Food Travels Through Time And Becomes Slime

Chapter 16: Fishermen’S Decision

"It turns out I ran here. It's great. We have a big meal again."

Bai Lu immediately accelerated and swam over.

The group of saber-toothed sharks that were besieging the chocolate giant whale calf discovered Bai Lu's huge figure.

They all gave up hunting the chocolate whale calf, opened their big mouths, and rushed towards Bai Lu quickly.

They were not willing to give up the prey that was about to reach their mouths to Bai Lu. In addition, Bai Lu, this strange thing, had killed one of their companions before.

Food and the hatred of losing their companions, these saber-tooth sharks encountered Bai Lu, a strange thing, and immediately launched a preemptive attack on Bai Lu.

Looking at the saber-toothed sharks rushing toward him, Bai Lu secretly rejoiced. It was great that the stupid food was delivered to his door.

"Zi, Zhi, Zhi."

In an instant, Bai Lu released the most powerful high-voltage current. The strong current spread instantly in the ocean, causing the shark that was rushing over to stop and twitch in the water.

Take advantage of the moment when the sharks are paralyzed and unable to react.

Bai Lu immediately seized the opportunity to entangle a shark and inject poison into its body.

Under the extremely foul electric attack in the water, these sharks were still in a state of paralysis and could not move at all.

Even though the current abilities cause little damage, as Bai Lu's strength increases, the power of these skills will also increase.

Although it can't cause much damage now, it's enough to paralyze these sharks.

One by one, Bai Lu tied up the sharks with his tentacles and injected poison into their bodies.

In this way, these sharks died in the painful process of poison, paralysis, and strangulation with huge force.

"Great harvest, great harvest, today is really a good day."

It's great that he's become stronger, and the damage caused by his abilities has also become stronger.

Bai Lu looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. After possessing the poison, my attack methods became even more terrifying.

After dealing with the group of sharks, Bai Lu also wanted to take the chocolate giant whale calf back with him.

But when I turned around, I saw that the cub was nowhere to be seen in the sea in the distance? The chocolate whale calf had taken the opportunity to escape.

"Ah, it's such a pity that you escaped."

Bai Lu sighed and shook his head helplessly. The creatures in the food world are really tenacious. Even if they are so seriously injured, they can still run away.

Now Bai Lu will not easily give up the shark group he just obtained and chase the cub.

Sneaking towards the bottom of the sea with the newly obtained trophies, Bai Lu planned to start eating directly here, because there were too many sharks just obtained and it would be too difficult to take them away.

After all, the ocean is richer than land, so most of the creatures in the ocean are much larger than those on land. He can still drag away one or two, but he can drag away this small group of sharks. It was just too difficult to walk.

Since you can't take it away, just eat here.

There is no need to worry so much, they have become the overlords of this generation. This is the sense of security brought by strong strength. There is no need to worry about food being taken away.

If there are other creatures without eyes that dare to come over, Bai Lu will not hesitate to bring them over for extra meals.

Just when Bai Lu was having a feast.


On the other side, the group of fishermen who successfully escaped back to the human port began to raise funds to hire food hunters to go to the sea to clear out the sudden appearance of high-level sea beasts.

Although the unknown sea creature did not harm them, it has posed a huge threat to the fishermen fishing in this area.

They must consider all the worst-case scenarios that may arise, and cannot ensure that the unknown creature will not attack them next time.

Moreover, the sea area is extremely rich in marine products and is an excellent place to catch marine products.

If such a large sea beast appears, it will have a huge impact on fishing operations in that sea area.

Although there were no casualties in that area, it caused huge property losses. The final result of the discussion was to find food hunters to deal with the unknown sea beast.

Bai Lu, who was eating hard and enjoying his feast, didn't know that he had now become a target to be eliminated.

Feeling full, Bai Lu stopped eating, then dragged the remaining sharks back to his lair, waiting for them to be digested before continuing to eat.

As the overlord left, a group of small fish and shrimps began to fight for the remains left by Bai Lu.

Nature’s gifts are never wasted.

As these small fish and shrimps devoured high-grade ingredients, the gourmet cells contained in their bodies obtained a large amount of nutrients and began to evolve rapidly, making their bodies larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their strength became more powerful. Becoming more ferocious.

As a result, the prelude to biological evolution began on this seabed.

Bai Lu, who returned to the lair with the remaining loot, began to prepare to rest and wait for the food in his body to be digested.

At night, the deep sea becomes even darker.

But it has no effect at all on the creatures living in the deep sea. There are also creatures that move in the dark at night.

Various lantern fish or creatures that can shine with a faint light began to appear wandering and hunting in this sea area.

In front of the lair cave, Bai Lu, who felt that the food in his body had been digested, opened his eyes and continued to eat the remaining ingredients.

As the faint smell of blood began to drift away, the dark sea began to slowly become lively.

After eating the remaining sharks, Bai Lu continued to rest, slept when he was full, and continued hunting when he woke up. This is Bai Lu's life now.

Along with the feeling of hunger in his body, Bai Lu woke up.

"Now the improvement brought by these ingredients has become very weak."

Left the cave. Bai Lu patrolled the coral reef area to see if there were any large fish.

Seeing that there were no large prey in this area of ​​the coral reef, Bai Lu left the coral reef and went further outside to look for prey.

Leaving the coral reef, we headed towards the area where the previous group of sharks captured the babies.

When Bai Lu left this area with food before, he discovered a huge seaweed jungle, which was also a good hunting location.


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