The roar was transmitted, and the group of whales who heard the siren instantly discovered Bai Lu who was rushing over.

The group of whales who discovered that they were about to be attacked also fought back and quickly rushed towards the unknown creature.

Bai Lu's many tentacles whipped out quickly, knocking away the weaker whales.

Then he watched the largest whale leader rush over, instantly releasing high-voltage current, and the powerful current began to spread in the ocean.

The powerful current that spread instantly made the whale leader in front of Bai Lu and other whales surrounding him scream in pain, and the movement began to slow down due to the paralysis caused by the current.

In an instant, Bai Lu's numerous terrifying tentacles wrapped around the whale leader.

In an instant, the fang tentacles wrapped with electric current and possessing countless terrifying poisons tightly wrapped around his body and began to destroy and devour his flesh and blood.

"Ho! Roar."

The huge sound was stirring the sea water, making Bai Lu's brain buzz, but Bai Lu did not let go of its terrifying attack.

Affected by this huge sound wave, the other huge school of fish was also shaken and began to flee. The group of deep-sea sharks also turned around and fled the area due to the influence of the sound wave, chasing the group of fish.

The other whales that had gotten rid of the paralysis wanted to come to support, so they opened their mouths and rushed towards Bai Lu.

Bai Lu immediately released a more powerful current, and the powerful current began to wreak havoc in this sea area.

The group of whales was hit by a strong electric current and screamed in pain, but still kept rushing forward. They frowned and endured the pain and rushed towards Bai Lu with the electric light.

Look at several huge whales rushing over, with no intention of stopping completely.

Bai Lu immediately released his hold on the whale leader.

Boom, boom, boom, there was a violent impact sound in an instant.

One after another, the giant whales rushed over due to the paralysis of the electric current, but because Bai Lu dodged, the whales all hit the leader.

These huge impacts directly caused the whale leader's terrifying and hideous wounds to tear open, causing a large amount of blood to spurt out.

Bai Lu took advantage of the whale leader's injured and dazed moment to wrap around his body again, and quickly tightened the wound on his, and penetrated into the flesh to cause more damage.

Because of the injury, he was stunned for a moment and did not mount any effective defense.

As a result, Bai Lu's tentacles wrapped around his huge body covered with scars again with great ease.

Even now the cracking sound of bones being strangled can be heard.

The eyes of the choked leader whale have slowly begun to lose their luster.

The other whales roared and charged towards Bai Lu.

Sensing that the entangled giant whale leader was completely dead, the tentacles wrapped around his body released their target, and then launched an attack on the group of whales.

The tentacles wrapped with electricity quickly knocked away the whale that was charging towards him.

After the whale that was blown away stabilized its body, it glanced at the unknown creature guarding the dead leader, then roared and turned away.

After being whipped by several tentacles of Bai Lu, it was like a violent impact. Several whales had been injured. They were no longer fit to continue fighting and had no choice but to give up and leave.

He watched indifferently as he left the giant whale group. If he dared to continue charging towards them, he would not mind killing a few more.

Anyway, he doesn't know how much energy evolution requires, so there is nothing wrong with adding more food.

He rolled up the huge trophy with his tentacles, and then started to leave to find a quiet place to eat. Such a large pile of trophy was enough for him to eat for a day or two.

In the waters where Bai Lu had been before, another fishing boat came here carrying a bald man drinking wine and started fishing.

"An unknown sea beast wants me to take action, the president is serious."

"However, it would have good research value if captured and studied, but I don't know if this thing is a mutation or an unknown species."

When the boat started fishing, the uncle beside him stood there quietly and kept drinking.

The fishermen nearby were huddling in fear for safety. Even the lifeboats were ready, ready to run away at any time.

However, none of the fishing nets caught this time were attacked. A group of people were stunned and just stared at the hoisted fishing net.

"Is this really here? Captain?"

The bald man who was drinking looked at the captain on the other side and asked.

"It's absolutely true, it's definitely here, Lord Mansam."

"Gulu, Guru, Guru."

Quickly finishing the wine in his hand, the uncle named Mansam put the bottle in his pocket and exhaled.

"Since I can't catch it, I'll go down and take a look."

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped directly from the boat into the sea.

"Lord Mansam, please be careful..."

"Does the captain want to unload the fish? Or should he continue to hang it?"


Mansam swam in the water at an astonishing speed, not at all like a human speed, just like a fish moving quickly in the water.

After several quick laps, the two strange sea beasts Mansam mentioned by the captain returned to the ship with a frown on their face.

"Lord Mansam, have you found anything?"

When the captain saw Mansam coming back, he walked over and asked. After all, it was related to their livelihood and they couldn't care less.

"I didn't find the creature at the location you mentioned. It may have left the sea area or it may be hiding."

"Hahaha, go back first. I will ask someone to accompany you on the boat for a few days. If everything is okay, the guy should have left this sea area."

Mansam laughed and said, his body exuding a white heat, and the moisture in his body was quickly evaporated, and then he skillfully pulled out another bottle of wine from nowhere and started drinking it.

"Thank you very much, Lord Mansam."

The captain answered excitedly, no matter whether it was cleared or left, as long as he did not encounter this sea monster.

"Just keep working, I'll watch."

After that, he walked to the other end and continued drinking.

"Okay, Lord Mansam."

After answering, the captain went back to drive the boat back. The fish had been caught. In order to ensure the freshness of the fish, he had to go back to the port to unload the fish.


At the same time, the protagonist who attracted everyone's attention in another sea area, Bai Lu, was eating delicious food in another sea area.

Eating quickly and in big mouthfuls, the giant whale leader had so much meat that he didn't eat much in a few hours.

Moreover, the huge smell of blood attracted several deep-sea sharks, and these guys wanted to surround Bai Lu and snatch his food.

Bai Lu simply added these sharks to his dinner plate. There was more and more food, and Bai Lu kept eating quickly on the side.

Several batches of predators have been turned into food. Other creatures that wanted to come over to compete for food did not dare to move forward. They just took a look from a distance and fled from where Bai Lu, the unknown creature, was.

Bai Lu kept eating, and his stomach was constantly digesting food to obtain nutrients for growth.

Eating from day to night, I managed to eat half of the whale.

"I ate too much, and now my digestion speed seems to be unable to keep up with my eating speed."

Bai Lu was so full that he could only stop and rest for a while, so he stayed near the food and began to rest.

When he was full, he didn't bother to pay attention to the small fish and shrimps that sneaked over to grab food.

The target of this group of little things was naturally not the giant whale near Bai Lu, but the previous predators piled on the other side that wanted to come and snatch food.

He sneaked over to eat a little and then ran away. Seeing that Bai Lu didn't attack, he continued to come over and eat.

Bai Lu is too lazy to pay attention to these things now. There is too much food and it will rot if it is not eaten all. The main task now is to eat the giant whale leader.

The rest should wait until he finishes eating the giant whale leader.

It doesn't matter if you eat some of these small fish and shrimps secretly. It can also make them more delicious as their level increases, attracting more big fish around them to hunt.

This will make his subsequent hunting much easier.

After resting and waiting for the food in his body to be digested, Bai Lu continued to eat.

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