef.

When I came here, I saw small fish and prawns eating.

【Glace Glass Shrimp】

[Capture level: 16]

[Species introduction: A medium-sized shrimp that lives in reef coral piles and is known for its timid character. As long as its carapace is ground into fine powder, it will become a high-grade condiment for top-quality white sugar. 】

He eats whatever he sees. Looking at this several-meter-long prawn, Bai Lu immediately speeds up and rushes over to start hunting.

The tentacles carrying high-voltage current were quickly drawn towards the prawn.

The tentacles quickly rolled up the prawn that was stunned by the current. Bai Lu took the prawn away from this area, eating the coral reefs he left.

So that when you are eating near the coral reef, other creatures will not dare to come close to look for prey.

It would be a waste of this hunting ground. If you bite and devour this prawn outside, you will finish this sweet prawn in a short time.

This is the advantage of being huge, it can swallow things faster.

If it weren't for the taste of the little remaining taste, I would definitely not choose to swallow it slowly and bite it. Instead, I would swallow it directly into my body and slowly let my body break it down and absorb it, because this is the easiest way.

After eating the food, we went back to the coral reef and continued to observe the situation in the coral reef.

While digesting the food in his stomach, he is waiting for new food to appear.

When the food in his body was almost digested, Bai Lu discovered that new large-scale ingredients appeared in front of him.

【Toxic Algae Dragon】

[Capture level: 39]

[Species introduction: Toxosaurus has purple skin, is surrounded by a circle of dry seaweed, and has a seahorse-like appearance. Above its head is a red leaf with a cross structure, from which extend two horn-like stems of dry seaweed. There are two tentacle-like seaweeds growing from the back of its head, and a leaf-like appendage extends from the left and right sides of its body. 】

"Something good is coming."

Bai Lu was looking at the giant seahorses that were swarming with small creatures in the coral reef.

I immediately accelerated and rushed over. This was a large prey, which was definitely more delicious than the prawn I just ate.

As long as you can catch it, you can eat it all day long.

Multiple tentacles carrying high-voltage current quickly approached the large seahorse, limiting its movement speed.

Defend it with its tentacles and spray out unknown liquid.

The remaining tentacles carrying high-voltage current tightly wrapped around the body of this giant seahorse.

But he was immediately surprised. His continuous high-voltage current attack didn't cause much damage to the seahorse's body.

And just after it defended itself against the attack of the unknown liquid it sprayed, the tentacle had already begun to suffer corrosion and begin to fester.

"Damn it, it's poisonous." As he said that, he quickly broke off the tentacle that was stained with poison.

This guy is still struggling around, hitting the coral reef to break away the restraints on his body, and the black-purple liquid spreading from around the body is still looking for opportunities to attack.

However, Bai Lu locked his body tightly.

And due to his terrifying corrosive venom, Bai Lu's tentacles were unable to seal it for a long time, so Bai Lu kept adding more tentacles to restrain his body.

"Well, it seems that my current doesn't have much effect on these creatures with a high capture level."

As more and more tentacles were bound on its body, the giant seahorse was completely unable to move and had been tightly blocked by Bai Lu.

After restricting the movement of the seahorse, Bai Lu continued to attack the seahorse with high-voltage current.

I noticed that the seahorse was still struggling after a while.

"Why is this guy's resistance so outrageous?"

Bai Lu curled his lips as he looked at the giant seahorse. There are all kinds of strange creatures in the world of food. He wouldn't be surprised even if this seahorse was immune to lightning strikes.

It's just a bit helpless. It's hard to get magic damage, but it's of no use to these high-level creatures.

It was time for him to continue to develop new attack methods. He shook his head and stopped torturing the seahorse. Several tentacles wrapped around him and squeezed the seahorse's head open.

End the life of this large seahorse and wait until the seahorse stops making any movements.

Bai Lu just rolled up the seahorse that had suffered inhuman torture and left, returning to the outside of the cave to put it down.

"It's such a big seahorse. Because of its flat body, it's much bigger than the giant shark before. It should have a lot of meat."

I pulled off the seahorse's fish flag in a few bites. It was full of meat, but it tasted a little fishy.

But this is normal. Who said this thing is poisonous? The flesh feels soft when you bite it. It also has a bit of spiciness, which feels really good. I ate it one bite after another.

The blood slowly flowed out and spread around, and no other living creatures came here.

Anyone who has seen Bai Lu, a huge creature, knows that this is Bai Lu's territory.

And if you easily get close to the habitat of other powerful creatures, you may be eaten.

Creatures with a high capture level will also have much higher IQs than other creatures. At least they know which objects cannot be provoked.

So now, Bai Lu feels very comfortable when eating here without encountering other creatures that dare to come and snatch food.

This is the advantage of being the overlord of an area. No one else dares to interfere.

Bai Lu devoured the seahorse hungrily. When everything was clean, he lay down and rested.

"Sure enough, large prey is better. As long as you catch one, you can feast on it and get more nutrients. In the future, you can catch large prey."

Bai Lu thought that there would be large prey to hunt every day, and it turned out that coming to the sea was the right choice.

"I wonder what kind of delicious food I will encounter tomorrow... Who cares, go to sleep, and continue hunting for delicious food after you are full."

I yawned and fell asleep slowly.

[Swallow the poisonous algae dragon and gain the ability: extremely poisonous. 】

"Another new ability?"

Listening to the system prompts, Bai Lu slowly woke up, and then moved his huge body.

With the existence of this system, the speed of growth is really super fast.

I don’t know how strong I have become now, I thought to myself silently, and then opened the character panel.

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