041.70 million yen for one sweet whole fruit [plus more!】

"It is indeed a very novel ingredient... It can barely pass."

After eating a fruit tart, Erina looked at Shiraki and gave her own evaluation.

Although it was judged as SS-level food by the system, it was already a top-notch delicacy for normal people.

However, after eating the dishes made by Shiraki in the past few days, the impact of this fruit tart on Erina was not so great.

It was more of a surprise to eat new ingredients.

After the initial surprise, she felt that there was still something missing in this dish.

Although with Erina's current cooking skills, she might not be able to make a dish of the same level as this fruit tart, but she has a divine tongue and her vision is not ordinary.

If Erina had to choose between the 'Supreme Black Gold Burger' that Shiraki took out yesterday and the fruit tart in front of her, Erina would choose Shiraki without hesitation.

’s dish.

Such a realization made Erina feel a little heavy. Shiraki and she were obviously about the same age, but the difference in their abilities was so huge. If this continued, she didn’t know if she could keep up with him...

As the head chef of Totsuki Rikyu, his level certainly couldn’t be only SS-level. The reason why this fruit tart was an SS-level dish was actually more due to the recipe. The original fruit tart using strawberries could only reach S-level, but the sweet whole fruit raised this dish to another level.

Dojima Gin naturally immediately realized the difference. There was no doubt that this unknown fruit played an important role in the dish. It could be said that it sublimated the entire dish. Dojima Gin suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Shiraki next to him with a burning gaze.

"What a rich flavor! If I'm not mistaken, this piece of fruit should contain the essence of all the fruits on the market now. Let me introduce myself. I'm Dojima Gin. Young man over there, can you tell me your name?"

"I'm Shiraki, a transfer student at Totsuki Academy. Shiraki immediately introduced himself,"Hello, I'm the head chef Dojima. I've heard a lot about you."

"Haha, you're welcome. So you're a freshman at Totsuki Academy. It seems like this class of students is worth looking forward to." Dojima Gin laughed heartily,"I wonder what the true appearance of this fruit is?" Dojima Gin really asked this question. Not only him, but Erina on the side also cast her eyes on Shiraki curiously. This was the first time she had eaten this kind of fruit. The taste that contained almost all the essence of the fruit was indeed top-notch among fruits.

Facing the curious eyes of the two, Shiraki said lightly,"This is a fruit called sweet whole fruit."

"Sweet whole fruit?"Dojima Gin and Erina were both excited.

Shiraki continued,"This fruit looks like a giant cherry, and its taste combines the essence of almost all fruits. It is known as the 'fruit house of the earth'. I got it from someone by accident."

"The fruit house of the earth?"Dojima Gin nodded secretly. The taste was indeed the fruit house of the earth. It brought together the essence of various fruits. Just one bite would make people feel reluctant to leave.

"Can you tell me in detail where you got this ingredient?"

After learning the name of the fruit, Dojima Gin asked,"Of course, if it's inconvenient, just pretend I didn't ask."

At this time, the hotel had already evacuated the guests who were originally here. Except for the three people, there were only waiters on standby. Bai Mu had already thought of the words and began to narrate slowly.

"Actually it's not really a secret, a few days ago, when I was about to leave after dinner in the shopping street, I met a drunk uncle squatting on the side of the road, he claimed to be from the international food organization IGO, because it was already very late, I felt that the uncle was a little weird so I wanted to walk around him, but I didn't expect that the drunk uncle suddenly stood up, and started talking nonsense before he sobered up, he said there was a kind of food I had never seen before and wanted to show me, asked if I was interested, I almost called the police directly, but he caught up with me after running two blocks, this piece of sweet whole fruit was forced on me by the uncle, he also said that if I was interested in this kind of food, he would continue to contact me in the future, but I haven't met that uncle yet, that guy is really a weirdo"

"International Gourmet Organization IGO?"

Dojima Gin listened to Bai Mu's words with a surprised expression on his face. He had never heard of this organization before, and Bai Mu's words sounded a bit weird, but the sweet whole fruit was right in front of him. If it wasn't for this, he couldn't explain the origin of this thing. Dojima Gin thought about it, maybe there was something that Bai Mu didn't want to say, and finally nodded to accept this statement.

"I see, there is such a thing."

"Yes, the most outrageous thing is that the uncle actually told me that the price of such a fruit is 700,000 yen each. Is it true that what I eat is gold?"

Bai Mu nodded in agreement and casually said something shocking again.


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