045. Evil cuisine, Hell's Kitchen! [Update 2]


Everything around seemed to be silent!

When Isshiki Hui opened his eyes, he felt that there was endless darkness in front of him, and there was a chill under his feet, which made him almost unable to tell whether it was reality or an illusion.

Stare - the top of his head suddenly lit up, as if a light was turned on at this time. His eyes, which had adapted to the darkness, squinted uncomfortably at this time. When Isshiki Hui opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him made his hair stand on end, as if he fell into an ice cellar.

This is a huge dining table.

And he was standing in one of the huge plates, looking like a piece of food, placed on the table waiting to be taken.

"What is this?……"

Isshiki Hui got up from the ground in a panic. Only then did he realize that a huge black shadow was looming in front of him. The black shadow was like a giant in mythology, but it was covered with black air. It held a knife and fork in its hand and stabbed towards him. Isshiki Hui subconsciously wanted to dodge, but under the terrifying power, his body could not move at all. He could only watch the huge fork approaching him like a guillotine.

Crack - he even heard the sound of his body breaking. The shadow of death loomed over Isshiki Hui. He felt that his consciousness was about to blur. Indistinctly, he seemed to see the true face of the figure.

A monster with a hideous face and horns on its head sat quietly on the dining table, like a visitor from hell, with blood-red eyes staring at Isshiki Hui indifferently.

That was the look of looking at the food!

At this moment, Isshiki Hui felt that every cell in his body was transmitting a sense of danger. In this suffocating feeling, his consciousness slowly sank.

All the senses in his body were annihilated at this moment.

Vision, hearing, smell, touch, and finally taste...

I don't know how long it took, but Isshiki Hui, who had lost consciousness, suddenly felt a light in front of his eyes and a warm feeling on his head.

He slowly opened his eyes and was suddenly surprised to find that he was actually rising at this moment. The scenery in front of him quickly flowed downwards, and the halo above his head became stronger and stronger. Right below him, the visitor from hell who he had just caught a glimpse of was quietly eating his meal. If you look closely, you will find that what the monster is enjoying at this moment is himself who is placed on the plate!

Isshiki Hui suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the light source, and saw two naked children with wings on their backs looking at him with a smile, just like the angels in the religious murals. The two children with white wings and a golden halo on their heads pulled him from the left and right and slowly rose up.

——Strange, wasn't he tasting the food?

Isshiki Hui looked at the two children blankly, his mind was in a mess, he couldn't understand what was happening in front of him.

Just when his breath was getting weaker and weaker, he suddenly heard the sound of a door opening.

Creak - that sound made people hard to describe, there was a heavy sense of age, and there was a kind of magic that seemed to immerse the soul. At the same time as hearing this sound, Isshiki Hui immediately felt that his heavy body suddenly became lighter, a light feeling spread from his limbs, and his oxygen-deprived brain suddenly got oxygen, just like being immersed in warm liquid, but he could still breathe smoothly.

This feeling is like the legend that after a person dies, the soul is taken into heaven by an angel.

——Am I dead?

The five senses that were about to disappear suddenly came back at this moment. The first was vision. The blurry and black scene in front of my eyes suddenly became bright. The warm sunlight shone through the clouds. The laughter of young girls rang in my ears. And finally, it was the sense of taste.

The body was bathed in the warm sunshine, and the feeling of the internal organs began to gradually warm up.

At the same time that this sense reached its limit, a strange taste that could make the soul tremble gradually flowed into my mouth.

It was different from the feeling of tasting any food in the past.

The food entering the esophagus from the mouth seemed to be not heading towards the stomach, but impacting the deeper soul.

The moment the sense of taste was restored, this strong impact quickly spread to every part of the body.

It was not only the ultimate experience of taste, but also a trembling feeling that even the spirit was watered.

"Welcome, child."

Indistinctly, in the beautiful kingdom filled with angels, a deep voice sounded, as if it was the most sacred bell, instantly washing away all the sins of the world and making people forget all the troubles of the world.

Isshiki Hui turned his head, and the dark faces of those people in his family kept flashing in his mind. All that he had originally regarded as a burden was now completely annihilated by this solemn voice, leaving only the sacred silence.

"Welcome to heaven."

The holy shadow smiled and embraced Isshiki Hui, who had completely let go of his burdens.


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